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New Here.

5 years ago

I don't have a clue where to post this (Or if I should in all honesty), but I'm posting it here. New to this site, but I like CYS games, so I figured I should join this site. That's all

Edit: I literally just read the introductory message to this site and found out I shoulda posted this in Newbie Central . . . oh well. Should've read the message first (No clue how to delete posts)



New Here.

5 years ago

Well you're already not looking good. Make sure you read things and lurk around for a bit before you start posting a lot. 

I recommend that you read several of the high rated storygames or check out Mizal's list in the Help & Info tab. It wouldn't be a bad idea to read some of the other articles in there as well. 

So basically, lurk around for a while and don't cause an annoyance. 

New Here.

5 years ago

Well. Thanks for the advice. I'll stay low.

New Here.

5 years ago

Yes, the usual thing recommended is to read a few storygames when you said you like the games so maybe you've already done that, but now that you have an account why not rate them and write a comment to let the author know?

Also, just fyi, we really prefer people not to be running around with alts, so is this the account you'll be sticking with?

New Here.

5 years ago

This is the account I'll stick with. I have already read one notable story game here called Dead Man Walking (Phenomenal game, and I'll leave a structured review when I'm comfortable) and some other minor ones (Forgot the names).

New Here.

5 years ago

And when you do that, do try your best to leave an honest rating and a somewhat insightful review. Authors really appreciate when you leave something more than just "it was good" or "yeet" and actually let them know what you as a reader think they can improve. Also, don't let the current rating sway you. If you really think it's bad but it has an overall 4, don't be afraid to give it a 1 or 2. 

New Here.

5 years ago

The exact reason why I want to take my time to leave a structured review. 



New Here.

5 years ago

Awesome. I revoke my statement about you not looking good, you seem pretty promising as a useful member of CYS society.

New Here.

5 years ago

Hello ReadyStories, welcome to CYS. I hope you enjoy your time on the site. 

New Here.

5 years ago
Welcome to the site!