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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago

A girl was locked up in a metal room. Never mind about how she got there. Her problem was how to get out. There was a door in that room, but it was locked and sh had no keys with her and there was no keys in the room. And there were no windows in the room or any other openings.
    The only furnature in the room was a piano and a wooden table. There was a saw on the tabel, and a baseball bat in the corner. Other than that, there was nothing in that room.
    The girl thought and thought and thought. Finaly she figured out how to escape. She was so smart she figured out 4 ways of how to get out. What did she do? Take you're choice...

Riddle me this!

18 years ago

1. She played the piano until she found the right key, which she used to open the door.

2. She swung the baseball bat three times, and as everyone knows, three strikes and you're out!

3. She sawed the table in half. Since two halves make a whole, she simply climbed out of the hole.

4. She ran around the room until she wore herself out.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
thats a popular one haha, alright:

An analog clock reads 3:15. What is the angle between the minute hand and hour hand?

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
You have the book?

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
Find the hidden word:

As I was going down the lane
I met a man doing just the same.
He tipped his hat and drew his cane
and I allready told you his own name


Riddle me this!

18 years ago
umm wasn't this already deleted hahaha.  As for solo its 0 degrees. an Analog clock is the one with hands right?

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
No, there's still another, it's still on the first page of the threads.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
What about mine?
I posted this for things only I want to riddle

in other words
I made this topic so I can riddle you, not you riddle other people!
This can get deleted now.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
Your answer is Drew!

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
your answer is yourself fin a mirror

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
A man is in a room. He jumps three times on the floor and he fell through. A second man jumped in the exact same spot but fell through after five times. Why

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
The second man was fatter.  Also, for Glue's, It is Drew.  I read a book about riddles and that was one type of riddle.  Never saw one of those so obvious before though.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
No. You are locked in a car and all you have is a brick how do you get out

Riddle me this!

18 years ago

Just unlock the car. You're trapped inside a car, and we all know that inside cars, they have the unlock button or the thing where you pull up or push down.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
I love riddles.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago


Riddle me this!

18 years ago
No. It is ANDREW!

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
Okay, but Drew is easier to see.  Andrew huh.  okay than.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
Thanks, Havacoman. As for Glue5's riddle, I thought the same as you too!

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
Ok I got a difficult one. I'm always around, when it's cold I am quite visisble. WHen I'm hot you want be A WHOLE LOT. What am I

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
What am Is huh?  Those are very easy.  The answer is WATER.  Also, you want be A WHOLE LOT isn't proper english.  Check the words you add before posting for easier understanding.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
The answer is not water

Riddle me this!

18 years ago

Riddle me this!

18 years ago

Hmm, I think I got it. Is it air? When it is cold and you breath out, you can see the air coming out. When it is hot, well, I don't really understand what you said for, A WHOLE LOT.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
Wait, not water, Ice;  You can only see Ice when it's cold and you want ice when it's hot out.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
still Worng

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
Isn't it air? And please correct your other sentence, I don't understand what you're trying to say.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
The man's name was Drew of course, am I right.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
Oh, "and drew" I see now, just take out the extra d. Weird.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
I quessed drew also.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
Is his name "I"?

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
A man got into his car with the purpose of driving to a city.  He quickly set off but eventually he comes to a fork in the road.  There are two ways, one will bring him to the city and the other will lead him to death.  He doesn't know hich way is which.  There is a house, directly in the middle of the two roads.  Inside the house, two twin brothers live, but only one is home.  He doesn't know which one of the brothers is home. One of the brothers always lies and the other always tells the truth.  What question can he ask either brother that will get him on his way?

Riddle me this!

18 years ago

I know the answer but I'm giving other people the chance to guess

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
same here meaka333, this one is used pretty frequently...

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
I think he iz supposed to ask where do I go to die and you will get the road of good from the liar and will know the road of good from the honest person.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
nope.  No logic there.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
You could ask him, "Do you have a twin brother?" Since he always lies, he'll say no if he's the liar and yes if he tells the truth. Then ask him which way.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
Course, if you only get one question, you could also ask the guy, "Which way would your brother say went to the city?" If he was the truth teller he'd know his brother would lie and tell you the direction, if he was the liar he'd know his brother would say the other direction and life. Regardless of which brother, they'd answer the same way. Now, you go the OPPOSITE direction and you're home free.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
You got it.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
A father is driving his son to school and they get in a car accident. The father dies, the son survives and is brought to the hospital. The surgeon enters the room and says, "I can't operate on him, that's my son!"

How is this possible??

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
The surgeons the mom.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago

The surgeon is his mother.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago

Wow, JJJ is one step ahead of me.

Ok, here's a riddle.

The one who makes it sells it.
The one who buys it doesn't use it.
The one who's using it doesn't know he's using it.
What is it?

Riddle me this!

18 years ago
Good one. Thought about it, couldn't think of the answer, found it out somewhere, so I'll keep quiet.

Riddle me this!

18 years ago

Is it a Will or Life Insurance of some sorts? The lawyer makes it, The parent buys it, the kid doesnt know hes using it...

just a thought.


Riddle me this!

18 years ago