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Another newbie says hello

one month ago
Newbie here, I decided to create an account and it was suggested I say hi. So, hi.

As a kid I wrote interactive fiction before I even knew what it was called, I've rediscovered it recently and never knew what a huge community is out there. This site has such variety of storygames and it looks really active so I'm happy to have found it.

So far I've just messed around with figuring out the editor a little, any tips for writing my first storygame?

Another newbie says hello

one month ago

Hello! I would probably recommend you go to the help and information section and check out some of the articles if you want some advice on how to write story games here : ) 

Another newbie says hello

one month ago

Good luck with your writing. Best tip I can offer to you or anyone is to pace yourself and don't try to jump into some huge complex project right away. But if you've written IF before you may already know that. Just remember too that there's no rush to publish these, you'll want to make sure a game is proofread, polished, and complete for making that first impression once you're ready to kick it out the door.

Another newbie says hello

one month ago

Don't put too much on your plate for your first story-game. Unless you think you're that good or something. But nobody is is, unless they read what passes for being able to stay up on the site.

Another newbie says hello

one month ago

Welcome to the site! Please enjoy your stay.

I highly recommend outlining your story and listing out the different paths. Detailing which pages go where is important for keeping track of the routes and you can also get a sense for how linear or branching your story is.

Another newbie says hello

one month ago

And yes, Help and Info has a lot of tips on writing. You might want to read a few stories here as well to get a general feeling for the tone of the site. Don't try and please anyone but yourself with your writing.

Another newbie says hello

one month ago


My tips would be:

- Map out your game ( there are plenty of free flow chart type things to use) : This will help you stay on point and not go down a rabbit hole of endless choices. Its wild how adding one choice can make you have to re-write 10+ pages down the line. This can also help with continuity across your story

- Keep the first story short and sweet. Ambition too early on is the noob killer around here. Make a small story. Get familiar with the editor. Maybe play with variables or an inventory system. When you feel comfortable publish your story. 

- Use the forums. Sure we all like to shitpost and call people out, but writing is the main focus around here. Maybe you've written short stories in the past - post them in the forum. Ask for feedback. Maybe even ask people to take a peak at your storygame before you publish.

Best of luck!

Another newbie says hello

one month ago
This all looks very useful, thank you. And I appreciate everyone else who gave advice too.

Another newbie says hello

one month ago


help please?

one month ago
Well this is embarassing, but I already lost my password and can't reset it.

I don't know if I had a brain glitch or mistyped or what when I created the account because I still know what the password was supposed to be. But I've tried it several times to log in now and no luck.

help please?

one month ago


help please?

one month ago

help please?

one month ago
All good now, hetero_malk fixed it!

Another newbie says hello

one month ago
Based on what others are saying and some rough mapping I've done, my first story may be a little ambitious. But the funny thing is that it's already just a portion of what I originally planned since I had meant it to cover stories from multiple tribes in the setting before just deciding on one I had never properly fleshed out.

I'll see how the first section goes though.

Another newbie says hello

one month ago

This is the way.

Create a long, detailed, incredibly complex story. Then world build. Then some mapping.

Make the mapping expansive.

Add choices.

Add more choices.

Keep expanding.

That is all.

Good luck!

Another newbie says hello

one month ago

This is the way.

Another newbie says hello

29 days ago