Recently I've came across a very weird time sink of a series on youtube that I wonder if anyone else has watched.
A very silly tiktok "adventure" series turned into a rather interesting youtube series about perspectives of reality heavily based on the 2010 movie, "Inception"
Here is the the series / I recommend not taking it too seriously
The first half of the "prequel" are rather a scattered mess of fast comedy with a loose story line. Honestly, you can pay a fraction of attention to the first half, as the ACTUAL plot doesn't start until exactly 9 minutes in. In where the meat of the story actually starts. If you can bare with the prequel's dreadful tiktok constraints and your interested in watchin a singular guy with a 2006 youtube channel budget make a video then I'm interested to see what you think of it.
Funnily enough its all written and acted by a single guy just in different clothing to represent the different characters, so the entire series is both kiddy and prosopagnosia safe, I guess!