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I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

So... I am here to ruin your forums with my amazing intellect and smoking hot looks. Actually I came here cause after playing ChoiceOfGames games (the free ones and a couple of user made ones) I stopped after they made you play half the game and buy the rest (It is just 1 euro but no credit card + me being 16 = no game)


So, I have been active in an other site (in no way related to these) for like  a year and a guy comes making a "Storygames" thread where he tells me about this site.

So far I have played Necromancer (loved it)

GZS (also liked it a lot but Necro was better)

Dead Man Walking (really good, but not my type of games. Hate mazes and am more into human interaction stuff)

The Vampire Hunter (hillarious, hadnt laughed like that for a while)

Everlasting Darkness (good but meh)

Snow (No words, just "wow")

So... now that my boring intro is over, how are you guys?  I also had a couple of duels (hillarious).

Ok, now, any games you guys have to suggest? Any thing you wanna chat about? Any similliar sites you can link me to? All apreciated and sorry if this is  a "spam" thread but since there is no "introduce yourself" megathread...

Also, is there a point in checking all options? Like passing the stage and going back to check the "death" options? Normally I wouldnt do that but after playing Endmaster's (sorry if I raped your name) games where even failing is awesome, I dunno

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Hi and welcome to the site =)

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Thanks :)

Nice to see a community existing. Preety sure (from what I read) you made the Dead Man Walking game huh? This was actually the first game I was going to play since someone suggested it to me...

Anyway gotta love Penguins especially if they have their own show 

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Wait... what maze was in dead man walking? I am really confused As i am on my 3rd play through of it...

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Bad choice of words. I meant the whole trying to escape the city thing. I hate things like that since I am too lazy to keep an image of what is going on in my mind and end up lost. I prefer stories more about human relationships and stuff like that.... which is why I found the community shelter story line in Ground Zero the best. 

And since I got the best possible ending in my first try I didn't feel like doing it again... I am into more "Make your own character" stories anyway... speaking of which I should check out the RP forums (I think you guys have those here)

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

yup forum games section.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

welcome to the asylum.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Meh, I've been to worse :P


Though after playing " Farewell, My Childhood Self" I feel like I will leave this place emotionally scarred at some point 

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

If it's emotional scars you're looking for, read LoveSICK and/or A Very Special Chooseyourstory and get it the hell over with.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Or this thread, especially End's post:

Anyways, welcome to the site :)

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Hi and welcome to the site!

Checking all options just lets you see what you missed from your original route

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

I know that, I just dont know if it is worth it in all games. I guess it depends if it more of a story (where you want to learn all about it) or more of a game (where you just die = the end)


@Firesluqqer: Please tell me this threads are not a common thing here....


@ISentinelPenqui: Emm that wasn't exactly my plan, but I really can't stop from checking them out now :P

So, do you guys have any sort of chat room or chat thread?

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

If they were I wouldn't go on the forums anymore xD

As for chatrooms, I don't think anyone uses them alot but liuxess made two that we could use: (the slow one, use this one when the other's not working)

Alternatively, you can chat about whatever you want in The Lounge section of the forums.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Sounds like fun.. and yeah, this is often the fate of a forum chat room (usually cause after they get created no one bothers to post them in the front page)

So, I guess that the whole faction thing is an inside joke? Is TF2 related?

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Nah ask aman and berkazerka bring a razor

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

What now? And where is your profile pic from? 

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Dont trust any of the ices they have cold rations...


Come with me,ill show you the pyros.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Ok I guess? *Follows eatsleepslay*

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

As you see, us pyros come from many different races and cultures.

That is why I'm a cat myself.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Oh you are one of those *grabs anti-furry spray*

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

*pulls out pistol*

I'm a just a cat.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Forget it he's not one of us.


*runs of into the night.*

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Oh im an ultralisk. Eatsleepslay is a really a cat, not pyro LIES

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

No,I'm a pyro,just a cat pyro.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

So the pyro is really a cat?

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago


These are the best story games on the site, check them out


I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Will do mate, will do.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago


I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

*Checks titles*

*Checks link*

Dis gonna be gud!

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

They are for your own good you need to know the quality of the worst games on site

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

I actually liked the Dragon one lol.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

No, it is a cat set on fire

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago


I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

You play TF2? :D Add me, I'm Fireslugger. Add madglee too, he's one of the admins on this site.

As to the war, allow me to explain:

ONCE upon a time, there was EndMaster, the mighty God of Death who destroyed worlds after worlds, leaving nothing but the ashes of the once-great civilizations behind. And out of those ashes, two 'godly' beings were born, destined to meet and fight each other in a never ending battle to the death. They were Aman, the Mustache God, and BerkaZerka, God of Penguins (with mallets). And fight they did, while the mortals took sides/remained neutral/caused general chaos and watched the show. However, the mortals were not content with merely watching, and itched to experience the satisfaction of war and destruction.

Thus, a great man bestowed with new-found powers from the God of Fire founded the Pyro Faction. The God of Ice was unimpressed by this, and thus selected a special person to lead the Ice Faction to glorious victory. Like Aman and BerkaZerka, these two factions were destined to destroy each other. In the great Ice-Pyro War, the Pyro Faction, lead by Silverflame and consisting of me and Raywolf were pitted against the Ice Faction, lead by Lexi and consisting of Penguinsharpshooter and FeanoronForge  - chaos ensued as Amy2, hugo and galobtter caused chaos to both sides, Alvin summoned creatures of the Land of Imagination and Drakilian unleashed a terrible abomination onto the world, then waged war on Fireplay which ended in the destruction of the moon (correct me if I'm wrong.) EndMaster appeared as Aman and BerkaZerka went into hiding, but both factions foolishly fought on, oblivious to the impending danger. Thus, the Pyro Faction was completely destroyed save for one person (myself), and once again EndMaster left nothing but the remains of the world behind.

Sometime later, the Pyro Faction was revived by a plea to the God of Life, and with the new addition of eatsleepslay, it rose to be greater than ever to continue its destined battle with the Ice. And so it stands today, in all its glory, as does all the other neutrals/chaos sides. But the war seems to be on a hold for now, so enjoy these moments of peace while you still can, for it shall not last very long. (Nevertheless the Pyros are still recruiting, so I urge you to join :D I offer the finest roast chicken)

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

I'll think about it :P

And no I don't play TF2. I would if I had a PC

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

...You don't have a PC?

Oh the pain, the agony, the horror...

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Hold like iced coffee...

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago


I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

I don't drink coffee

And what did just happen?

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago


I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

The heck is a "CON"?

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago


I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago


(To Drako, haven't you ever heard of Con, the super-evil 3-yr-old baby genius? :O)

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Ignore it, keep calm, and bring down shotgun rain.

And welcome to the site.  Normally, I'd have some kind of anime-type face, but I'm in the middle of things.  Kinda have a need to freak people out with this pict.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago


I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

*points gun at CON*



I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

You can always take a cold coffee and set it on fire....

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Where can you get a fire hot enough to burn water?

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

We are burning coffee not water.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago


I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago


I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Don't do it Con, he is bluffing 

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago


I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago


I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Don't choose anything this guy offers.  He's insane.

[We're all insane.  I'm not really supposed to be typing this at 2:23 AM, but I'd get caught by the ward any later in the morning]

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago


I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

I have no objections.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago




I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

*pulls trigger*

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

You missed.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago


I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Also, I just realized that I've been in possesssion of a forum posting trophy.  5k ain't too shabby.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

So, in order keep that record, I will now spam welcome users to the site!

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

*bullet lands into poop and does no damage whatsoever*

You are now covered in poop. cheeky

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Btw, con = connection_ica, his old account.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Screw this*runs off*

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Call me a traitor only when you can say that you have not had a single COLD thing in your entire life.

And Swift, I'm surprised that you don't know that I'm not a dude. XD

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago


Unless you want a flood of perverted love-notes at your door, I suggest you redact that.


I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

AHAHAHAHA    pervert

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

I gather flocks of these

And I'm a guy.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

I've been on this realm for years, and just found out what lemon party was.. thank God I didnt find out the hard way

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

I looked it up and vomited

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

I'm surprised that meatspin isn't on there.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Do I even want to google this one?

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

lol wut?

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Ah, well I don't consider myself a 'girl' either. I'm an extreme tomboy.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago


I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

A girl who has the personalities and interests of a stereotypical boy.

Many people often mistaken me for a guy online, and many of the people I know tells me that I was born a boy in a girl's body.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

So what you are saying is that you "swing the other way" or are your interests just different? Too personal? Huh? Ok 

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago


I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Personal? Not really xD

Yea, my interests are just different. I hate all 'girly' things like dresses, skirts, the colour pink, make-up, fashion, dancing (breakdancing and hipop are cool though :) etc. while I like 'boyish' things like gaming, sports and extreme physical activities, fighting, blood and gore. I also dress and speak in a very boyish manner (black hoodie&fake tattoos, swearing etc.)

Ironic how most of my friends are girls (alot of them think me weird/crazy), and that I was forced to go to an all-girls school.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Fake tattoos? As in tattoos that don't lust  or those kiddy ones?


And God damn it stop beating me in duels :( 

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

The kiddy ones, I don't like permanent tats.

And hehe...>:)

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

I wouldn't call kiddy ones boyish.... Oh well. And to be fair it would be just stupid to do a permanent tat at your age or any age to be fair... they suck

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

None of the girls that I know would probably ever wear one, so I dunno. They usually become a black stain on my skin by the end of the day anyways xD

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago


I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Nice to know.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

That explains it.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Ok, so there has been enough violence in this thread. Do you guys know any similar sites? And how are this game supposed to be called? Story games? Interactive novels? 

My only other experience with this kind of thing is the ChoiceOfGames site but as said above I stopped being there after they gave you only half of the story for free.

Also, I noticed people here saying that adding your own character name is hard, but this is how all of their games work and they also have a program of some sort which you can use to make your own games (I don't remember if it is free though, I think it is)

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

A lot more stories than this site, and a higher quality output.

However, it's...pretty quiet.  I do pop around the forums, but I don't see as much activity as this.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Ok... what is this exactly? (scratches head)

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

I forgot :

it was

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

That makes more sense :P

Sucks how small communities are trapped in different sites. And there are obviously more than the 3 sites mentioned in this thread...

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Also...EndMaster is pretty much top storygame writer on both sites.  Consider him the guy you'll never reach in a million years.

Because in the Writing Workshop section of the forums, he'll tell you his progress on his story.

It goes pretty damn fast.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

I wasn't planning to anyway. I am struggling to even roleplay and I am not into story books. Then I guess it is a good thing that the first story I read was one of his (Necromancer)

Anyway, I already made a thread about this question (probably didn't have to but oh well). Are there any "Snow" like game (like that other one made by CandyGirl or whatever). I also have to finish "haunted"

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

The Ocean's Daughter.

I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago


I am Drakoblare, bringer of doom

11 years ago

Site looks good so far.