is this in meese years or... oh nevermind. im actually 28. hence the 78 at the end of my screenname.
that depends. are you assuming that i am still aging or just you in this situation? man, this sounds reminescent of an Abbott and Costello skit...
A: Costello, assume that you were 40. and you were in love with a 10 year old girl. You are now 4 times as old as her. so you wait, say 5 years. You are now 45 and she is not 15. you are only 3 times as old as her. so you wait another 15 years. you are now 60 and she is 30. she is now only 2 times as old as her. Question. how long must you wait before you 2 are the same age?
C: If i wait for her to catch up, she will pass me! Then she will have to wait for me!
A: And why should she wait for you?!
C: I was nice enough to wait for her!
lol i love those guys. they are hilarious. old vaudeville will never die!
Alright y'all my real age. is 14.
I was born on 4/20 (april 20th) 1992.
Same b-day as hitler, napoleon bonaparte and Bart simpson.
ughhh. no one will ban you just on age alone. besides, do a little thinking, madglee isnt a moderator or creator. so he couldnt ban you anyway. hes just asking a simple question.
i am sure if you look thru the forums you will be able to figure out my age...
btw, my bday is feb16!
HAHA I MEAN. well my birthday is cooler.
you expected 3j to be at least 25? wow, the only person i was shocked to hear about is solostrike.
Heh Oct. Thx, same with you whoever put me at 25 cuz i cant remember.
As for you Nate, the Meese will get you....