
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was rejected 6/27/2012: Automatically rejected as part of the FWW clean out.

Blocking People

13 years ago

They should make it possible to block people so you don't recieve messages or see any posts from them. I have currently been recieving hate mail from someone and I would like it if I could just block that person out so I won't have to deal with him. I won't mind if any of you disagree with me, everyone has there own opinion.

Blocking People

13 years ago
Report the person to an admin, and dont read their messages. Delete them as soon as they arive.

I think blocking specific users from sending you messages is a great idea.

Blocking People

13 years ago
I do this on Xbox Live all the time. Any time someone says something I don't like I mute and block the guy. It's made my gaming much more pleasant. Having a blocking feature on this site would be nice, too (not that I get any spam or trolling).

Blocking People

13 years ago

But then where will you be able to find find 11 year old boys cursing like sailors and telling you that they're 21 and will "kick your ass"?

Blocking People

13 years ago
I think that again introduces a more socialistic website like facebook. Also what if the one time the person has something important to say you miss it because they are blocked. Most of us would have blocked Nevermind by now but I think most of us would agree she is not nearly as trollish as she use to be. People change and grow more mature so I dislike this notion of blocking.

Blocking People

13 years ago
If someone stops being an asshat then the people that haven't blocked him will let you know. So after So-And-So grows up, if he wants to say something profound, then maybe someone you haven't blocked will tell you, "hey, So-And-Son's been talking sense lately." Then you unblock him.

Blocking People

13 years ago
No need for that kind of language.

Blocking People

13 years ago
No need for being a prude.

Guanyin is completely right. Plus, to avoid that, simply refrain from being an asshat in the first place.

Blocking People

13 years ago
:P Well we all can't be perfect.

Blocking People

13 years ago

I'd agree with the suggestion to block people from PMing you, providing you can't block admins like JJJ or Sethaniel or whoever, because they're not going to send you hate mail (and if they do they lose their job).

As for the forums, no - as silly as some of the posts are on the forums, you can't discount everything a person says. Also, it would be extremely hard to implement because of the way the forums are coded, not to mention it'd be confusing to skip posts on a thread and not know what everyone is replying to. If somebody's being stupid on the forums just send a message to a moderator asking them to delete their posts, or alternatively just ignore them. I have little trouble with trolls because I don't interact with them when they act silly.

Blocking People

13 years ago

Not seeing what someone says on the forums would likely be extremely hard to code, and it would make the thread extremely confusing as people keep disucusing topics that have already been explained.

However, it shouldn't be too hard to simply not see messages sent by one person, and I would support it.

Blocking People

13 years ago
OK Yes PMs would be a great idea to block.

Blocking People

13 years ago
Like most people have said, I agree with blocking PMs, but not forums.

Though... It might be nice to have it not see any THREADS started by certain people, not necessarily posts. It would be easier to implement as well, and would not cause the confusion as if you did it with every post. Still not too sure I'd be for that, though.

Blocking People

13 years ago

You can just not open/ignore/report the PM.

You can just not read/ignore/report the thread.

There's really no need to go as far as blocking things. Whether or not it's an easy task, no one here can do it anyways.

Blocking People

13 years ago

I agree in that you should report people for PM issues, however, I would not support a hate list for CYOA. And barely anyone have sent in PM of hate extreme enough that they would need to report it to JJJ, aside from you that is. There is already enough hate in the world and we are a small community, please don't make this into social website like Facebook.

As for annoying or intrusive forum threads, JJJ sometimes delete those, and if you really don't like a person, just don't open their thread. There are many different in the internet, that is true, but I think that is what makes it so wonderful. Take the good with the bad, and just laugh.

Blocking People

13 years ago

different people*

Blocking People

13 years ago

on the internet*

Blocking People

13 years ago

If Silver's the one recieving hate mail, then it would be Kidd who's spreading the hate, and Silver can't really do anything about it other than try to stop it, as she is now.

But yeah, it would suck if this site was like Facebook. It would start with people using horrible language and text speak, then there would be useless and petty arguments everywhere, then there would be hate messages floating around for no reason, then... wait a minute, that's happening now! Well, friends, I think the CYS apocalypse is upon us.

Blocking People

13 years ago

haha, Bo keeps making me laugh!

Blocking People

13 years ago

I support the idea of blocking people's posts, but if this site becomes like Facebook I might kill myself.

Blocking People

13 years ago
I personally like this idea, both for forums and PMS. If you block them on the forum, it just replaces their post with ---blocked content--- (click HERE to unblock)

or something.

Blocking People

13 years ago

This would definitely make the forums a nicer place, but if a lot of users respond to a blocked person, you'd have to unblock all of the posts. I still support this idea.

Blocking People

13 years ago
WTF is wrong with you people?

If someone on a site that's all about writing dumb stories about elves and spaceships or whatever is actually getting worked up enough about something to send hatemail, you don't BLOCK them or report them, you make a thread and post it so we can all point and laugh at them because that is some hilarious shit right there.

Blocking People

13 years ago

And here I thought you were one of the nice ones....

Blocking People

13 years ago
Now where would you get an idea like that? :D

Blocking People

13 years ago

The my little pony reference

Blocking People

13 years ago

Pfft. Princess Celestia is a cold-hearted bitch.

...this post would be funnier if I could figure out how to post an image.

Blocking People

13 years ago

I literally just drag the image from another tab and put it into the textbox.


Also lol, you watch my little pony.

Blocking People

13 years ago

My Little Pony--depraved fetish porn.

Blocking People

13 years ago

To paraphrase C.S. Lewis, "when I grew up I put aside childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to appear very grown up."  It's a VERY well made show and if you're missing it just because you're too cool for cute things you're not hurting anybody but yourself. :P

Anyway, thanks for the tip. :) I couldn't get it working at first but then I realized I didn't have rich text on, I guess that was the problem.

Blocking People

13 years ago

I just don't want to be associated with things involving 4chan.

I'm well aware that children shows can be good. In fact they're often better than shows aimed at adults.

Blocking People

13 years ago

To be realistic though there's literally no popular show, book, game or movie in the entire world you can enjoy if you take into account whatever mind-scarring depravity the Internet has unleashed upon the poor unsuspecting characters. I just enjoy stuff on its own merits and never, ever do a google image search. (I went looking for Lion King fanart once when I was fourteen and found the combination of bleach and steel wool required afterwards to be kind of painful on the ol' eyeballs...but hey, I learned my lesson.)     

Blocking People

13 years ago

You can set search options you know lol.

I understand your point, but I still won't watch the show. Just not interested in it.

Blocking People

13 years ago

Occasionally you'll find the children's shows aimed at adults... like Adventure Time :P

Blocking People

13 years ago

You're correct, it's a pretty well made show, the maker also made Adventure Time and I like them both (Yes cool, I've seen the occasional episode haha. I'll watch it from time to time, but it's my brother that's the bronie). I'm not scared to admit I still watch cartoons... but wait, maybe my not being scared to admit it is acting childish because I'm trying to look mature... I dunno what to think anymore.


Blocking People

13 years ago

She also made Powerpuff Girls, another cartoon ostensibly aimed at kids but with a ton of stuff designed to fly right over their heads.

...damn, now I miss that show. Gonna go see if it's on Netflix...

Blocking People

13 years ago

It's probably on Netflix, but now it's on Cartoon Network.

Blocking People

13 years ago

I don't think this is about Blocking People....

Blocking People

13 years ago
It use to be but it changed somewhere along the line.

Blocking People

13 years ago

Yes. From the important issue of maybe making our website better to.....cartoon network cartoons -_-

Blocking People

13 years ago

The only important issue is that many summers ago, when I was still probably in junior high or late in elementary, Cartoon Network changed for the worse, man!  When they went from CartoonNetwork to CN, the line-ups followed, and my childhood ended!....

I mean, yeah.  Blocking people, I guess that's not a bad idea. haha  I'm with October here.  Can't really be done in the forums, but blocking PM's shouldn't be too bad.  Even though, I don't see this as a priority, as you can just do what (I think it was) Bo said, and delete the PM's without reading them.  Problem solved

Blocking People

13 years ago

Wait, no.  It was Ugilick.  Just deleted them, and it's as good as blocking someone

Blocking People

13 years ago
There is this show I watch named Cybersix. It is adapted from an Argentinean comic.
The comic was about Nazis, drugs, human experimentation, and more inappropriate stuff, but they toned it down for the TV show. They made it for children, but I think it appeals more to mature audiences.

Blocking People

13 years ago
Mizal, you are just funny!