Note: This feature was originally accepted on
Sep 19 2007 5:41PM, but was subsequently demoted to "New" in
The Feature Wishing Well Clean-out.
The acceptance comments were
A very good idea - way better than the email follow up though it could take some work. Well thought out Anubis. (25 points)
march I think that instead of sending an email (which doesn't work) to a member whose post has just been replied to, there should be one of those announcement things like how it says "You have 1 new private message
s*!". It could be like a green color scheme and say
Someone has replied to your post! It won't have to be recorded like the announcements that come with new RPS symbols, just something that goes away like the New PM announcement. It'd just make it a little more convenient.
To expand this, it'd say (on the page that appears after clicking the announcement) in what threads someone has replied to you. This way, if multiple people replied to multiple threads, it'd be more flexible.
Now for the examples!
Let's say you've posted a post in a thread called "Bush sucks." Then someone replies to that. It'd immediately (or at least within a few seconds) send you an announcement thing that says "Someone has replied to your post!" Once you click that announcement, it takes you to a page that says who replied to your post in which thread.
Here's another scenario:
Let's say you make a post in "Bush sucks" and then turn off your computer to go to bed or something. When you turn it back on, you see that "Someone has replied to your post!" and you click the announcement. You see that bob, someguy23, and n00bhax0r have all replied to your post in "Bush sucks" and appear on the list in that respective order.
For the ending of each scenario, you'd click on the link to the reply and it takes you to the "Bush sucks" thread.
The list format could be modeled, essentially, exactly like on the forums page.
Just an idea to make the forum process a little more convenient. Kinda like the flushable toilet and toilet paper. Truly the two best inventions EVER.