X means Done, - means not done
X. On the variable popup, have a link to solo's discussion on random variables.
X. On the account screen, have a link to solo's account, profile, and settings,
X. On teh main game screen have a link to solo's chapters pages and links.
X, On teh duels screen, have a link to havvy's duel arrticle.
X. Obn the forums have a link to nates forums article.
X. Before you get to the editor, on the spot where you choose the name of your game have a link to nates Game making 101.
-. On the adv chooser (where the checkbox is for adv editor) have a link to my How to write a quiz with teh advanced editor.
-. Beside mine, have a link to havvy's making a journal.
X. ON the pm screen have a link to havvy's pm article.
X. When you beat a game, have a link (to open in a new window) to havvy's leaving cmments and rating games.
-. On teh trophy popup please add a link to my trophies article.
X. On the points part of the mystuff have a link to Nates' Points article.
X. At the top of every games page have a link to Naqtes "What game is right for you"
-. When teh homepage is up have a link to "what is Myadventuregame" by Jdog.
X. On the variable page of eth game maker have a link to solo's working wit hvariables.
X. On the items page have link to solos item article.
-. Newbie Central have a link to my Members article on the top of the page.
X. adv editor checkbox going advanced