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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.


15 years ago
Yippee! School! I just finished my first day in high-school, beside not opening my locker, it was good. I must say though I'll abhor tomorrow. They just put in metal detectors, gave us mesh backpacks, and employed a bag search to be PROACTIVE. There hasn't any threats for about five years, but this is for our safety, yes, the demonstration toke ten min. for one person, but it'll work out fine. Trust them.


15 years ago

At least you get new backpacks.

I still have until the Third Day of the Ninth Month before I go back to school, and while I'll definitely miss the Summer freedom, I'm looking forward to Deutsch and War - yes, we have an elective class. called. war. it's sex - and Intro to Business, which is the saxiest class everyone has taken.


15 years ago
That's unconstitutional, Mage. I know you don't know what that means... but you should pursue action.


15 years ago


And also, fuck that.


15 years ago


Holy shit your school is paranoid. The only rights-violation we have to put up with is the education department's internet filter. It blocks sites related to games, information, forums, bulletin boards, writing and all legitimate education materials except wikipedia. I'm convinced its only a matter of time before we lose wikipedia as well.

But seriously... BAG SEARCHES?


15 years ago
wow as if metal detectors aren't enough, why the hell do they have to search your bag...


15 years ago

I'm glad I don't go to Mages Nazi School. And Rommy, we don't have Wikipedia. It's too powerful for the teachers to handle. But we just use proxy sites and it works fine. Plus, you can just copy the bibliography from the Wiki article's page if you use it for a report.

To get more into the Wikipedia issue at school, it's just stupid why we can't use a fast and easy source of information for reports. Basically, Wikipedia is a collection of internet, book, etc. sources of info compiled nicely with high standards of quality, an active community that values accuracy and revision, and a bibliography. I mean, teachers are basically saying that the non-Wiki sites that you find from Google are more credible. Like, wtf? It makes no sense, and I seriously believe that the fucking librarians are too afraid of the interwebz. At least the cool younger teachers let us use Wikipedia (although officially we have to produce a bibliography and "do the research at home", but they're so awesome it's just cover for corruption). Power to the pupil! Or penis, whichever.


15 years ago
You guys must have horrible luck. The closest thing to security we have here is blocking goolge image, and even then we can get around that. As for wikipedia it's up to each individual teacher to decide if we can use it or not. Well, that and messaging boards. So no CYS. :(


15 years ago

At least I can visit lesser-known sites, like CYS, from school. Basically once the school finds out about a site, they block it. And then I use a proxy to get through it.


15 years ago

I used to do that sometimes.  After my freshman year, they blocked every site I'd ever get on.  AND they fuckin' uninstalled Quake 3 from my CPU!  Bastards...



15 years ago

All IT students know how to play games at my school, but 3D is hard because of onboard GPUs.

It makes a good demo platform for my game Project 7, tho.


15 years ago
1st, anubis, we had to pay $6 for backpacks
Metal Detectors Day 2 attempt 1:
I got off the bus, and notice the line was all across the courtyard, starting to turn into a circle. I got to the detectors 10 min. later. Then I toke my phone and pens out of pockets, gave them my bag, toke off my watch and walked threw, can you guess what made it beep?...

My PANTS ZIPPER!! So then they wanded me and I went to homeroom (No Anubis, they didn't strip search me). My homeroom there were 4 kids, 3 were on time. After that about 8 more kids came over a period of 20 min. They gave a get out of trouble free card and we went to 1st period for about 10 min. Then the day went normal.
Metal Detectors Day 3 Attempt 2:
They set the detectors to about half the sensitivity, so you could only bring in a small handgun. I got randomly picked for the "express" line where they just wand you and your bag. My friend went through the metal detectors. He told me they now let just walk through w/your backpack on, but purses and stuff are still searched. He had 2 metal ringed binders and went through with no problem. So everyone was on time, just like a min. later then usual, but on time. Day twas cool, got off the bus, walked about a block to my house with my leg asleep, grabbed some (soda) pop sat down and typed this.

can carry backpacks between classes
Books being online because of backpacks
No Phones (Con too) pretty much, therefore new cheating that cause whole-class punishment
School "safer"
Bags not waterproof (School'll pay) and seem to rip easily
Backpacks hurt if you have any full-size books
Hear people (girls) complain all day about searches

-End of Transmission-


15 years ago
Oh, JJJ I'm taking Civics, so I'll know what that means soon ; )


15 years ago
Howbout: "The complete and utter loss of your rights as a person under the constitution of America." As a con.


15 years ago

lol JJJ. I'm surprised the US hasn't had a reformation revolution already. Such a democratic society - at its roots - can't function in such a day-and-age. Well, as long as the government wants to protect its people from modern threats, even though a plastic spoon can kill just as can a handgun. You go up to someone, grab their neck quick, lurch them back, dig out their eye, jab the spoon into the eye socket, maybe smash their head for good measure, and the deed is done. Takes less training than a handgun. Hell, people don't even know how to reload a handgun.

As for metal detectors, you are aware only the shittiest of ghetto schools have metal detectors, etc., right? Where the flying finkrat do you live, mah boi?


15 years ago

Yeah, I doubt all this increased security bullshit does anything other than make the taliban smile with glee, knowing they are feared to these proportions.

And seriously, since when do metal detectors stop:

*car bombs being driven through the front door

*bazookas or other missiles being fired from OUTSIDE the school

*a squad of riflemen just storming the place and gunning down the security


I mean, COME ON. That kind of security does nothing to protect you and at the same time wastes govt money that could be used to TEACH you, gives the terrorists credibility and finally takes another step towards a police state.

Seriously, read 1984. War hysteria at it's worst.

I think it's just a govt sop to paranoid families. Although it will make some of them *more* paranoid, ironically...


15 years ago

rofl I'm reading '84 right now for school. And I have five or less days left. Fuck.


15 years ago

National Security, War, Espionage, weapons production. All these are acts of pumping into the atmosphere or pouring into the oceans, all the resources that could otherwise make the populace too happy, too rich, and in the long run, too intelligent.

How much do decent non-creationist textbooks cost? definitely less than a metal detector and security guards.


15 years ago

While I'm not a creationist, I'm pretty sure its unconstitutional in some way that creationism is not at least explained in school. I mean sure you have separation of Church and State, but I think not having creationism taught in school is an infraction of free speech, right? Then again the education system is up to the state, but does the state have the right to decline teaching creationism technically?

Either way, creationism is weird. I'm an Orthodox Christian, and I think creationism is garbage. The problem with a lot of religious explanations - or more importantly the people who interpret them and use them as their stances - is that they take the Bible, etc. too literally. At least for the Bible, which is all I can really talk about with enough understanding, the explanations are either metaphors, have multiple meanings, or are mistranslations. It's convenient that the word 'day' and 'age' are the same in Hebrew (I think Hebrew, maybe Greek), and those six AGES are the history of the world, as described with science. I truly believe that science and religion can co-exist. Religion is the basic idea, and the science is the reasoning behind it. There are several times when religion and science agree and make each other understandable. A good example is the Garden of Eden. The Tigris and Euphrates are similar to two of the rivers in the Garden of Eden, and scientists speculate that there used to be two more rivers near the Tigris and Euphrates but the other two got flooded as the sealevel rose. So it's just interesting to see the compromises, and it's not correct to take the Bible literally.

Too intelligent?!!?!?!? Yeah, over-specialization. But I think the downfall of humanity will be either war or disease. And by war, I mean domestic strife. No one is going to engage in nuclear war - humanity is smarter than that.


15 years ago
Also, I forgot to mention the but a total of 96 cameras on the buses, hallways, stadium, courtyard etc.
They have alarms so you can't go through the doors during school hours, thus enforcing the old "Stay in School" slogan.


15 years ago
Anubis... there's no evidence to support creationism. We shouldn't teach it in school.


15 years ago

It's official, mage lives in a ghetto.

Well there TECHNICALLY is the literal understanding of Bible transformed into a pseudo-scientific simplification of a complex explanation for an event and time period we know nothing about, but yeah; creationism shouldn't be taught in science, rather religion class. Or, like, a world-wide culture class. Something like that.


15 years ago

Anubis - Science and free speech are not the same thing. Free speech means you can say anything. In science you must back up what you say with evidence.

The two terms are not interchangeable. That's why we don't teach pseudo-science in schools.

Furthermore, why teach naive high school students something which has been thoroughly rejected in the academic arena for decades? Are the year 10s going to unlock the secrets of neurochemistry? I don't think so.

Basically, teaching creationism would be like teaching phrenology, astrology, numerology or alchemy. They should stay in the stupid ages.


15 years ago

Works for me. But alchemy is totally real! How else could they do that one documentary, Full Metal Alchemist?


15 years ago

Yeah, man. What about Jurassic Park? We have real fking dinosaurs walking around onscreen, and they're saying the T-Rex is extinct?


15 years ago

Yeah fuck those extinct people! How do you explain Land Before Time! Hey man, these are documentaries! You got your theory of gravity and shit, but you can't even see gravity! Fuck that!


15 years ago

Hey, High school was NEVER that bad for us. I remember they would have drug dogs every so often but other than that, they wouldn't care too much


15 years ago

Sheesh, I went to a public high school in the murder capital of America and we didn't have any metal detectors there. (Though it might've changed now, don't know)

The only thing of note that ever happened was this one incident down in the basement annex which involved some drinking and a voluntary sex act between 12 guys and 1 girl, but that's a tale for another time.


15 years ago

Hmmm, Endmaster's first memoirs perhaps?

Today I just had my first day, and as usual, it was boring. Thanks to me having lunch EIGHTH MOD and a lack of friends in most of my classes, I feel that this year is going to be boring. Thankfully, I'll have a bunch of sexy-ass-awesome games to entertain myself at home: Modern Warfare 2, Assassin's Creed 2, Bad Company 2, Halo 3 ODST, and Left 4 Dead 2. So all sequels, but damn good sequels!


15 years ago

I advise you against Starcraft II, btw. No LAN support. That was not a misspelling.


15 years ago

Oh I know all about Blizzard's recent fuck ups, mah boi. I'm seriously believing that the leaders of Blizzard got irreparably high and decided to become business-emo by destroying everything about their company. Seriously!? No fucking LAN for STARCRAFT!?!!?!? And plus it costs $180. That's bullshit.