Hey guys! I'm still working on that dating game. Do you think you could test it (so far) for me? I'd really appreciate it!!! http://chooseyourstory.com/story/viewer/default.aspx?StoryId=16129
Also, this is getting really complicated. I'm also hiring a cowriter, so please let me know if you're interested.
Not able to co-write anything right now, but just had to comment - WOW you have a lot of stories in the works!
School of Creeps sounds really interesting and I am morbidly curious about Welcome to Ponyville ^v^
well, i liked the story, these short pages were enough good to say the meaning.
I felt a little gay, when I met John and he said I'm "sweet" xD Of course, I understood that main character is a female after that.
What for exactly you need a coauthor?
I got the option 'go see Jacob again' after talking to Josh (and not Jacob). Might want to check on that. Also, Jacob's path is super easy. XD
Ya i was done in maybe 4 clicks. Pretty short