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So many points

4 years ago

I see a lot of people around with thousands of points, how do you even get that many? Even if I rated every single game on the site, that would be less than a thousand....I know there's all the games that get taken down, I could start watching for those. And winning contests gives points (I think?) but that can't be done reliably. How on earth do people have three or four or even five thousand though? 


I only have 50. :(

So many points

4 years ago

Well whatever you do, don't end up like this guy:

So many points

4 years ago

Just troll and get into the negatives like me! I don't have to worry about points ever again ;(

So many points

4 years ago
What was "pointlessly trolling and attempting to break the peace" about? That doesn't sound like something we'd dock points for.

So many points

4 years ago

I made an account on CoG and I think I said some gamer words.

So many points

4 years ago

What a Kiel-era crime.

So many points

4 years ago
Congrats on having that series of clerical errors corrected.

So many points

4 years ago

Redemption arc!

So many points

4 years ago

LMAO! ^_^

So many points

4 years ago
There used to be a thing called the daily point you got just for logging in and clicking a button, before JJJ got rid of socialism.

There also used to be a LOT more two-click trash games destined for deletion. The wait time to publish used to be only 90 minutes.

Basically, if you don't have a ton of free points it's your fault for not making an account five years ago. Working as intended.

So many points

4 years ago
Getting a daily commendation gives 3 points, and having most commendations for the day gives 10, that adds up fast!

The reason for this is that, generally, you don't need many commendations to get the 10 points. Shockingly, epics aren't published every day, and commendations aren't given willy-nilly, either.

Leaving feedback in the workshop, or giving detailed reviews, are both good ways to both help the community and get commendations (which translates to points). The question is, if your motivation is commendations/points, will you be able to still make posts/reviews that are deemed good enough? Probably, as long as you give it enough thought/effort.

Writing a really good story and getting a bunch of commendations also works, but that requires more long term commitment, and is generally more difficult.

There are two other ways to get commendations, but both are arguably more difficult, and one of them isn't something that can be forced/done intentionally, and is more a by-product of making a certain type of quality post.

Other than that, check the new storygames section and be quick to identify shit stories that'll get unpublished, and rate them before they're gone for the new type of daily point (that isn't as daily).

There is also duelling, and if you pick RPS there is a certain meta that can help with winning, but this isn't really making new points, it is just taking them from others. You can also, you know, lose points instead.

Finally, if you do something that is generally not recognised by site systems but is still good, assuming it is of a sufficient calibre, an admin may give you an achievement. Achievements tend to be generous and so a good way to get points, but I don't think they're something you can actively seek out.

Just try to contribute/interact with the site and community in meaningful ways, and you'll probably get some eventually.

If you check people with thousands of points, you can see how they've got the points to see some of this in play.

(Also, as mentioned, you missed out on the daily point).

edit - I forgot about birthdays, those give some points too.

So many points

4 years ago

So, @eatyourveggies, I hope you did not put Feb 29 as your fake birthday; otherwise, you sol.

So many points

4 years ago
I actually know a secret method to get 170 points all at once, so hmu over PMs and I'll explain, unless I actively dislike you.