I’m looking for volunteers to troubleshoot my ‘Dungeon Stompage!’ fantasy adventure game on a game-wide “bug hunt” before I publish it.
The game is 100% complete, fully playable, and long enough to be a challenge (400+ pages). I have proofed it over and over and think I have all the bugs out, but you never know.
What I’d like are some folks willing to play through it in various ways and provide useful feedback on any problems or snags they might find.
This would include things like noticing that a map-piece didn’t update correctly; or that a page says you used a sword when you used a mace; or perhaps a link to a page leads to the wrong place; or I forgot to put the “@P” in the $DEST # and it causes an Application Error. All those sorts of things.
Let me know here or by PM and I’ll send you the Link to the game. As of right now, I don’t have the game preview-able, but will set that up if I get any interest.
Playtesters will get hints and even cheats (if needed) on finishing the game and those that do finish it will be listed with thanks as Playtesters on the game Title Page.
Let me know, thanks - BZ