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Turn-based battles can be pretty hard to pull off

11 years ago
I realize that I've tried to make some sort of RPG combat system multiple times, but, one way or another, they're flawed. I keep tripping myself up over various things. For example, if you're going to have a complex system with a lot of leveling, attack types, elements and so forth, a generic "random encounter" page would probably become crammed with variables.

Then I recently fiddled around with a different system that, for some reason, I thought might be easier to manage, wherein there are six spots on a die which correlate to different attacks. That led to a lengthy, somewhat confusing script differentiating first between the result of the die roll and then between what was on square 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, and then after that the result of the actual roll has to be filled in, and depending on how many attacks the player could potentially use in this thing, that would get tedious fast.

To some extent, that's just what comes with the territory of making a game like that in the first place. What I'm really searching for is a tried-and-true system of sorts: a reasonable method of where to put certain actions in relation to battling and blah blah blah bleh.

(On a totally different subject which is so unrelated that most reading it will have no idea what it means, I feel like I've ousted myself from the CYOA kingdom by - taking on a project I never finished (the usual) and - wanting to join a forum game that I still haven't gotten in on. If I make any headway on any of that stuff, nobody will hear about it until something substantial comes to pass.)

Turn-based battles can be pretty hard to pull off

11 years ago

Are you doing a pokemon game or something?

Turn-based battles can be pretty hard to pull off

11 years ago

I'd suggest Pming BZ about combat systems. DS has an amaizing system, and he has offered to help others with scripting before.

Turn-based battles can be pretty hard to pull off

11 years ago

True :)

Turn-based battles can be pretty hard to pull off

11 years ago
Naw, not a Pokemon game. That's too too much. I usually just mess around with whatever small idea strikes my fancy, for food, fun, and enjoyment. And who's DS? BerkaZerka, the old flame. When things get rough out there, I'll contact you. When it's time.

Turn-based battles can be pretty hard to pull off

11 years ago!.aspx

I call it DS for short

Turn-based battles can be pretty hard to pull off

11 years ago
Ah! I still haven't played a lot of games on this site. Not even the outstandingly good and famous ones. I didn't even think that one had turn-based combat in it, but hey it does. I noticed that more commands were done using the items than I'd previously realized, so maybe I can incorporate that into my experimentation. I should return here or contact BZ if I have any concrete questions Thank you!