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10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
I don't remember much about that day but it still is one of the most terrible thing that has happened in modern American history.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago

It was so sad, and makes us angry, but in it good things came. America became strong in security after they had beat down. You can't prevent the bad, but you can grow from it!

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago

It wasn't really that bad, nor the worst in modern american history. Most of it was because the majority killed was rich, thus making it a big deal. However, if we're talking in terms of symbolism alone, it 'might' had been the worst.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago

I don't think that at all. People DIED! It wasn't like everybody survived? There were many heroes that day and if you say what they did isn't that big a deal, well, you are putting down AMERICA!

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago

Hahah, wow.  I really didn't expect the first responses to be troll comments.  But I applaud your daring comedy... Unless you're both serious, in which case, "are you serious?!"

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
Really? Name 1 event in modern American history that was worse than 9/11. I'll give you a little hint, you won't find one. Not only were thousands of civilians killed in the initial attacks, plus people are still dying due to particles inhaled when the towers collapsed. Plus, what makes you think they were rich? Those who worked in the Twin Towers were mostly office workers who would work in cubicles. The only difference is that they lived in NY, so although they got payed more than those in other cities, they have to pay more for land, food, appliances, etc.

Although I don't agree with the actions taken afterwords, 9/11 is the absolute worst attack in modern American history so far.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago

I remember exactly where I was - 4th grade.  I woke up before my mom came to wake me for school, and I didn't feel like going that day.  So, I went to the kitchen, turned on the stove and hovered over it (pretty far, obviously) for about 30 seconds, then ran to my mom's room.  I told her I wasn't feeling well, I had a soar throat, blah blah, she put her hand on my forehead and was said okay. haha  I walked back to my room, turned on the TV to Cartoon Network, walked over to the kitchen to grab a Capri Sun drink, and as I walked back to my room, my mom calls me over and shows me the news.  A plane had struck the WTC.  I thought "Wow... I guess that really sucks, I dunno.  I'm gonna go back and watch cartoons now."

Some time later, my mom calls me back into the room when the next plane hits.  I then thought, "Wow.  Again?"  And then came the news: TERRORISM.  They proceeded to freak me the fuck out, and I just started watching the news that day.  It was like a damn movie, playing the president's address or something.  They'd show like the first 5 seconds.  Then later, just the first 10 seconds.  Later, the first 20 seconds.  Just like that until they showed the whole thing; I remember them saying it was for security purposes or something, but I just thought it was retarded.

But, I guess what I'm trying to say is that, clearly, I caused 9/11! (<-- Troll comment). 

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
I agree with the last sentence, but I don't see any good events that came from 9/11. All I can see that happened is that NYC went temporarily bankrupt paying for all those pensions of the first responders that died, an innocent country was invaded (where a massive amount of civilians were killed in the bombing strikes), and Security was tightened to incredible amounts.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
rediculous amounts*

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago

Because I don't like to deal in absolutes, I'll say mostly bad came from it.  I'm sure that someone, somewhere, started doing something positive as a result of 9/11 that he or she would not have done otherwise.  But apart from that, just a whole lotta evil

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
Patriatism increased massively. For a short time there were a massively decreased amount of internal conflicts. For a short time, the entire nation was bound together. That is a very good thing.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
Didn't even consider that, good point. Although I would argue that the incereased Nationalism lead us to the Iraq war which I don't support (I list why below), the rest are very good reasons.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
Holy shit did you just say an innocent country was invaded? Shit bo they were sheltering terrorist that killed over 3000 people...

Are you saying that tightening security was a bad thing? If it werent for that we would have had many more 9/11's by now. I have never dissagreed with you more in my life.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
1.)Pakistan may or may not have sheltered Osama, did we invade them? Afghanistan may or may not have sheltered Osama, did we invade them? Iran may or may not have sheltered Osama, did we invade them? Name 1 reason that shows why we would have reason to invade Iraq. I believe that, yes, he was hiding in Iraq, and that yes, the PEOPLE of Iraq sheltered him, but can we really blame the government? And if you want to look at why we backed in invasion of Iraq in the first place, Osama killed 3000 innocents, but over 100,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed in the Iraq war.
So basically, yes I say that an innocent country was invaded, and while I support the execution of Osama, I do not support the Iraqi war. Sit there and tell me we can't value an Iraqi's life as equal to our own.

2.) I'm not saying that the TIGHTENING itself is bad, just to the levels it has been taken. Not allowing firearms without national approval, I support. Not allowing me to bring a bottle of water or shampoo I don't.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
Forgot to cite my source for the body count.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
1.) How many of those casualties are due to American forces and not suicide bombers? Also the leader of Alkiauida was the leader of that country, who was also a dictator. So "innocent" is not the correct word.

2.) I get the shampoo thing because you could sneak in chemicals, but the recent pat-downs and scanning technology are going way to far.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
1.) Partially American, partially Taliban/Al Qaeda. My main point there is that the Iraq war caused many more civilian deaths than the 9/11 attacks.

2.) there are two parts to part 2.
A: Saddam was the leader of Al Qaeda? Just like the Australians didn't participate in WWII, eh? (
B: Let's say that Saddam was in fact the leader of Al Qaeda. Considering that not every citizen in Iraq is Sadda Hussein, and that not every citizen supports the Taliban or Al Qaeda, why would you say that their leader should represent what every person in that country believes? That point is pretty unAmerican, Cool.

3.) I didn't consider the chemicals in the shampoo bottle.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
1.) Most civilian deaths come from suicide bombs IEDs, AEDs and truck bombs. Yes in the original assault we killed some civilians but that was on accident. Most deaths of civilians was cased by Al Qaeda.

2.) Also lets not forget the nuclear bombs that were suspected to be in Iraq. Saddam was a ruthless dictator. It has also been speculated that once he was attacked he help set up the Al Qaeda forces in Iraq.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
1.) Care to cite that, bro? You haven't exactly proven yourself to be historically reliable in the past.

2.)Let's consider what you just said.
A: WMDs were in fact SUSPECTED to be in Iraq, but there was no proof. Ever wonder why the UN didn't support the invasion? It was partially because our main argument, Iraq possessing WMDs, couldn't be proven.
B: Yes, yes he was. So were Mubarik and Gadhafi, where's the invasion there? The fact that he was a dictator doesn't make the people of his country any less innocent.
C: Wait wait wait, "once he was attacked"? You mean Desert Storm or the Iraq war? But still, if one of the largest military powers in the world starts attacking me, something tells me I'm going to turn to their enemies as well. I don't see how it makes his people any less innocent, plus you specifically said he was their leader, which was a HUGE historical innacuracy.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
Ahh, thank you. Although a scouring of your source didn't provide me with the fact that IEDs caused the majority of the civilian casualites (you might want to specifically quote that from the text), I did find this interesting little tid-bit.

"The report says the U.S. and its allies were responsible for the largest share (37%) of the 24,865 deaths. The remaining deaths were attributed to anti-occupations forces (9%),"

So the quote from the source that you used said that coalition occupation forces caused the majority of the casualties, and that a mere 9% were killed by the anti-occupations forces. So I'm going to assume that if the anti-US forces only killed 9%, then the IEDs they planted, suicide bombers they sent, and truck bombs deployed did not in fact cause most of the casualties. Of course, unless the US was the one using the bombs.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
I wonder what caused the rest of the death?

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
That's a good question, but one I can't answer.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
I know and even that report is not entirely correct. This war is wrapped in an Amiga and sealed with a conspiracy.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
Amiga? Anywho, why owuld you use a source that isn't correct? Because i proved you wrong using the same source?

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
No its just I have seen other sources with different numbers entirely when it comes to the people killed.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago

Holy shit, did you just condem an entire country for the actions of a few terrorists?

Man, my respect for you just plummeted.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
I think he was trying to say what I was saying. Accept he was more blunt. The entire country should not be condone but maybe the government? I just think innocent was not the right description.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago

Afganistan was fighting the Taliban long before 9/11, it's not as though they wanted them in their country.

Pakistan on the other hand was actively helping the Taliban (with their fight vs Afganistan), yet they were never invaded.

Not to mention the fact that before 9/11, the US had actually told Afganistan that they should surrender to the Taliban, effectively saying they should have their own country.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
1.) We didn't invade Afghanistan. Technically we are there with the governments support.

2.) Like I said we didn't invade Afgan so point is moot.

3.) Well that is kinda the point isn't it? America changed after 9/11.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
I actually remember a little bit about what I was doing. I was a kindergarten at the time. My dad worked at United airlines and Intel. The teachers were all crying and my mom picked me up.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
I don't like the whole hype on 9/11 so much. It has some nice heroism in it, and that's why people latch on. But worse disasters than that happen all of the time the world over. There was a tsunami in indonesia that killed over 100 times more people in 2004 that you probably never heard of (I didn't until I looked it up two minutes ago). I kind of dislike the attitude of America that the World stopped, for some reason, because of their measly 2,000 person death toll. Not to lessen the pain of those who lost family members, or the memory of those who died, but that always bothers me about these conversations. The fact that people for some reason believe that it was devastating to anyone outside their own country. Or those that are scared into believing that somehow the increased security and terribly invasive scanners and things are a good thing. Cuz they're not. One thing, though, 9/11 is actually the worst disaster in Modern US history by death toll at least (and apparently shock appeal as well)

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
I think most of the hype that Americans put on it is because of the lack of disasters we go through. Not that I'm complaining that we don't get many disasters (natural or otherwise), but when you go for years without losing a large amount of people, losing upwards of 3,000 people in a terrorist attack seems huge. That's another thing, I think the fact that someone actually attacked America was incredibly shocking to most Americans. The only attacks on US soil were the entire war of 1812, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese invasion of Alaska (not many people know about it, but it happened), that time when unmanned Japanese baloons dropped bombs at random on US forests (they were aiming for major cities along the Western coast like LA, but luckily the timed releasing mechanism jammed or something, and it went off later than it should), and 9/11.

I also dislike how everyone in 9/11 is called a "Hero". I don't mean to brind disrespect to the deceased, but a hero is someone who bravely (or "heroicly", hehe) goes out of his or her way to help others in great times of need. Although there were heroes during 9/11, like the heroes of the 88th floor, most of the people were doing exactly what I would do in the situation: Huddling in the feedle position, scared shitless.

But you're right, I kneew there was a tsunami there, but I didn't know much about it. Unfortunately most Americans (myself included) still have a kinda isolationaist mentality about the rest of the world. We really don't care what happens over seas unless it affects us, like the Japanese earthquakes/tsunamis. No one really cared untill there was news that traces of radiation from the nuclear plants MIGHT reach the western coast of California.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
The thing about the tsunami is that it was a natural dissaster, 9/11 was a terrorist attack and should have been completely avoidable.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
So, because a tsunami is unavoidable, the 150,000 lives lost in the Indonesian tsunami should be dwarfed by the 9/11 attacks?

But just for fun, tell me why the 9/11 attacks were "completely avoidable". Because a flight school in Florida trained the attackers? They had no reason to believe they were terrorists, and at the time they said that they were learning to fly in order to pilot passenger jets in their native country (which was a common reason), and to refuse them training because of their race or religion would simply be wrong. Because we knew that the flights were hijacked? We knew this roughly 15-20 minutes before the first plane collided with the World Trade Center, if memory serves.

It may be because I'm being ignorant right now, but I can't see why you would possibly believe that a tsunami being natural should have any sort of impact on the argument.

( body count.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
I completly agree with the first paragraph.

I hear people use the term Hero and victim in 9/11 references. You forgot the big one on your list. The flight that went down in the middle of nowhere because the passengers rushed the terrorist to take control of the plane.

I said worse disaster in modern American history. Not world history.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
1.) I know, but I don't understand how some people say that everyone who died in the attack were heroes. The heroes of the 88th floor, the firemen and policemen that were killed when the tower collapsed (seeing as they were there purely to help people, and somer were even there when specifically instructed to stay at home), and the citizens of flight 93 (I can't believe I forgot them!) were some of these heroes.

2.) I was simply using the tsunami, like Zikara, as an exapmle to show the reaction that Americans have for a disaster on their own soil compared to a disaster that takes an incredibly larger amount of lives elsewhere.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
1.) I hear people say to the Heroes and innocent civilians who died in 9/11. I have actually never heard that everyone who died was a hero. I couldn't believe you forgot them either they were by far the most calm and collected group who did something really good at the cost of there lives.

2.) Yes I understand that but the tsunami would be considered world history. I specifically said American history. Which makes Zikara and your points invalid.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago

It's true that it's not what you called it, but isn't it true that it's what American's refer to as "the day the world stood still" instead of "the day America stood still"?

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
Well the modern world stood still. People from over 100 different countries died on that day. It was the WORLD trade center. So people could be expected to care when it came crashing down.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
I just want to point out that I know that Cool was saying it was the biggest disaster in American history, and I was saying that is true. I don't fault Americans for caring more, because they should. It was done to them. If you had a brother that got shot that day, you'd probably be caring more about that than 9/11. As you should. People just care more about the things that relate more closely to them. That's natural, and that's okay.

My last statement in that post was in response to Erudite. He said that it wasn't the worst disaster in American history, but by death count, and several other factors, I think it definately is.

Its the singular point that people of America think for some reason that it affects the whole world, and that for some reason the whole world just watches them with baited breath and that they're the centre of everything. We don't, and they're not. (Not to say this to any individuals, and I know that a lot of Americans likely don't think this way or say those kinds of things. Its just the Loud Minority factor in play.) The world had its own fair share of problems to deal with, I'm sure. And very few countries were even involved with this event or the events that followed, and so got impacted very little.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
*sigh* Cool, we're not saying that Americans should care as much about the tsunami than 9/11 (although knowing the body count at least would be good), it was just a point about how Americans (including myself) don't worry as much about global events than they do American events. We weren't negating a point, simply stating one, so no saying American history does not make those points invalid by any means.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
All I remember from that time was that I was in the 1st grade, I was trying to color, and my teacher was crying and watching the television. I don't think I was taken out of school for the day or anything though, although I've heard my parents discussing how they were watching the newsfeed as it was happening though.

Being as young as I was, I didn't really understand the gravity of the situation, nor did I understand all the facts behind the Iraq war. All I knew was that they attacked us (I know that's not true, but that's what I was told at the time), and we attacked them back, and we won in a week or two. It wasn't untill I was 13 that I started watching the videos and bystander-filmed documentaries with a (relatively) mature mindset, and then I started looking more into it. I think what got me the most was the amount of people jumping out of the windows. Like they told my father in the fire academy "I can take a lighter, and force you to jump off the tallest building in the world", because fire is one of the most painful ways to go, and we're all instinctively scared by it.

But watching the amount of people dropping from buildings, and then when the tower collapsed and people were walking around coated in dust, unable to see or hear is what brought a tear to my eye.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago

It seems everyone has a story of what they experienced. I was five, but i can't remember a thing.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago

God bless America

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
The three greatest words in the English Language.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago

Everytime I watch this video, I cry

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago


10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago

A hint of confusion...

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago

It may just be an American thing that you weren't aware of the Boxing Day tsunamis in Indonesia, it was all over the news here and charity events were happening on television (like all three of the major television stations held donation drives instead of regular programming to raise money for the victims). It might have just been Australia's proximity to Indonesia (although the tsunamis were no threat to us and we rarely hear much about Indonesia anyway), although we do hear of disasters happening from further away places as well so maybe it is just an American thing.

Anyway, I thought this picture was appropriate given the conversation:

No disrespect meant to the victims of 9/11, of course, but just to put things into perspective.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
I was aware of the Tsunami we had donation and such as well. It is just that it was an attack on America's home turf and that will always have domince on our mind. Just like pearl harbor.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago

Isn't that what everyone here has been saying? That American's care greatly about this, but they overestimate the amount other countries care?

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
Love the new pic btw.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago

Thanks. Know what it is?

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
I feel like I should, but I don't

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago

It's Shade, from Homo Perfectus.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
Honestly, I didn't even know about the Indonesian tsunami untill Zikara brought it up, then I researched it. The most recent thing I've heard of our programming networks raising money for was the Haiti earthquake. Like October's evaluation of the tsunami reaction, this may be because of our proximity, because we NEVER hear things from Haiti, and we were in no danger and all.

But then again, the last thing I've heard from Australia was how they wanted a different version of Left For Dead (not sure if it was 1 or 2) due to gore or something along those lines. And I don't even know how many years ago that was haha.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
Really? I actually did a report on it when I was younger. There were a lot of televised funding for it. You probably heard of it but you just didn't care because of your age at the time.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago

strange that this all happened on my birthday... But yes that day was horrible for us americans at the time. I think bush is right to hunt the terriosts down but we should get the EU to help in that "War on terror". Just y thoughts.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
Well honestly, most of the UNs army is the United States. Some Europeans have helped but not really a lot of them. But what can you do.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
@Bo- Really? Name 1 event in modern American history that was worse than 9/11. I'll give you a little hint, you won't find one. Not only were thousands of civilians killed in the initial attacks, plus people are still dying due to particles inhaled when the towers collapsed. Plus, what makes you think they were rich? Those who worked in the Twin Towers were mostly office workers who would work in cubicles. The only difference is that they lived in NY, so although they got payed more than those in other cities, they have to pay more for land, food, appliances, etc.

Although I don't agree with the actions taken afterwords, 9/11 is the absolute worst attack in modern American history so far.

You are smokin some good crack dude, FedEx me some. Pearl Harbor? Oklahoma Bombings? Columbine? Hurricane Andrew? Hurricane Camille? Any tri-state tornado in history? Come on dude have some under dat belt.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
have some history*

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
Death tolls:

- September 11th: 2,973
- Pearl Harbor: 2,458
- Oklahoma bombing: 168
- Columbine
- Hurricane Andrew: 23
- Hurricane Camille: 256


10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
Sorry, Columbine was supposed to say '15' after it.

September 11th is the worst disaster in recent US history. That's pretty much fact. Not only did it have the most deaths of any recent event in America, but it also got the most publicity (except -maybe- columbine..), in my opinion, because it really struck into the American people's sense of security that they had before that day.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
I guess I was thinking more on a damage-done level rather than lives lost.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
You're still wrong. More orphans left, more damage done, more debt caused, more negative affects caused than pretty much anything you listed. Of course I automatically discount your arguments half the time anyway, seeing as you have an incredibly unfounded and biased account of history, but I think this needed addressing even though I couldn't respond earlier.

@Zikara: thanks for those death tolls.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
Hey you guys! Don`t you realize that 9/11 wasn`t all about the twin towers? Heck! What about the people at Pentagon? Majority and popularity go to twin towers, but people died at the pentagon too, and none of you give a crap about it! 9/11 doesn`t mean twin towers! There were so many other events that happened in the world on that day! I bet on 9/11 billions of people in africa died! And on every day billions of people die! why don`t we care about that? I know 9/11 is a big deal, but I still think were being self-centered brats.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
You are just trolling as usually. It is sad that your attuide compels you to disrespect the dead like that. If you actually read the thread you find that we also pointed out the pentagon.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
Wait, shit.... really? Billions of people die every day? Well, fuck. Cuz, the population is at about 7 billion right now. And only 350,000 people are born every day.....

Which means.... we'll be extinct by next week?? :( That sux.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago

There's only one solution, hump like bunnies. Produce more than a billion babies per day.

10 Years since 9/11

13 years ago
Just brought a tear to my eye.