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12 years ago
Hi, I'm new here and I thought I might as well post something.

I'm mostly here to read but I like playing rock paper scissors too. I might make some storys but I don't think I'll finish any.


12 years ago
Welcome to the site! It's allways good to see a new person around.


12 years ago

Hey there, loser. =P

But I jest.


12 years ago

Hey there, welcome to the site!

Since you're here to read, do you mind if I recommend you some storygames? Necromancer and Death Song by EndMaster are in my opinion the two best storygames on the site, followed closely by Snow. Anything by JJJ-thebanisher, tsmpaul and a few other users are great as well, uhhh... The Free Hand by Ashen_Snake is one of my favourite stories here too. Most of the featured games are great, actually (not sure how familiar you are with the site, but if you click on the "Storygames" tab on the side of the page the 5-6 stories on that page for each category are known as featured storygames).

You've probably already figured this out but there's an extended version of rock paper scissors on CYS called RPS - it's basically the same thing but instead of three choices there are 25. You unlock moves as you gain EXP points on the site, so if you enjoy duelling then you've got something to aspire to.

Lastly, no problems about not finishing storygames. I've been on CYS for a little over five years now and I haven't published anything either, so there's no pressure :)


12 years ago

Oh yeah, I'll get crucified for not mentioning Ground Zero by EndMaster, so there you go. I said it XD


12 years ago
Hello, fellow forum goer.

I am cool74 and usually hanging around.


12 years ago

I'm around a little myself I guess so hi.


12 years ago

I'm around a bit also so hi, pleasure to meet you.


12 years ago

And you're welcome here if your not a troll.


12 years ago

"All are welcome, all are welcome" haha, we'll still accept you if you're a troll, just don't expect respect.


12 years ago

Hey, I'm Bo, I'm on the forums fairly often. Read my profile page for more info.


12 years ago

I think you know me from the PM's, but I'll introduce myself anyway.

I'm fergie, and I'm glad to help! I'll help with anything you need except scripting because I don't know how. That's Zikara's department. 3j can help you with anything also because he's been here the longest and knows just about all the ups and downs of the site. Welcome!


12 years ago

Zikara and JJJ will most likely stop by and say hello


12 years ago

But they haven't for the past day. Hmm......