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The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

$150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest
We're going to do things a little different this time around. Instead of a single, winner-take-all prize, there will be three different grand prizes:

$50 Best Classic-Editor Only
Only the classic editor can be used. Don't let that limit you, though. Joe Dever (Lone Wolf and others, did amazing things with only a book. You can, too.

$50 Best Use of Advanced Features
Items, Variables, Scripting, etc. Whatever we have, let's see what you can do. Don't forget to include a storyline/plot, though.

$50 Best Overall
Anything goes here. Whatever we think is the best takes this prize.

The number of runner-ups (if any) and the runner-up prizes will be determined at judging time. Could be Experience Points. Could be merchandise. We'll all be surprised.

All storygames published between October 1st, 2006 and January 31st, 2007 will be automatically entered into the contest. Authors working together on a storygame should figure out how they would like to divvy up the prize (if at all) before the deadline.

Good luck all, and post your questions and comments here!

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Im down for this.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Sweet as. Thanks Alex, the contest is based around my summer holidays, so I've got heaps of time. I reckon the Tower has made it though, by JJJ.

Best case scenario (for me) I win, how do you do the money thing? In the mail, or bank accounts or whatever? My parents get all suspicious about giving addresses and stuff on the net.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Its by mail...  From previous experiances..  Youll have to get ur mom to read hte about us and other stuff.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

Can we enter games we've already made? I mean, I'm not just doing it for the money, really, but the amount of time it takes me to make a good game, even one that's short like the Supervillian game, takes ages to make, and EVEN THOUGH I'm not doing it just for the money, I could make fifty bucks with five hours of work. Not to be rude, I know it's real nice of Alex to hand out money for us, thanks Alex, but you know, I have other stuff to do in the Christmas holidays.

Although no doubt it probably won't win, me and Chris_Z will be entering our new game, no doubt about it.

Not for the money, THE GLORY! And so my many fans (like four if I'm lucky) can have fun with it.

Good luck everyone who enters!!!

I'm going on holiday for four days, up the coast, including two days with Chris_Z. I hope something interesting happens, it'd be great to have a sequel.

Better go pack.

Miccy2000 (Ha ha, signed it!)

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
They can be entered if their published between the deadlines,

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Prize can be delivered via Mail or PayPal or gift certificate.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

I'll try to finish my arcade game by then.  But it probably doesn't have enough description to win, though.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
So, just to be totally clear- games can have been started before the contest date, they just have to be published during the contest dates.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

2 questions:

Do the winners receive exp.? and

Do the winning stories get featured?

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

OK to awnser questions.

1. As long as they are first published withen those dates they are fine
2. EXP probably.
3. ONly if their good enough.  Featuring is completely seperate from the contest.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

OK Im gonna try and nab all three of these and 150$ with it.

Ive got a CLASSIC game on the way, which is intense for me.  Its called Immortals.  I think the tower might be capable of taking the other two.  If not, maybe one of my other 5 epics will...

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

lol, im running the cash through my hands in my mind lol, its so tempting, however i am so busy to do anythign.

I may enter, but it wont be with Cryptode 2, because if i were to do that, it would take ages to make, basically, it is way too big for it to be done in a few months where i can only use sundays to work on it... but we will see.


The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
lol, alex, since you have said that games can be entered from Oct 1, can you extend the deadline one more month because those people have had an extra month to work on their game, giving others (me :P) less time to work on a game...

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
No cuz we didnt know it was on.  Its just a reward for being active, plu if he extends it we still have an extra month, just snap to and make a game, I could make three epics in that time.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
then go and make three epics in that game, i just want to guage how much time i really have because i am really considering making cryptode 2...

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Dude u got tons of time.. til the end of january.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
well, im gonna start writing, we'll see if i can make the deadline...

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Very cool.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
yup, this contest is gonna be great

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
You're actually making a classic game! This I got to see. Also, good luck winning the contest I'm sure you will.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
This message was to you 3j (I'm sure you knew, but just to be safe...).

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
aight, so i decided that if i enter for this contest, it will be for the advanced features and overall category... anyone else running for that?

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Yes, I plan to win those.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
But seriously, I suspect my story would be judged for both of those d/t the ridiculous complexity of the backend. I wasn't trying to sound cocky, either, in case that came off like that, b/c that's not how I feel. I'm just looking forward to a bunch of great work.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Is it better then the Tower?

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Well, it's not fantasy and it's completely different so it's hard to say. The Tower will certainly be difficult as hell to beat. I'm too close to my own stuff to be able to tell how good it is.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

Well may the best overfed general win.


The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Dude they are more likely to chomp their arms off.   The meese are very disciplined.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Well, maybe they're saluting with their stubs. :P

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Okay, I might as well go for this.  I plan on either a full release of "The Island" or my Mugen game.  This time, I will win!

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Dude if its original then you have a chance.  Please make a game with your own characters not some that everyone knows.  Stop using tv characters please.  We have enough.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

This is my first contest ever, so I hope that I can win the Best Classic-Editor Only since JJJ already have the Best Use of Advanced Features marked down.

I wish you all luck, and I hope that my game will succeed in winning.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
good luck godslayer!

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Cuz hes gonna need it

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
godslayer is a girl i believe....

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Yeah t'was a typo.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Great cover up! Just kidding, haha. ummm, oh jeeze, I seem to have lost my train of thought...crap.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

Solostrike: Thanks, :), I'm glad you remember my gender.

Leon101: lol, no, it's not a cover up. I don't want to see people sad when they lost as they worked so hard on their games. It just wouldn't be...what's the word....

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Dude(ette) I remembered it too...

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Sorry, I forgot you made a reply on that too :) Thanks for remembering!

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
not a problem at all.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
I'm planning to win the Classic editor storygame at least, as it won't take that long to do. I'm a very slower writer (although I'm a fast typer, strange that), so I won't try and rush my advanced storygame. I think somebody could make a better game than The Tower, but nobody can be bothered to do it. And they wouldn't be able to do it in the time that JJJ does it. He's a quick storygame writer.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Yes buty i could also write one better then the Tower.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Somebody includes JJJ.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Of course! How could you not include me!

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

Both my games that have come out have been crappy. And my nexy few games will probably not do too good either. But $150 would be awesome. (then I would be able to get an X-box 360.)

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Yeah, id be well on my way with 150$, hmm thats a good idea. I think Im gonna go make another few games.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
I'd probably just blow it all on CD's and music, if I ended up getting the $150. I probably won't finish an advanced game in the time given, so I'll just work on my classic editor game. I'm going to try and win a contest though.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
I cannot do classic games, pisses me off.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
thats why they invented downloading man... get with the times :P haha, o wait, are there laws where you are. I know that in the US it was made a law, although very few i believe have been charged, in Canada, it has NOT been made law, but copyright material that is redistributed for a profit IS against the law...

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

lets see how this works out :P (note the sarcasm)

Alex, i would like to formally request that the contest date be extended to one of the following:

A) the summer (july/august)
B) when cryptode2 and gangsters are complete
C) december 2007 :P

lol, i would humbly ask that you accept this request as only the rest of the site has entered this contest :p


Alright back to reality, alex!!!!!! there are only a few "real" contestants that have entered into this contest, my definition of "real" in this context is not of quality or length of game, but of actual desire and participation. So, what i mean is there are only a few people who are actually entering the contest as a competitior. And what i am also trying to say is that, although there are many "new games" only a few of the authors for these games are actually competing. Which brings me to my main point, is it possible that the deadline be extended to a reasonable date, so not december 2007 :P but an extra month or two (PLEASE NOTE!!! march break is in, well, march... :O and some students had exams this month, i will not name any unless they want me to... and I have exams at the end of january, and surprisingly, i have an exam on Jan 31, which i really hate! So please, can it be extended to something reasonable, and something that does not take my sarcasm into account :P

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
How about we keep this contest and you could make another one in July or something. Or just keep it as it is. The contest was set for this date, and unless Alex had any intentions of changing it I don't think it would be changed, just for your storygame.

Oh and about the downloading thing: Nobody cares. We all download anyways. I just reckon the CD's look a hell of a lot cooler. I only download about six or seven songs before buying the bands' albums though.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Hey Solo, I hear you, but we got a long time. Wasn't the time period like October to January? There's plenty of people, aren't there?

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
yeah, but he TOLD us about this in November, nov 20, to be exact. So really, if someone were to create a game on nov 20, they would have had 2 months to work on it... anyways... i was just seeing what could be done...

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
It's all cool, I'm not against it.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Oh, that's what you were talking about Solo.. I just thought you didn't find out until later and you wanted everyone to change for you. Sorry for getting you wrong. Maybe it could be extended until February 20 or something then.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
lol, thats alright :)

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Yes, I agree with you very much, Solo. I don't think, for us people who have created a new game and barely put any content into it, that we should have only two months to make a new game in time for the contest...:(  I can't bring myself to be like JJJ and write and invent like crazy..

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

The contest was made the way the contest was made.  Your not helping yourselves by dragging ur asses.  Get writing.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
hey, you started the tower before the contest dates anyways, so you shouldnt be talking because you had more time than all of us... damnit alex, where are you?!!!?

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

Aha! I heard a contest might have been coming up. And it's here! I might not have written many stories - but I've listened to people's constructive criticisms, and I'm working on something I hope will be complete by the deadline! I'm focusing on making lots and lots of choices and options this time, but doing my best to keep strong plot and lots of story text. In this game, you get to choose what lots of different people do at different parts of the story, rather than directing a single character through the adventure, and people's actions have an impact on each other and the story!

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
That sounds really good, let me know when you publish it so i can play it :)

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

Me too.

But Solo the difference is, I could still complete a solid game before the deadline.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
but you have not, so it is still unfair, plus that does not matter much to me, what matters is the actual extention.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Dude, comon man if it had been a six month deadline you would have asked for an extension.  Every day you waste is counting against you.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

I guess my opinions is "the rules are what they are."  The start date was retroactive, too, which I thought was nice and fair to anyone who'd recently published a game.

Is your point, solo, that it doesn't seem like anyone is really trying to win the contest because they don't think they have time to finish?

Tiny snippy comment- Anyone could have been writing a game all year and just happened to publish it within the dates of the contest.  (Imagine how JJJ would have felt if The Tower had been published the day before the contest started!)


The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
im kind of in a hole right now, i cant work on  my game at the moment because there is a bug (site bug), and alex has no idea what is wrong with it, so im not really wasting my days...

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
but i do have another game going with nate, and hopefully him and i can get something great finished before the deadline...

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Now thats the spirit!

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Personally, I would try and win the contest for the achievement, not for the money? What is everybody else in it for?

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Tsmpaul has it in the bag maybe...

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
You probably have the best use of variables, but Paul has the thing overall.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
I've got no items, and only a handful of variables/scripts, so I'm pretty sure JJJ will win the Advanced Editor prize. Of course, there's still a month to go, so some other person might suddenly come along and blow us all away, and win all three prizes on their own!

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Nobody is that quick a writer (apart from JJJ himself) and unless they've been keeping something secret until now.. I think JJJ has this advanced one.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Im still writing (al be it slowly cuz of some other shit goin on in my life)

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Still probably faster than any other quality storygame-makers.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
I don't actually know now actually. Tsmpaul has published about four storygames within a month or two, so he could be getting there. All of them are of good quality, especially ULYSSES - Episode One. I reckon we might have a (friendly, well on tsmpaul's side anyway, I can't imagine him being angry from what I've seen) showdown between him and JJJ in the future.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
nah, we get along fine, and there's plenty of room for both of us.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
I know.. I meant friendly showdown. No competition, I just reckon you'll get to at least 7 featured games.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
I bow down to a better writer

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
hahah there goes my chances :P I think madglee gets adv editor and tsm gets story

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Hey! My story is pretty damn good, now. I think. I think you're right about advanced editor, though, my god, this is killing me. But don't sell yourself short, man, your story is really, really, cool.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Well just based o reviews. Hell you mioght take both bu tI think the tower is out of the running sadly.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

You know guys, I'm not going to particpate after all, or do anything for a good while.  I don't know if I feel burned out, or I'm just too busy with MUGEN (both the game and the fanfiction).

So if I'm not going to be around for a while, that's why.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Less competition!!

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
And now even less. It seems Devil West won't be ready within a month, and I don't really feel like writing any other storygames apart from my main at the moment. So count me out.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Oh I never counted you in but thanks anyway

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
I'n not because midterms are coming soon and I have to be ready

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

midterms for you, first semester exams for me... the timing is horrible :(

what really sucks is  i have an exam on the LAST day of the exam period, if i did not have this exam, i would be finished my first semester on the second day of exam period. also, the last day of exams is january 31, so there is some major conflict here lol.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
No doubt :P

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

Ahh, I can never win this.. Hopefully next contest I will have a chance. Good luck to all who participate!

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
You're welcome :)

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Like Cake said, good luck guys!  You all have wonderful stories out!

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Ive got the 3rd best, TSM has 2nd, madglee is SURE to win.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
OOOH! OOOH! I'm in! I'm in! I know what game I'M gonna submit. It MIGHT have a chance of winning. I'm not too sure though.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
You have no chance.  0%

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Quit Being Negative.

Anyways, I guess it's too late for me to start...

I'll write a story anyways.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

Actually I'm just being honest.

The danm cartoon spoofs never ever have a chance.  Its true, you ACTUALLY need to be creative.

UNLESS its a basic game..

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
What's up with the basic editor? Did anyone write one in that time frame? Not sure, but is tsmpaul's the object classic editor?

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
SHIAT! is it?  I hope not.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Phew, its not.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
hehe, i have a basic game that is currently 6 pages long... :P and two of those pages are blanks... :P another two have total bullshit written on them :P lol

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Who's in the classic editor contest? Unfortunately I'm back in school full swing so I doubt I'll be able to enter, but I'm looking forward to reading your guys' stuff.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

I started all my stories before I knew there was a contest. Ulysses would have been classic editor, but I didn't feel like telling the reader to "remember" if they were wearing environmental suits or not, and make extra copies of pages branching out accordingly, so I converted it to an advanced game and added a variable and script to check it for them. That was about as advanced as Ulysses got, editor-wise :)

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Hah!  I hope no one enters it.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
I think I may have something up my sleeve.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

That would be so lowball man!

Come in with a basic game and win money when a wicked game like "The Tower" gets dick all.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Hehehe. Well, according to you, classic games are harder to make.

Nah, I feel for you man, that'd be crap to have some small game take all your glory.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Their only harder cuz the editor has 848484848484848484848 bugs.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
So... about that extension?

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
actually i wouldnt really mind HAHAHAH

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
ahhah thats cool to hear, the more people, the better!

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Plus i was your main opposition.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
just out of curiosity if only one game was entered and it was the most horrible game the site has seen. Ya know with spelling worse than REDEYE'S (you have to put in effort to do that) a plot more confusing than (come back to me on this) etc.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
It wouldn't win.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

Looks like "Mommy" has the advanced prize. Nine days to go. I might try a classic editor only game, and see what I can do in 9 days.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

Huh? Are you making a classic game for the contest, JJJ ?

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
No its jsut that if you pull something off in that time its gonna take money that might be given to second place games (like the tower) that will be superior to a game done in nine days... I'm thinking if no one neters a good classic game they might put the money to a second place game or something.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
I see what you mean, JJJ. It does say at the top though, that someone out there will win a classic editor prize. Competition runners up hopefully get merchandise or lots of points or something. Hey, since October 06, has anyone published a Classic Editor game? Even if it wasn't an amazing epic, it would still be winning a prize - the only requirement is that it gets written between October 06 and Jan 31st 07. JJJ - why don't you write a quick classic game, and win the prize?

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
ahha thats what i was gonna do tsm, but i just got to frustrated with the classic editor to make a shortgame... lol


18 years ago
Im really being annoying, but is an extension likely? because if it were extended to March 1st, or Feb 28, whatever you want to call "1month extension" i would probably be able to finish a game by then.... and enter for overall story...

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

OK 3 things.

1. Alex will not give money to wimpy game not worthy of it, no matter what it says.

2. I get uber frustrated with the LAME DUMB CLASSIC EDITOR!

3. Solo your being a hyporcrite (no offense, I mean it in the literall sense not as an insult).

You said you couldn't do it in the time given at the beggining of the contest, but unless your half way through the game, you won't be able to do it in a month either.

Like if you start now you'll only have a month (with extension), just like you woulda had if you started at the beggining of the cotnest.


Follow me?

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Actually, there are only two variables used in Ulysses, and that was because I was lazy and didn't feel like writing extra pages at the time. Otherwise it would have been a Classic Editor game. In fact, I would have kept it in the classic editor if I had known the competition was coming. So it shows that stories can still be done with the Classic Editor. It's also neat being able to 'preview' play your story game from within the editor.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
Also, who's to say you won't win the advanced editor prize, JJJ ?

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
i already told you, ive got exams this month, ive been focusing on that, i havent cared about the contest, but in feb it will be easy cuz its the start of the courses, i will have plenty of time to work on the game....

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

o ya, and i have started working on the game...

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

Um, is the opening date still October 1st for the contest?  In a previous post, JJJ said October 6, but at the top of the page, alexp says Oct 1st -- Jan 31st.

Also, is there an extension of the end date? (I'm out of state/away from a computer from Jan 25th- Feb 3rd)


18 years ago
whatever alexp said is what it is, so oct 1st...

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
I didnt mean to say the sixth..

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

extension, alex?

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago


18 years ago
ALEX! extension? LOL i think ive asked a million times now :P


18 years ago
we've been very shafted


18 years ago
Heh heh.  I believe the answer is no.


18 years ago
That cruel, Havacoman. Hopefully, if there is an extension, I can try my skills at creating a game. I'm not good at the advanced editor yet, but at least I can still use the classic one.


18 years ago

And scoop money.


18 years ago
...mostly everyone here is aiming for that.


18 years ago
but only tsmpaul did it.  and btw thats not true.  You can earn it by making a really good game, or scoop it by making an ok game that scoops its catagory (rush)


18 years ago

It's still no guarantee of a prize. Gotta impress the judges. I was surprised there weren't more stories written over the last month though. I guess a lot of people were on holidays, or had a lot of other things they had to do. As to Rush!, it might only have taken five days to create, but I spent most of the hours on those days creating, as opposed to just an hour a day over a month. So really, it's as much effort as many games, but just concentrated over a couple days.


18 years ago
its taken me 50 million years to make cryptode, do you think i can make #2 in 50 minutes? :P

How to deliver prizes?

18 years ago
How are you going to deliver prizes?

How to deliver prizes?

18 years ago

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

Sorry Solo! That's not exactly what I meant, not trying to offend anyone. I wasn't referring to big, detailed games, but typical stories around here - Cryptode was huge - a length 8 after all! From what I've seen, the average story is only length 5 or less. (And I did say hours, not just one hour) I was just trying to say that writing my story was not an effortless attempt. It probably took me 25 hours of work, around 5 hours a day over 5 days. Games that have variables, items and scripting would obviously have taken longer than a classic game to make. And JJJ - I don't see myself as being a prize scooper, not doing anything to earn a prize but just throwing junk on the site to win something. If you read my story, you'd see it wasn't something someone could throw together in just one hour with no preparation, simply for the sake of it. I could have spent months working on a story game, but the point of a competition, is that you have a limited amount of time in which to create something.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

I was only kidding my friend :P

You can't really scoop prizes because you really aren't capable of making games that suck ::D

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

hehe, there was no offense taken tsm. I was actually making fun of myself. Cuz it took me ages + contest extension to finish cryptode, and then i was joking that i would try to do cryptode 2 in 50 minutes :P

Lol, and i understand what you are saying about the time you put into the game. It may have been a few days, but a lot of hours in those few days...

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
When does the judging start?

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

i talked with alex yesterday. he hadnt started it yet. they are pretty busy. however, this weekend might allow them time to look at the games.


The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
So, you get a bit of extra time.

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago
So who won?

The 2006 $150 Make-A-Storygame-Contest

18 years ago

they havent started judging. they will start that in a day or two.
