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Dust off a seat and discuss a good book do read, right?

The Book Thief

9 years ago

Does anyone else here really, really, really, like The Book Thief like I do?

The Book Thief

9 years ago

I thought it was good but i don't "really, really, really" like it. Maybe not as much as you do.  

The Book Thief

9 years ago

I loved it! Probably one of my favorite books... Got to say, the movie was a massive let down. I didn't really expect much since the thing that stands out most about the book is that it's narrated by Death and good narration is tricky to get across in film... But did they have to ruin the movie by having the two kids screaming "I hate Hitler!" (For the benefit of any members of the audience who didn't get that Hitler was a baddy) and that stupid scene at the end where the little boy lives long enough to say to the girl, "Before I die, I need to tell you... I lo... I lov... I love..." *dies*?

The Book Thief

9 years ago

You know, I actually watched the movie before the book so when I first watched the movie I thought it was kind of ok. But when I read the book, I realized that the movie didn't show some parts in the book and that they made up some things.

To cut it short, I kind of agree with you.

The Book Thief

9 years ago

Yes, the movie was terrible compared to the book.

The Book Thief

9 years ago

I'm new 

The Book Thief

9 years ago

And I like the book theif

The Book Thief

9 years ago

I mean book thief

The Book Thief

9 years ago

You know there's an edit button, right?

The Book Thief

9 years ago

I think it was good, but I don't think it's the masterpiece most people think it is. It was on the NYT Best Seller's list for around FOUR years. That's ludicrous.

The Book Thief

9 years ago

In my English, we are reading. Well...I finished it. I loved it so much!

The Book Thief

9 years ago

It was okay and it took me forever to read it

The Book Thief

9 years ago

I luv it. Hello BAM! Figure that out. HA HA! Leave me alone. Tinypaw attack!!!!!! Totally random.  Cupcakes. I ate a cupcake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That took 4ever. go away yourself. BYE!!!!!!!

The Book Thief

9 years ago

I think The Book Thief was good but not good enough to worship. :p

The Book Thief

9 years ago

Just watched the movie, it was pretty great

The Book Thief

9 years ago

Oh my gosh I LOVE the book thief!

I just read it for the second time about a month ago.
