
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was rejected 3/22/2011: Tags

Multiple Categories

15 years ago

Some stories can fit in more then just one category, so I think that it would be a good idea to allow that.

Multiple Categories

15 years ago

Well my penis can only fit in one hole, so you gotta choose the best one.

Yeah, that's the best way I can describe it.

Multiple Categories

15 years ago

Did you know that in some species of squid, the females have no sperm receptacle orifice, so the male just makes an incision and ejaculates wherever he wants? 

On topic, I think it might get too confusing if the same story appeared in multiple categories.  I think multiple Tags could be applied to a story to explain/describe it, but it's better for site design if it only appears in one location.

Multiple Categories

15 years ago
I say abolish categories, have a set amount of set site featured stories and just use tags.

Multiple Categories

15 years ago

...Um, no.

And Seth, very interesting. You've done so I presume.

Multiple Categories

15 years ago
Why not?

Multiple Categories

15 years ago
no, the categories are fine. they provide a nice visual appeal to the site in addition to the system of organization. i think the tags are meant to manage when a story overlaps with another category, or it can also be used a SECOND organizational system, but the original category system should stay.

Multiple Categories

15 years ago
I totally disagree, but that's all opinion. I'd much rather see a list of all games, filterable by tags and then it would be REALLY cool if once you have it filtered, you could save all games in the filter (or games that are published into the same requirements) into a category. Basically design your own categories. As it is, stories fit into too many different categories.

Multiple Categories

15 years ago

Right, the story shows its main genre (and that's the category it's in on the front page) but you can also have the secondary genres as tags.

JJJ what are you talking about? I mean...FAIL!!! Why spend time programming the site to remove the categories when ulimately genre categorization is very important? How are new guests and readers going to find stories of their favorite genre? By searching the genre's tag? WELL THAT'S WHAT THE CATEGORIES ARE!!! A list of the games with the "tag" of the genre!

Multiple Categories

15 years ago
Umm.. I fail? I'm pretty sure you're acting pretty retarded.

"Why spend time programming the site to remove the categories when ulimately genre categorization is very important?" - Anubis

Yeah... But I feel like implementing a tag-only system would make for MUCH BETTER categorization by genre. I mean, do you actually think that the main genre of Terra Proxima is.. EVERYTHING ELSE?

Like what the fuck are you on?

Now if that had 4 tags and appeared any time you searched those four tags, you'd be more accurately representing what it is.

Why don't you stop trying to be condescending and dismissive and open your fucking eyes, asshole.

Multiple Categories

15 years ago

How is Terra Proxima Everything Else? Where did you get that?

I never said the Tag system was bad, I was saying why are the genre categories useless? Ultimately it's necessary and the lists on the front page are a quick way for new members and whoever else to find a game in that genre. Tags are great! Why are category lists not?

Multiple Categories

15 years ago
why is it always a battle with you...

Anubis is correct, the genres are basically tags. They organize the stories into a good system of organization. Tags are meant for inbetween category stuff, which BETTER identify the story, but the basic foundation still needs to remain. If you remove the categories and have one long list of like 300 stories, and then you organize it by tags, its the same thing as having categories, except personalized. Rather than remove the organizational system and implement it with something that will cause a mess, build on top of the current system and allow for a secondary organization system whereby you organize by tags OR current categories...

For the record, the number of people who are registered on the site is insanely low compared to the number of people unregistered and who just play storygames. The target market for such a system IS the unregistered user, or the new user.

Multiple Categories

15 years ago
Anubis.. Terra Proxima is currently FEATURED in EVERYTHING ELSE. For someone advocating categories, you could at least LOOK. . .

And what do you mean: "Why is everything a battle with me?"

He told me I failed... What do you want me to say? "Oh.. thanks :)'

If the genres are tags, why do we have them? Why can't we let people design their own genres by choosing which tags define a genre, and allowing stories to be in multiple categories? Ditch the rigidity and just use tags. Then we'll also abolish weak featured games, by creating a universal top stories list.

Multiple Categories

15 years ago

Look JJJ, here's what I'm saying we do:

We would have the genre categories as well as the top stories category, and then once you're at the genre category screen, you could type in or select tags to filter further the list of stories. If the person wants to filter through all stories on the site, they can do that - we'd have a feature for that at maybe the top of the categories page.

Now are you saying that there's no point for a genre tag? At least allow the person to have a more general filter.

Multiple Categories

15 years ago
I know what you're trying to do, but thanks for telling me.. AGAIN.

If you can tag each story as "Modern Adventure" then why have the categories? And that's exactly what I want, a tag for every possible idea from

Zombie to Modern to Industrial Age to Everyday Life to Educational To, etc, etc, etc.

Then you can design YOUR OWN categories, like playlists.

Multiple Categories

15 years ago

Alright, yeah. That's a cool idea. But why not have those starter categories for new players? You know, default Zombie Adventure playlist for example.

Multiple Categories

15 years ago
Well, I don't understand why they wouldn't just search all stories with the tag "zombie" to get Zombie Adventure?

Multiple Categories

15 years ago
agreed, at least have the categories for starters. but the aforementioned customization, as i said, would be implemented as another organization system that can be customized.

Multiple Categories

15 years ago
Why have the categories? For beginners? It's not exactly hard to search by tag.. If we had a tag for "Modern Times", they can get modern adventure. "Fantasy", etc.

Why keep the categories?

Multiple Categories

15 years ago
For the featured games of each category, although i am aware that with tags, you would have featured stories as basically the top stories of the site. but i dont know maybe its just i love the layout of the current storygame page. like i dont mind the way the categories are structured, including the featured games from each category. plus i do think the categories suffice, with tags being for the in-betweens...

Multiple Categories

15 years ago
Personally, I think it's messy in comparison. Tags are so much cleaner, because there's no question of where a story belongs. Also featured games is a misleading topic, some unfeatured stories are in stronger categories and would be featured in others, etc.

This is fair an unbiased.

Multiple Categories

15 years ago
I love how Anubis starts by being totally close minded without a reason:

"Ummm... no"
"JJJ what are you talking about? FAIL!"


"Actually this is a good idea."

Multiple Categories

15 years ago



Anyway, the playlist idea is cool. And we'd have starter playlists that you could overwrite.

Multiple Categories

15 years ago
Sure. Like a mixture of all stories tagged with Mature, Zombie and Horror for a "Horror" playlist or something.

Multiple Categories

15 years ago

Categories are nice for showing a wide variety of featured stories.  If we went strictly to tags, there'd only be the top stories.

For example, some of the featured stories in L&D are not "Top Stories" for the site, but if you want L&D, at least it shows you what we've got.


Multiple Categories

15 years ago
When you search for a Love Tag story, it would sort by rating.