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CYS v20120606 - Minor Update

12 years ago

A few small bug fixes (like, fixing the broken scripting window), and an update to the new forums. Its still very much under progress, and note that there's a new RTE editor.

CYS v20120606 - Minor Update

12 years ago

Seems the message page scales OK to long threads....

CYS v20120606 - Minor Update

12 years ago

It seems cool with the only bad thing I noticed being that the title of the thread can get pushed behind the edit button.

CYS v20120606 - Minor Update

12 years ago

Good point. I'll decrease font size and shift buttons down a bit.

CYS v20120606 - Minor Update

12 years ago
I like the new look and also the bigger pictures.

CYS v20120606 - Minor Update

12 years ago

I'm loving how the main page of the new version of the forums shows how long since the last post (eg. 4 hours ago) rather than the time of the post - saves me from constantly converting the time to Australian time in my head!

CYS v20120606 - Minor Update

12 years ago
There's still no rich text editor when you're using the site in chrome, just so you know. That would make a big difference to me.

Also, sorry for the absence guys. Got slaughtered like a lamb this past term and I've literally spent the last 72 hours mostly sick in and in bed.

CYS v20120606 - Minor Update

12 years ago
Ah, whoops. New RTE in the new forums, not here. In that case, I'm not sure if it works for chrome.

CYS v20120606 - Minor Update

12 years ago

Were you able to post using the new forums? I was unable to reply to anything (which I was assuming was because the forums2 url is just a preview).

CYS v20120606 - Minor Update

12 years ago
Yeah, I wasn't. So I have no idea if the RTE will work for chrome.

CYS v20120606 - Minor Update

12 years ago
I haven't had any luck using chrome either.

CYS v20120606 - Minor Update

12 years ago
It worked for me. You think I made the whole Perty post for just shits and giggles.

CYS v20120606 - Minor Update

12 years ago

Here is the new RTE editor --- it actually will post a message.

Maybe i'll post a new version tonite; I have editing/moving implemented now, just need to get delete and "special" things like FWW and Bugs.