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Stroll Through Yesterday

13 years ago
The monster`s jaw snapped at me. I screeched, and flung a pink stone at the brute. It creaked in pain, and rested it`s arms. His jaws clinked to a close.

I pushed through the rubble, running. Tears slipped down my face, smacking onto the sidewalk. They slid through my cracked lips.

My hands reach for the gashes on my face. Scarlett liquid slithers out of them, staining my clothes.

I crash into a telephone booth, snatching the phone from it`s cradle. Stabbing at the buttons; I try to dial "911". No sound came.

I felt almost dizzy. I slumped over on the floor.

The last thing I saw was a bright flash. I screamed.

I was in a garden. I made my way to a tree with blooming flowers, popping up on every branch. A small petal shivered, and floated to the ground.

I ran to the green grass, and rested in it`s emerald clutches. I was being pulled away...

Diamond raindrops bombed to the ground, shattering. My tears were with them. I cried, and cried.

Why did the diamonds have to shatter? They were so free in the air!

The other places were beautiful, but this one isn`t! Why, oh, why?

A dreamy voice answered me, "The rain has a second chance, but your world does not."

A bright flash blinded me. I was back in the phone booth. I stumbled onto the road, and new what I had to do.

It was time to defeat evil. The world was on my shoulders. "I can`t drop my home!" I hollered.

But how was I to pull this off?

Stroll Through Yesterday

13 years ago
Is that an idea you got for a storygame or is it a sample of your writing?

Stroll Through Yesterday

13 years ago

You should make longer sentences, that sounded a bit dull to me. I would add more details and use different choices in adjectives to make the piece intresting.

Stroll Through Yesterday

13 years ago
Your grammar is horrendous and this feels like it's trying way, way too hard. You aren't going to provoke an emotional reaction like this, it's just annoying. Get the basics under control. Learn what a semi colon is. Write SIMPLE sentences.

Stroll Through Yesterday

13 years ago
I use semi colons all the time u fat jerk. Its hard to type on my ds, so I dont use them. Just shutup!

Stroll Through Yesterday

13 years ago
Wow. I mean, I get that you don't like to be criticized and all, and if you're typing on a ds, then perhaps JJJ would have understood that (but really, you can't expect him to know that beforehand), but telling him to shut up and calling him a fat jerk? I mean, even if he wasn't admin, explaining why you are reduced to simplifying your sentences is quite sufficient without blatantly insulting 3J like that. Being so incredibly aggressive and objective to criticism is not very productive for you. Next time, try just to explain that you're not using a computer (and just about anyone will assume you are before that is mentioned), and that writing on that particular device is difficult.

Stroll Through Yesterday

13 years ago
Honestly, I did know he was on a DS. What I was asking for was CORRECT usage of semi colons not just blatant uses. He's already using them in the opening post, fourth paragraph so his whole "I'm on a DS so I can't use them" rant is kinda hilarious.

Also, I want him to SIMPLIFY his sentences and cut out the meandering nature of his prose. He can make it interesting with the content not with the sentence structure, especially not at this point in his writing career.

Of course, since I'm a fat jerk, this probably won't mean anything and I should just shutup.

Stroll Through Yesterday

13 years ago

I think you need longer and more detailed sentences. Some artistry with words is appreciated as well.

Stroll Through Yesterday

13 years ago

I know you're typing on a DS (don't expect us to remember every detail of your life, so most of us will forget that from time to time), so I'll try to ignore most grammatical mistakes. However, if you have to type on a DS, I would simply recommend not writing a story game at all, and simply wait untill you can make an arrangement so that you can get to a computer. I would suggest your local library if you don't have a computer of your own or  it's broken.

Alrighty then, onto the critiqueing:

1.) Where did the pink stone come from? Is the monster's lair a collection of metals and minerals that look appealing to him? Does your protaganist have the power to form projectiles? Does he have an enslaved genie? Is he/she the spawn of the god/goddess of the Earth and therefor can form certain minerals as he/she needs them? I know it seems minor, but minor details and lack thereof can break a story.

2.) I notice you constantly switch tense use. Example "My hands reach for the gashes on my face" completely clashes with "I stumbled onto the road" and other past tense usage. Tense switching can massively infuriate readers.

3.) The pronoun "it" cannot be possesive, so the word "it's" will always mean "it is", nothing more. When you write "rested it's arms" you really mean "rested it is arms". Most people will read it that way, and have to go back and re-read the sentence so it can make more sense. I'm simply telling you this to inform you, because it will both make it easier to type "its" rather than using your stylus to hit an apostraphe every time and because it will make your story more enjoyable.

4.) Why is the monster in the middle of a city? I'm assuming it is because you went from fighting what may or may not be a ferocious monster (lack of details) to crashing into a phone booth. If it is in a place populated enough to have a phone booth, why are there no scared civilians? Like I said, these are minor details, but a small bit of effort goes a long way.

5.) What does "I can't drop my home" mean? I doubt you could pick up your home, let alone drop it. Of course, unless you're homeless and live in a box. I would suggest rephrasing that sentence or adding some backstory in case the quote is significant. I mean, what if a mentor had told him previously "You must always drop what is not neccesary, but to drop what is essential to you would be to drop your very soul" (sorry, that's a horrible quote but I'm writing off the top of my head and I didn't really give it any thought)? Then it would make sense that the protaganist would "holler" that statement, seeing as he knows that to let his home be destroyed by evil would mean giving up his morals and his very identity.

6.) Make your paragraphs longer. One or two sentences are not paragraphs, simply related sentences, and so they require no spacing.

Remember, this is all to help you, so please don't snap at me haha. Don't post a writing sample on a writing site under the writing workshop. This is a place to get criticism, and it will help you when you get more and more tips to help improve your writing.

Stroll Through Yesterday

13 years ago
Learn to write something that doesn't suck, you fat jerk.

(I had a lot of thoughts and suggestions as I read the posted excerpt, but after seeing the kind of person the OP is...why bother?)

(ThisIsBo, you have the patience of a saint.)

Stroll Through Yesterday

13 years ago

I laughed pretty hard reading that. After seeing the OPs hostility im not gonna be polite, my 5 year old nephew can write more detailed intresting stories in his sleep. Grow up and take criticism, if not then your not making it anywhere in life.

Stroll Through Yesterday

13 years ago
ThisisBo, you rocked that critique, I don't know why you're such a good person but congratulations on being that way. You're far more patient than I am

SJEKidd, thanks for the laugh haha. I love it when people hit up the physical appearance comments over the internet. It's usually just self-projection. If you have a weight problem, you should start on a balanced diet with regimented exercise. Don't worry, it can start small like a 1 or 2 kilometer jog, if that's all you can manage. Try to eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables as well and cut down on all processed foods and anything containing MSG.

Stroll Through Yesterday

13 years ago
Or you could try a power walk on a treadmill (I like anywhere from 3.0 to 4.0 without getting too tired too quickly) at a slight incline at first and gradually increasing as your calfs get used to the strain. Trust me, it helps. Like 3J said, eat healthier, smaller things that will help balance your metabalism.

Stroll Through Yesterday

13 years ago
Perhaps he should consider spending less time playing with his DS as well. It could encourage a sedentary lifestyle AND is bad for the wrists.

Stroll Through Yesterday

13 years ago
Yes, you should get away from the internet for awhile, Kidd.

Stroll Through Yesterday

13 years ago

Stroll Through Yesterday

13 years ago
What does that mean?

Stroll Through Yesterday

13 years ago

I know how he's feeling, everytime i take stroll down my local neighborhood something crazy happens to me. Well, That's because everybody knows me i guess.