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12 years ago
What everyone of you think about them?
Are they real or just a word?
Anyone of you have experienced or heard about them?

Very curious....!


12 years ago

I don't think they're real, I don't have any experience of them (because if I had, I would obviously have evidence that they are real) and yes, I've heard about them in a mythological context (and I've heard some people believe they exist).


12 years ago
In my knowledge, they are spirits of dead people that for some reason are 'stuck', between this plane of existence and the next.
And I'll go with ghost hunters and psychic believe that such earth-bound spirits don't know they are dead.
And as, Veteran ghost hunter Hans Holzer wrote,' A ghost is a human being who has passed out of the physical body and is not aware usually of his true condition.
I've never experienced, but heard about their activities in my neighbour's house, few years ago.


12 years ago

The house I grew up in was haunted by several spirits, but only in the original parts of the house which were very old. Lucky me, I got the old master bedroom since the basement was remodeled into a master suite. So my room was in the part of the house which was completely untouched since the mid 1800's. 

I'm not sure if anyone ever died in the house, but I did experience a lot of activity.

At night my bedroom door handle would rattle or the door would open. My bathroom sink would turn on and off and things would move from one place to another for 'no reason'. A lot of my childhood friends who would spend the night sometimes would tell me that they heard laughter in the hallway.

I always treated the spirits with respect and several times I attempted to make contact with them. None of them were  dangerous or violent, so I never tried to banish them in any way(I do follow Wicca as a religion and, although I don't practice any sort of magic. I do believe that certain rituals do effect spirits, though I always stayed away from doing such things.)

The only time it was ever a problem was when I brought home boyfriends. They would have their feet grabbed, feel someone shove their shoulder, ect. Not sure why only boyfriends, since I never really paid too much attention to the spirits in that house. And I only ever did anything for them on Samhain. 


12 years ago

Since we're on the topic of Ghost, let's talk about Spirits and Soul. :D

This is my perspective on them:

Ghost - Residue of the dead. When a person die with strong emotions, they leave an imprint upon the world, that is what that is remain. Their leftover, it is not them but merely what was left behind. The stronger the emotions, the more "advance" the ghost. For example, a person who died with strong emotions could leave a residue that could not do much except going around until it's unfulfilled wish is somehow fulfilled or a person who died with stronger and more intense emotions could leave a residue that might be capable to thoughts and stuff.

Spirit - I don't know much about them but from what I think of them, there are differences. I think that they could think, interact with physical object if they can materialize, live in another dimension really close to ours which would also explain why they cannot touch most physical object and yet can be seen. For example, an angel and a man was walking through a forest, they came upon a large rock and the man walk around it while the angel walk through it. And yet they are both passing through air. (Doubt this would make sense, Can't explain it well,)

Souls - This is you and all living thing that can think. Personally, I classified them into three types. Blank slate, Growth and Final. They represent you in terms of personality, attitude and basically what makes you who you are.

Blank Slate is when life was first made. When you or any other moving living creature are born or made. You are empty, innocent, pure and have a really white soul.

Growth - When colors is added to the soul. When your personality and who you are began to surface. This is when you began to grow and learn, when your soul began to change. Whether you have a dark, dirty soul or a beautiful one is mostly through this.

Final - When you die or reach the point where you can no longer change too much. Your soul is finalize or fully grown, it could be evil, dark, gritty and absolutely disgusting or it could be beautifully colorful and amazing. It is here when you enter the next world that is separated by death.

I could say more but that might take too long. Know that all this is not all of what I think they all, it is only a small portion of it. This is my view, my perspective on the topic of Ghost... with added content :P


12 years ago

That is very similar to the Wiccan view. :)

As to your opinion on Soul, I was wondering if you have ever studied Angelology? It's very interesting and fits your description very well. I don't study it in a biblical sense, but I do find it really interesting in how it interprets some of the biblical happenings and also historical events. To me, in some ways, the bible would make more sense if it had included this stuff(no offense intended to anyone, just my own little opinion).



12 years ago

Lol, I have never studied Angelology, I thought about all that while I was being depressed and thinking too much while trying to sleep, maybe I'll go check it out.

Edit: Wait, Angelology is a book?


12 years ago

No it isn't(or if it is, I doubt it's related). It's the study of angels and branches from several biblical based religions(Islam, Christianity, Judaism, ect) It also takes info from the three books of the bible which are not included in modern day versions. 

For example in Angelology, the flood was not as simple as the typical bible describes. It suggest that there were angels which had relations with humans, producing the Nephilim. God used the flood to punish the humans and destroy the abominations, while casting the offending angels to hell. I believe it also suggests that some Mayan images depict the Angels/Nephilim.


12 years ago

I am paraphrasing by the way, since it's been awhile since I've read up on it. (there a lot of different books XD)


12 years ago

Question about the book, was it written by religous zealots, normal religous people or other/athiest? Not that it actually says anything about the book but i just wanted to know.


12 years ago

Um, I'm not sure what book you are talking about? Angelology is just the study of angels(not a book).

As far as the excluded biblical texts  here is a list of the many, many books that were edited out of the bible over the centuries. Several of which were found with the Dead Sea Scrolls if I'm not mistaken. They all have complicated names, so I won't list them. This site has a great list and good, accurate descriptions of both.

I believe one of the books of Enoch contains the story about the Flood and the Nephilim if I am correct(there are around five I think). And possibly the Books of Adam and Eve, which tell Genesis in greater detail. All the books date back to Early Christianity and several predate Christ and influenced the New Testament.

I only read them because of my interest in Angelology, since over time the church has taken out almost all details on angels' names and the hierarchy of them within heaven. Except for Gabriel, Micheal, and Lucifer before the fall. But, when all the original biblical texts are studied there are several hundred angels, all named, and all with a purpose.


12 years ago

Also to add, many of these books are mentioned in the modern bible. Just excluded from it. Like almost anything that is nearly 1000 years old, it is subject to change lol.


12 years ago

Aside from books of made up fairy tales like mother goose and the bible,I don't think ghosts/spooks/assorted gods and boogums exist.  There is a specific low fequency sounds that can make you nervous,naseus and even see things. There is also high EMF that can have a similar effect.



12 years ago

Ok, that's your opinion. I'm not sure what any of that has to do with what I just said, except to belittle my opinion.


12 years ago

I can't really see the link between Angelology as it is about angels and my idea of souls seems to be different. Care to explain more?


12 years ago

I guess it is just the way it approaches angels and such, it sounded just like how you explained your idea of spirits. Sorry I meant to say spirits and typed souls instead -_-. And since you used the angel as an example I was curious if you had ever studied that.

Pretty much from what I know of Angelology(from a non religious standard as opposed to religious), angels are beings which exist on a different plane than ours. They have a hierarchy among them and can 'visit' our plane. But, as your example they would not be physical as we are in our world, no more than we would be in their world.

Some people who study Angelology pray the different angels much like Catholics pray to various Saints. I personally view them as beings from a different plane of existence(if that explains it). :)


12 years ago

I see. The example I used for the spirits is actually from a story I read over the internet. I felt that it click with my idea of spirits and used it as an example. I never studied Angelology though.

Well, my idea applies to Spirit, not angel. I think that angel are a lot different from Spirit and was only using it as an example for the spirit part. Angels in my opinion exist either in a higher dimension and have the capability to travel between dimensions or they have technology way ahead of ours, so great that it would make us think that way.



12 years ago

Ah I see :)

That's a really neat idea, I never really thought of them in that way. I always pictured them as spiritual things on a different astral plane or something(though not quite in christian terms). But, the idea of them having advanced technology and such, is really, really cool. 

Gotta say, I love hearing stuff like that, because it makes me think. Just goes to show how endless the possibilities are for the unexplained. :) 


12 years ago

Nothing is impossible, it just haven't been done yet. For all you know, from wherever the angels come from, there might be flying pigs. XD


12 years ago

Haha and maybe they think we are spirit beings? 


12 years ago

If they actually have technology way more advance than ours then I highly doubt that. I think they would probably think we're primitive. But if we follow the Bible (No offense to anyone) then well, they were made to help us and stuff.


12 years ago

Hm good point. 


12 years ago

That is what I think of ghosts, IMO.



12 years ago

Great. Then reply to the thread, not my post. Then maybe I wouldn't have mistaken you.


12 years ago

Well Sorry.      For blowing your mind.


12 years ago

Nah, you just hit the wrong reply button, which caused me to misinterpret you. So we were both wrong. Don't get your undies in a wad



12 years ago

I like you now.



12 years ago

Sweet, the feelings mutual :)


12 years ago

Opps, apparentally a book with that title has come out since I first looked into Angelology several years ago. I don't think it has anything to do with the actual study of it though. Irony XD


12 years ago

If I were a ghost I would haunt reality shows that have nothing to do with ghosts. Like Hoarders.


12 years ago

Ghosts? IRL i think they are just made up stories to either gain fame or to explain unnatrual events to small to be noticed by other people. 

I think spirits and souls are real but not ghosts. Souls are in any living thing and are either a connection to the afterlife or just the more spiritual description of the sentient mind and Spirits are things we cannot see nor interact with on our side. They however can interact with us and even influence us a little. Of course we will never be certian until we either find a way to contact them or die.

Experienced with them? No, and I daout i will ever see one. Heard about them? It's really easy to look up a news story or write your own about how you were attacked by an angry spirit or found a house haunted by a ghost from whatever old days you pick. 

Trying to go for a neutral overall view on this subject.


12 years ago
Ghosts are fake? Maybe. They are awesome? Yes. They are evil? Not everyone. I'm afraid of them? Emmm....

In my knowledge...

When someone dies instantly or suddenly(like when you are blown away by a bomb or sniped in the brain) he/she/it doesn't believes that he/she/it is dead. Thus, they become ghosts. Not all ghosts are evil. You know. Most of the ghost only try to aware their loved ones. Try to make their presence felt. So, perhaps when you see a ghosts, maybe he is you gone brother? Who Knows?


12 years ago
I'll tell you where there aren't any ghosts, on any of those silly ghost hunter shows.

Those things really are ridiculous at times. Like that one guy who goes around shouting in dark houses daring the ghosts to come and get him all the time then inevitably he starts screaming that he feels them clawing at him. Lol.

I don't discount the idea that there might be some weird unexplainable stuff out there, but it certainly isn't going to be readily captured by some fake psychics running about with cameras in the dark.


12 years ago



12 years ago

My family has had some "experiences" with them but I haven't.  on the one hand, i can't find any rational reason why some weird disconnected conciousness would float around without a brain to power it (that's all that powers a human conciousness, or "soul"), but on the other hand it could be supernatural and there is evidence - however questionaable - of ghost activity.

I guess you could call me a ghost agnostic.


12 years ago

On a side note, what do you guys think of the Long Island medium? I find mediums to be fake in general - when it gets to the point where they write entire books on how to fake it it gets pretty easy to point them out - but my mother and several others seem to be fascinated with her. I just don't get it.