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Anyone ever been arrested?

4 years ago

If you don't mind sharing, I'd like to get a better idea of what happens for something I'm working on.

And what about if you're arrested as a juvenile, how is that different?

Anyone ever been arrested?

4 years ago
No. But google will certainly yield some results...

Anyone ever been arrested?

4 years ago
for something I'm working on

Please, tell us more about this crime you're planning. We have some very creative and intelligent people here, I'm sure we can help refine your ideas. Maybe an arrest will not be necessary at all. Y'know, for the "protagonist" of the "story".

Anyone ever been arrested?

4 years ago

I don't think you need testimonials to craft a believable story, since the only audience to confront you over it consists of wardens and ex-inmates. Basic research should suffice.

Assuming, of course, that "something I'm working on" means a storygame and not hotwiring a car.

Anyone ever been arrested?

4 years ago

Disclaimer: I've never been arrested, but if I can glean all this from movies and google, it shouldn't be too hard to understand without a direct personal story. 

It's pretty standard, they read your rights, interview you for your name and address, take your picture, and then you may be put in jail depending on what you did. They generally cannot keep you over 48 hours without a hearing. If you committed a minor crime against someone in particular, that person will usually be asked whether or not they want to press charges.

That's where things get kind of interesting, because whether or not you're actually tried for the crime depends on whether they want you to be tried. But of course, in the cases of severe felonies, there's not necessarily that option. The victim can elect not to press charges for attempted murder, for example, but some states have it so that if you go that far, the state is the prosecutor because your crime was disturbing its peace in a manner so violent and upsetting that whether the victim is okay with your attempted murder is irrelevant, your behavior is deemed so abhorrent that the act itself was a crime. Though, the longer the police are involved in a felony case, the more likely it is that whether any charges are pressed is more in the authority of the District Attourney than the alleged victim.

If it's serious, or if it's a black kid, they may choose to pursue the case in Juvenile Court, but the standard procedure is they'll just give the kid a warning or stern talking to and release them after everything's said and done. This is referred to as "counsel and release". If they're in the middle of the city (or if they just don't feel like releasing them for whatever reason) they may choose to hold the detainee for the 48 hour period or up until their parents come get them.

Just kidding, I was bullshitting you the whole time. Black kids get tried in adult court.

Anyone ever been arrested?

4 years ago
In the US, or some other third world places?

Anyone ever been arrested?

4 years ago

Uhh, no. I'm not that old actually. Though that doesn't mean I can't get arrested as a juvenile. Being arrested as a juvenile is different then going to prison. Though, I don't know how. 

Anyone ever been arrested?

4 years ago
I'm sure the OP will appreciate this informational gold mine the next time he wanders in.

Anyone ever been arrested?

4 years ago
Well, as no one mentioned it I did get arrested once when I was 20 :) I won't go into the details too much but I was basically invited to the police station, charged with something I didn't do and locked in a cell that just had a bench in. You have to leave your shoes outside in case you pass the time making nooses from the laces and they give you a copy of "Dummy's Guide to the Law" to remind you how screwed you are. Then you sit there and wait for your lawyer to turn up.

After your lawyer (or, in my case, a court appointed lawyer which is like a lawyer but one who just scraped the bar test) turns up you get a recorded police interview which is pretty much as it seems in the movies. My lawyer was a bit of an odd guy who spent the time before the interview telling me about his relationship problems with his girlfriend (which he put down to his premature baldness). After the interview I was free to leave while the investigation went on, a few months later I had to go back to the police station where I was told "There was no case to answer for" and basically it was all just a big misunderstanding. And that was that.

If you're writing a crime story this is just the UK version of arrests, the USA style is probably different. In the UK I think you can only be held for 48 hours without being charged and then you have to be released. After being charged, if they think you're a big enough threat (or a repeat offender), they can hold a hearing where bail is set by a judge. One big difference between the UK and USA is that the UK only has jury trials for extreme crimes like murder, usually a judge (or magistrate for little stuff) will hear the case. The terminology is a bit different as well (lawyers are usually called barristers). Hope this helps :)

Anyone ever been arrested?

4 years ago
Feels like we've all really gone wrong somewhere, when freakin Will turns out to be the most ghetto thug on the site.

Anyone ever been arrested?

4 years ago

He's from the UK, they call them Chavs over there.

Anyone ever been arrested?

4 years ago
It's ok, now I'm older I've graduated to wandering gypsy or "scum" as they're affectionately called :D But yeah, we have chavs, pikies and gypos

Anyone ever been arrested?

4 years ago

I think I automatically get the title of "chav" based on the area I live in. (It's particularly scummy) ^_^