It was so sad, and makes us angry, but in it good things came. America became strong in security after they had beat down. You can't prevent the bad, but you can grow from it!
It wasn't really that bad, nor the worst in modern american history. Most of it was because the majority killed was rich, thus making it a big deal. However, if we're talking in terms of symbolism alone, it 'might' had been the worst.
I don't think that at all. People DIED! It wasn't like everybody survived? There were many heroes that day and if you say what they did isn't that big a deal, well, you are putting down AMERICA!
Hahah, wow. I really didn't expect the first responses to be troll comments. But I applaud your daring comedy... Unless you're both serious, in which case, "are you serious?!"
I remember exactly where I was - 4th grade. I woke up before my mom came to wake me for school, and I didn't feel like going that day. So, I went to the kitchen, turned on the stove and hovered over it (pretty far, obviously) for about 30 seconds, then ran to my mom's room. I told her I wasn't feeling well, I had a soar throat, blah blah, she put her hand on my forehead and was said okay. haha I walked back to my room, turned on the TV to Cartoon Network, walked over to the kitchen to grab a Capri Sun drink, and as I walked back to my room, my mom calls me over and shows me the news. A plane had struck the WTC. I thought "Wow... I guess that really sucks, I dunno. I'm gonna go back and watch cartoons now."
Some time later, my mom calls me back into the room when the next plane hits. I then thought, "Wow. Again?" And then came the news: TERRORISM. They proceeded to freak me the fuck out, and I just started watching the news that day. It was like a damn movie, playing the president's address or something. They'd show like the first 5 seconds. Then later, just the first 10 seconds. Later, the first 20 seconds. Just like that until they showed the whole thing; I remember them saying it was for security purposes or something, but I just thought it was retarded.
But, I guess what I'm trying to say is that, clearly, I caused 9/11! (<-- Troll comment).
Because I don't like to deal in absolutes, I'll say mostly bad came from it. I'm sure that someone, somewhere, started doing something positive as a result of 9/11 that he or she would not have done otherwise. But apart from that, just a whole lotta evil
Holy shit, did you just condem an entire country for the actions of a few terrorists?
Man, my respect for you just plummeted.
Afganistan was fighting the Taliban long before 9/11, it's not as though they wanted them in their country.
Pakistan on the other hand was actively helping the Taliban (with their fight vs Afganistan), yet they were never invaded.
Not to mention the fact that before 9/11, the US had actually told Afganistan that they should surrender to the Taliban, effectively saying they should have their own country.
It's true that it's not what you called it, but isn't it true that it's what American's refer to as "the day the world stood still" instead of "the day America stood still"?
It seems everyone has a story of what they experienced. I was five, but i can't remember a thing.
God bless America
Everytime I watch this video, I cry
A hint of confusion...
It may just be an American thing that you weren't aware of the Boxing Day tsunamis in Indonesia, it was all over the news here and charity events were happening on television (like all three of the major television stations held donation drives instead of regular programming to raise money for the victims). It might have just been Australia's proximity to Indonesia (although the tsunamis were no threat to us and we rarely hear much about Indonesia anyway), although we do hear of disasters happening from further away places as well so maybe it is just an American thing.
Anyway, I thought this picture was appropriate given the conversation:
No disrespect meant to the victims of 9/11, of course, but just to put things into perspective.
Isn't that what everyone here has been saying? That American's care greatly about this, but they overestimate the amount other countries care?
Thanks. Know what it is?
It's Shade, from Homo Perfectus.
strange that this all happened on my birthday... But yes that day was horrible for us americans at the time. I think bush is right to hunt the terriosts down but we should get the EU to help in that "War on terror". Just y thoughts.
There's only one solution, hump like bunnies. Produce more than a billion babies per day.