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Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
Reeling in the noobs again.

Show us the memes, maricón.


Are you aware that Vicious and Viscous are two different words?

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
United States Border Patrol:
Putting The Panic, Back In Hispanic

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
Is that really your best, or could you just not figure out how to post pictures with html due to the lasting brain damage caused by falling off mom's taco truck one too many times?

But kudos for the prompt reply, these other noobs are all shy.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
Are you a weeb btw, and how do you think you'd be at writing zombie stories? We might have some job openings due to the recent utter uselessness of our two most Mexican Mexicans.

Assuming you even are Hispanic and aren't just some boring white kid or Korean troll or something.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
First, I'm Hispanic (Puerto Rican)
Second, I'm not a weeb
Third, I'd think I'm at least OK at Writing, Zombies, is an ehh for me
Fourth, I'm currently writing a Star Wars fan-fic so currently I'm not sure if I'll do multiple projects at once, but maybe?

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
Interesting, Darkspawn was also working on Star Wars fanfic at one point. I shall enjoy it if one of his most hated enemies beats him to the punch. Let us know if you need help with the editor and whatnot. (And never mind about the zombie thing, it was a reference to something he was working on before becoming terminally lazy.)

Usually we recommend starting with a smallish game just to get the hang of things, these games can take a lot more effort than a regular story, and once the plot starts branching it can get out of hand quickly. New authors tend to get over their heads with attempting some giant epic and burn out quickly.

You might also want to browse a few of the more popular stories here just to get an idea of what the editor is capable of and what quality level readers are looking for.

Endmaster's Eternal is a good place to start if you like big damn fantasy epics at at. Or Ground Zero for post apocalypse.

One you start making some progress on your story, you might want to make a thread in the Writing Workshop for feedback and advice. If there's any major issues it's better to have them pointed out when it's still early enough to address them without major edits.

Good luck!

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
Thanks :D

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Oh gosh, I can't seem to find anything good to write, but currently I'm working on a story game that's Alt-History were you're a german soldier and you're fighting in Switzerland. Also working on a Red October-esq Star Wars Game. Hopefully I can finish something by the end of the month

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Is it some specific kind of stone? We have geology nerds here as well as medschool students who might want to know more.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
Sorry to disappoint, but the name is just the only thing that survived from a story I scrapped a long time ago, back when I was experimenting with writing romance. I liked the name and made it a one I use online.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
How vile, exactly?

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
Wait, this is only thread 5.

Welp, too lazy to change it.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

I told you how easy it is before, just go to the first post in a thread click move then rename the title then don't actually move it.

Changes just about every post title in the thread to the first, unless someone changed one before.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
Hahah, thanks. :) I didn't think it was public yet. I'm a programmer for a living so I was just playing around trying to get a feel for how the website was done in developer mode before I started in earnest.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
Oh that's cool, should be interesting to see what you come up with.

When you create a new story it's in Sneak Peek by default, so the title and description are visible, and anybody who knows how the URLs for these work can view it. (Or just go through the link on your exp page if it's one of your first three stories that you get points for.)

You can move it out of Sneak Peek just by unchecking the box in Storygame Properties if you don't want anyone getting nosy.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Why do you have 99 feet to begin with? No wonder you couldn't afford enough socks.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
@destroyer11111 tell me about what you destroy, and explain those 1's

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
Hmm, perhaps it is @Destroyer11111

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

I'm guessing Destroyer11111 destroys every-one.
(Get it? Every1)

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Which of your parents is the shark and which is the raccoon? And how did they meet?

I have to say this all seems very improbable.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

The power of love can overcome even the most improbable of situations. 

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Do you prefer coffee in your cake, or cake in your coffee?

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Touch 252 what?

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
Well, are you really just another user?

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
As long as they are not that other user.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Wow, I'm surprised that name was still available haha!

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Username family reunion.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
@Gammeldansk Never tried it, but I approve of very much of your name.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

@ZeroOriginsX you've been lurking for three years come out here 

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

OG Mega Man series was better.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Do you now? WHy do you love blue so much?

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Jordan, you're only piling up these alts for a good, positive reason, right?

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

I see I have been spotted... welp. I was trying to figure out a sort of networking type of deal, so I needed a few accounts.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

One account does nicely :) 

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Hi, I don't recall ever seeing you around here.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Don't worry, in a while you won't recall seeing me this time either 

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
I recall everything... except for that one time... everything but that. The other thing is still a little fuzzy though, but you can't blame a guy. It was a very convincing presentation.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

As a Fellow Hammer Enthusiast, welcome to the site~

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

How's the armadillo tending?

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Do you have messages turned off?

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Good Robot? Tell us your functions, mate.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
@WizzyCat What brings you back to this corner of the internet?

Pretty sure Steve is dead, so you're safe now. Maybe.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

So I've been writing a lot more the past year (a bunch of short stories) and while I was having a nasty bit of writer's block I remembered this site and returned. I honestly have no clue what I was doing here for so many years, nor do I remember what Steve did.

In any case, the sci-fi category is looking frail and could use some fattening up!

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
Well good luck. Bill is the only guy that consistently writes decent sci fi around here, that category for whatever reason has always been pretty hit and miss

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Perhaps that means y'all should have a sci-fi contest to draw in some new blood! Sci-fi is my favorite genre in all media so it's a shame that it's underrepresented.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Just wondering if you are aware of what a senseless assault on the eyes that font is on mobile. I'm gonna strongly advise you to stick to the default if you want your games to not enrage everyone.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago


Okay, thank you for telling me! I will fix it now :)

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

I think we'd all really appreciate it if you could make a new account with a less annoying name.

Wouldn't something like DreamSweet be nicer to see and easier to remember?

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago


Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
Damn, that’s pretty explosive. Not so sweet, eh?

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Hi Stella! Who are your 4 sisters?

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago


Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Interesting story you got there...!

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
wth is this im making stories for my friends, get a life

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
dumb ass nerds got nothing to do all day except read stories of random users, get a job or move out of basement tr@nny f@ggot

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

You seem upset. 

Why is that? 

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
I got my story deleted by some tr@nny weeb f@g who reads unpublished stories all day instead of getting a real job or hobby

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Oh, how about instead of making terribly written erotica that can only be created by the hands of a sweaty obese incel, you go to your mom, or any female acquaintances in your life, and apologize for being an absolute cretin? 

Now how do you want to take your ban?

Right here, or to go? 

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
I was making this for one of my girlfriends because it makes her wet, and now it's deleted. yeah I saved offline but I have to do the formatting again

at least im not a tr"nny like you

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
One of your girlfriends? Lol

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

We all know you don't have a girlfriend, or girlfriend(s) plural. 

But I see you have chosen to have your ban here. Goodbye. 

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
Hey man, calm your anger.

I was just curious, there's no need to get fired up.

Besides, I thought you were planning to write the story for your friends, and not one of your gf's(odd)

Edit: Goodbye~

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

What sort of faggot censors himself saying tranny? (Or faggot for that matter)

Going to guess he didn't want to offend his shemale "girlfriend."


Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Not sad at all I keep missing all the retards though. It's nice having other people deal with them.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

The only thing you're making wet is a cucumber.

Oh wait, I'm late to the party again.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

I would be very concerned if incestuous rape gangbangs and bestiality impregnations made my girlfriend "wet".

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
Hey Nigger my man if you're still around, you should make that a Twine game and upload it at, they love that kind of thing there. (Just look up a game called Sexual Service Act while you're there if you don't believe me, some of your girlfriends would probably also like that one.)

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Clearly this man was targeted by racial profiling and then oppressed for his imaginary girlfriend's completely normal exploration of her sexuality.

Makes me sick.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

I am concerned about your name, friend.

Edit: Oh, nevermind, you seem to be banned.

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Ever get that feeling you've wandered into the wrong side of town?

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago
I'm just imagining the wc noob standing within a circle of cystians looking down at him...

Baiting & Hooking Thread 5

3 years ago

Oh no, a c*t.