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New but written before

10 months ago
Hi guys! I’m Bexly. I love writing CYOA type stories. Didn’t know there was a group for it. I tried to join one once but turned out it was just a following for a single author who wanted preening masses, not talking shop. I’m excited to find the real deal here! Actual CYOA lovers!!!

I have written some before but have never posted here. I honestly never considered crossposting anywhere until I found here. I’m just kind of awed by you guys.

Are we allowed to post links so I can see if mine is the kind of stuff I should post here? I think it’s a bit different to what I found in the same fandom, but those were mainly unfinished.

New but written before

10 months ago

Yes, you can provide links to your other work.

I'm glad you found us, enjoy your time here!

New but written before

10 months ago
Thank you for answering! Sorry if that sounded stupid, you never know with some sites & I didn’t want to be banned this early!😂
Warning: Hunger Games fandom, so canon typical violence.

I’ve only seen a couple HG fandom stories on here & one didn’t even get far outside the gate. I think mine is decently thorough. I’ve only just started posting a second one (same account if you wanna peek at it, title is Choose Her Arena Adventure) which follows a career tribute and includes pregames, but this is a good idea of what I do.

Unfinished, but I’ve also started a Walking Dead/zombie type one and a Bridgerton one about an OC debutant trying to save her sister from the wrong match while ending up with three potential suitors herself. First I need to finish the HG career one though.

Question - can NSFW cyoas be posted here?

New but written before

10 months ago

Generally as long as you're not writing page after page of graphic sexual descriptions, you'll be fine. No weird fetish focused stuff either.

New but written before

10 months ago
Awesome! And no not that graphic or anything too fancy. I only had to check because the Bridgerton one just has some minor smut in there depending on which suitor she goes after. Because that’s Bridgerton. 🤷‍♀️

New but written before

9 months ago
If I did post one of mine (see link above) could I link it the same way I did on AO3 (via links)? Or would it require learning any coding/doing it differently?

New but written before

9 months ago

Not entirely sure what you're asking, but I think it has to do with this article here?

New but written before

9 months ago
Yes that’s exactly the info I need!!

New but written before

9 months ago

I checked out several pages of your story. Looks decent so far. Have you ever seen the movie Battle Royale?

New but written before

9 months ago
No I haven’t ):

New but written before

10 months ago
Thanks, we're kind of awed by us too.

New but written before

10 months ago
Totally understandable. -tips hat-

New but written before

10 months ago

Just out of curiosity, the other group you joined with the single author wanting preening masses and never talking shop. This wouldn't have been someone writing for CoG would it?

Anyway there's some thread reviews on CYOAs/IFs. Currently working on finishing up the Sorcery! book series, so there's definitely some other CYOA discussion around here.

New but written before

10 months ago
No, it is fandom specific (not HG, but I stumbled across the author through tags)

This is actually my first time somewhere like this. CoG would be new territory.

I dunno if I should post mine, it’s certainly no book series, hah. Plus some people hate inserts. I mostly just saw a lack of my fav fandoms on here.

New but written before

10 months ago
Just googled Bridgerton and it looks like a show, no issue with you posting it though. Fanfic isn't excessively popular here but I always assumed that's because there's other sites out there more specifically for it.

The number one thing any readers will be looking at here is writing quality and if there's a decent amount of branching, but with fanfic I always recommend taking a bit of effort to introduce characters and concepts in a natural way within the story itself. Too often we've seen stories assuming people are going to know what they're talking about already or that readers are going to be willing to go wiki diving for details.

New but written before

10 months ago
Yeah that is why I had originally posted on a fanfic site but thought maybe I’d do here since this feels like the place for the format.

I have seen some intense posts about stories. I figured my quality & branching was good but I’m definitely second guessing that now. It is nice poking around in the Lounge and other spots though so sticking around even if I don’t post my stuff.

New but written before

10 months ago

Don't be scared to post! As long as you seem like a decent human being, reviews will mostly try to focus on constructive criticism rather than just trashing your work.

Trying is the only way to get better.

Just show a willingness to learn and don't whine in the forums about mean comments on a story. Some of the authors here have a lot of experience and know more than you. Take their advice.

And, for guaranteed success, tag Endmaster three times in a row. It's good luck and doesn't annoy him at all.
To tag people, put @ and then their name, like this: @Bexly but with Endmaster's username