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Page destinations

2 years ago
Hi, are there any articles on page destinations please?

Page destinations

2 years ago
Here's a basic article on how to link pages to other pages if that's what you mean. But if you mean something else we need more information on what you're trying to do.

Page destinations

2 years ago
Sorry yes I think I need to be more specific.. I have created a menu option that the reader can access at any stage during the story but I am wanting the reader to be able to go back to the page they were just on once they are finished on the menu page. Hope this makes clearer sense of what I am trying to achieve.

Page destinations

2 years ago
If I'm understanding your problem correctly, if you click "add link" instead of add link to new page there's an option to make the link go to previous page. E: Though if you go to other pages while in the menu page I'm not sure how they would interact. E2: Tested it, as long as you have go back links in the submenus you can use the go back link in the menu to get back to the story page.

Page destinations

2 years ago
I am testing this out and have encountered another issue lol! So I believe what you have explained will work for me so thank you for that. However this other issue is.. this menu I have made is in chapter 2, I want to get from a page in chapter 1 to a specific page in chapter 2. It doesn't appear that I can choose the destination of any page from any chapter. Hope this is making sense again

Page destinations

2 years ago
Chapters are lame, I'd suggest putting everything into 1 chapter. The only thing a chapter does is make it so you see less pages at a time in the editor. Maybe for a big game that might be a good idea, but I'd say unless you have 100+ pages it's not a good idea. I'm sure there is a way, but I don't think it's worth figuring out.

Page destinations

2 years ago
I'm sure it's doable with page destination coding/scripting, I'm sure I'll come across the article or work it out eventually. Thanks for your help though.

E: I think what I'm asking for with regards to my first query is %LASTPAGE I think

E2: I've come to realise what I should of asked is. If I'm on chatper 1 page 3, how do I link that page to chapter 2 page 2

Page destinations

2 years ago
In the link script:

$DEST := @P12

(or whatever the page number is).

Or $DEST := "@P" + %LASTPAGE if you're going that route.

If you learn only one bit of scripting it should be $DEST, it will override whatever page the link is normally connected to and can be useful for lots of situations such as delayed consequences for earlier choices etc.

Page destinations

2 years ago
Thanks mizal that's a big help!

So if I'm on chapter 1 page 3 and I want to add a page link on that page to chapter 2 page 5 for example, how would I go about that? Because it appears when I go to add a page link in chapter 1 page 3 I can only choose out of the pages that are in chapter 1 and I can't select any pages from chapter 2.

Ignore this, sorry!

Page destinations

2 years ago
Sorry, mizal, another question.. I've added a page link to back to previous page and added $DEST := "@p" + %LASTPAGE to the script but it's saying the page results aren't found is this because the page I'm trying to go back to is in a different chapter?

Page destinations

2 years ago
Oh, it looks like you missed a step. You will need to create the variable for %LASTPAGE, and then before the $DEST line, set it to match $PAGEID so that the number of the page you left will be stored in there.

If you intend for this link to be available on every page btw, you'd save yourself a lot of work by just creating an item that does the same thing. Look at the recent RPG quiz game, it's got a book item you can view your stats in as they change, and items can also move the player to a new page any time they're used.

If you check the article on making a codex it'll explain one way to do this. (Although if there's several pages to browse in the character menu, keep in mind you'll need to exclude all of those in the global script; the example given is just for one page.)

Page destinations

2 years ago
Thank you