4. The Eye of the Dragon

Might have been a better idea to have those Greek soldiers standing around to handle this guy.
And now we come to the book dedicated to the Nazis. Okay, not really, but this is a fun bit of trivia to bring up.
All of these books have “Dedicated to …” at the front of them. Presumably these are relatives, friends and loved ones. In this case Dave Morris who wrote this one dedicated it to his friend M.A.R. Barker.
If you aren’t familiar with who he is, well I’m not going to go into too much detail, but he wrote a fairly unique RPG called Empire of the Petal Throne which was sort of lauded as being a “progressive” step away from the traditional western medieval style settings. He was mostly inspired by South and Meso American, Indian and Southeast Asian mythology and he even converted to Islam and married a Paki woman.
Turned out he was also a major Holocaust denier and Nazi sympathizer (And really didn’t like Jews, but that sort of goes without saying) He apparently wrote a whole book under a white supremacist publisher with a different name and contributed to some Holocaust revisionist journal. Though he was also a Muslim so the Jew hate part was probably multiplied even more.
This bit of info was only recently discovered so all his work now is being agonized over in terms of what to do with it. Most of it is decided that all proceeds go to anti-hate shit or whatever. Even those faggots at CoG had a game based on his work and all the profits now have to go to Jews or something. Lol
In any case, Dave was major pals with this guy and was pretty much defending him during this new found info which wasn’t a good look for him, but fortunately for Dave this was mainly on his blog and he’s not quite excessively important enough to “cancel.” He sort of just comes off as an old guy who really doesn’t want to believe that his buddy of so many years turned out to be a Nazi sympathizer. But hey ride or die right?
As for Barker, he’s been dead since 2012 so it isn’t like it matters if he gets cancelled or not. He already beat the system.
Alright that’s enough of that, if you want to know more about that look it up and start a thread in the Lounge because you know we can’t get enough of talking about Nazis and other edgelord things there. Also this is going to be a LONG one so I suggest you prepare yourself.
So backstory for this one is as follows: You’re a warrior mage of the high realm and you get sent on a simple mission by your superiors to retrieve an artifact called the Eye of the Dragon from an ancient ruined city called Thalios. Everyone is creaming their undies in excitement about this due to it being thought to be just a myth. Some guy named Master Giru found it, but apparently he can’t bring it back without help due to it being too dangerous to move without help. So they’re sending you.
Yep, it’s a pretty simple mission, or is it? (No, of course it isn’t)
And yes you read that correctly, warrior mage. You get to cast some spells in this book! You get 12 different ones from summoning a fire tiger to fight for you to summoning a swarm of deadly bees, to talking with the spirit of a nearby dead body. (This spell gets a warning that this could be dangerous depending on the person’s temperament when they were still alive) You only get to cast these spells once though, so use them wisely. It also implies you’re a little more than human since you have an innate sixth sense common to “your race.” Not exactly what is meant by that since some of the pictures of your fellow countrymen you bump into look human enough, but you’re also supposed to be of noble blood, so maybe its a class thing?
Then again this WAS dedicated to M.A.R. so maybe there’s a pureblood implication somewhere. Lol
Along with getting an orb of illumination (Eliminating the need for lanterns and torches) you also get a handy map illustration of the ruined city detailing all the major locations. It’s pretty useful to refer to from time to time.
So you as soon as you get off the boat to Thalios, you’re met by some soldiers at the city’s gates stating that they’ll take you to Master Giru. However, they’re acting suspicious enough that you get the option of also not going with them or even outright attacking them. Honestly it doesn’t matter what you do because you’re in for a tough starter fight no matter what. The only way to avoid any potential damage is casting one of your combat related spells which will automatically defeat all four of them.
The dying sergeant though has some dying words that will shed some light on the situation. He mentions that there’s Kappa all over the city looking for the Dragon’s Eye too and a very powerful one hypnotized the soldiers into doing their bidding. He says Master Giru has made camp in a building called the Consul’s Palace and you need to get there. Then you get a brief description of what you know about the Kappa who are an evil underwater race that hate all other life and go around fucking up land dwellers for fun.
I should point out that this game’s version of Kappas are very different than the traditional ones that everyone likes to draw for Ford around here. In fact I’ll just show you a picture of what one looks like since it’s like the very next encounter anyway

Looks nothing like Ford. Too thin for one thing.
Kappas as you can see are coral monstrosities with pearls for eyes. Thalios isn’t quite Innsmouth, but you’ll be fighting more than a few water based abominations in this one.
Anyway you can fight the kappa or go run into a nearby temple before he sees you. Running into the temple is actually the better choice since you get the option of finding a shield that can help in battles, however in order to get it there’s a tough battle with a metal idol with four arms. Nothing’s free.
Whatever you do (and assuming you survive) you’ll get two options in directions and these will both lead to very different paths to your ultimate destination.
So to give a better idea of this, let’s look at the map.

Hopefully this showed up clear enough.
Anyway, you’re currently at “B” (“C” is the Temple of Swords where you could have found that shield)
You have to get to “G” (That building on that peninsula in the middle)
You get the choice of heading toward “M” (Or Carfax, which basically through the the “Downtown” area of the city) or heading towards “K” which is the Bridge of Blue Skulls and leads to another peninsula with only a single building on it (The Citadel of Conundrums or “L”)
Now me thinking logically, I figured I was going to have to eventually go down M anyway, since that’s the only to get to the destination on foot and I had planned on exploring the citadel first. However going over K shortens your journey quite a bit, especially if you don’t even bother to explore the citadel on the peninsula.
You can actually “speed run” your way to the Consul’s Palace since what you’ll do is get the idea of trying to find a boat allowing you to just cross the water from one peninsula to the other. So I’ll go over this path first.
“Speed run” (1st attempt)
So if you’re speed running to the Palace, you most likely will not have used many spells, if at all. Using a seance spell allows you to summon a ghost of a beggar that you met when you first went over the bridge (The kappa’s got him) and he’ll tell you where you can find some oars for the boat that you find along the shore. There’s also the option to summon a pirate’s ghost (He’s the one who owned the boat in the first place) if you found his body earlier, but that’s only if you went the other way.
I should also mention here, that even if you go the other way through the city, you get a couple options to return ALL the way back to the bridge of blue skulls, so there’s a lot of options you could have to cross the water that would be possible if you weren’t speed running. (Like a wind walking potion for example if you found it)
You can also just try to use the boat without oars, but mermaids fuck with you and drag you further out to sea where upon you have to swim for it, and potentially lose items. (Which you probably don’t have many due to speed running)
Whether you end up swimming or rowing, you end up having to still walk some of the way there when you get to shore. You will get a pretty difficult combat in the form of a couple of Death Knights. From there you’ll reach the Palace and have to find Master Giru. Unfortunately it’s labyrinthian and pitch dark so if you don’t at least have your glowing orb anymore you’re fucked and you get a non-standard fail ending.
If you still have your orb, then you can eventually find Master Giru with a few guards where upon he’ll tell you that the kappa already have the Eye or rather they’re already in the area of where the Eye is which is the Vault of Heroes (Or “J”) Giru however placed a force field around the Eye before he left it so they won’t be able to breach it for awhile so the best thing to do is get some sleep and head to the Vault in the morning.
So now you have to get all the way over to the next peninsula, well just because I said this was a “speed run” to getting to the Palace, doesn’t mean I said it would be a speed run to beat the game.
Basically you need some specific items to travel to the Vault of Heroes since the only way to get there in time is to fly. And if you speed ran like this, then you most certainly don’t have any of them. You’ll get a fail ending about the kappa getting the Eye (and probably growing in power and its all your fault)
Exploring the Citadel First (2nd attempt)
Okay so maybe you can still bypass a lot of shit if you just head over the bridge, but also explore the citadel? Well let’s go over some of those encounters.
Stepping back a bit to the bridge itself, as I mentioned earlier you’ll encounter a beggar that you can give a few gold coins to. Doing so and he’ll give some warnings about a being called Nuckelavee and even give you some hints about one of his weakness if you give him enough coins (It’s fresh water)
So this is another place where you need your illuminating orb or you won’t be able to explore, though you should still have it given that you haven’t gone anywhere else to potentially lose it. (Very few places you can lose it anyway)
Well first major bit is a door you can’t open unless you have a certain item and again, you certainly won’t have it. Moving on…
Next is a set of archways. Going into the wrong one gets you an instant death via getting mobbed by shadow monsters.
Next up is discovering your boots are covered in blood and you get the choice of cleaning them with your water flask (Or some other liquid you might have) Choosing not to do results in a monster called a blood fiend being drawn to your position. (Looks like a giant mutant bipedal crocodile) Worse, you lose your sword during this encounter to a nearby magnet meaning you either have to fight unarmed at reduced damage or cast a spell to help you (or use some sort of item from your pack which you probably don’t have since you went straight here)
Even if you beat the beast, you still need to get your sword back. Some sort of fire will fuck up the magnet enough to loosen it (Like the burning tiger spell) but even if you don’t get it back, you can find another sword as part of the past equipment from victims of the blood fiend. It’s not as good though so you get reduced combat rolls.
After all this happens you realize that fucking around in this citadel isn’t getting you any closer to Giru so you decide to leave. One way is blocked unless you have a certain item (Which you won’t have) the other way leads back outside.
And you’re fucked. At this point you just get the option to travel around the shore looking for a boat…and we already know how far you can get in the situation you’re in.
The fact is, you HAVE to explore the main part of the city to get anywhere. At least at first. Going straight over the bridge from the start dooms you to failure since you can’t go back to the city.
Let's try this again...
The Long Way Round (3rd attempt)
Heading to the streets of the city gets you an encounter with some voice threatening you. You get a few ways to deal with it, but in reality it’s just a mynah bird still sitting on his dead master’s shoulder. This would be the pirate I mentioned earlier. You can loot his body, hilariously including his fucking peg leg (You never know if it’ll come in handy are the exact words in the text. Lol) He’s also got a bottle of wine which has turned into vinegar.
Drinking it like a fucktard gets you killed since apparently it was poisoned and that’s how the pirate died. You can just keep it though. You can also take the mynah bird with you and be a fucktard in a whole different way since the bird is obnoxiously loud and draws the attention of more kappas immediately that you have to fight. (And the bird flaps off)
Regardless of how you deal with all this either way you end up at The Amber Petechnicon or “D”. Since there’s more kappa patrols, you can end up hiding in there or run to The Avenue of Sphinxes or “E”. And I believe this is the ONE chance you get to go down the Avenue of Sphinxes successfully, since it results in a whole different path, but we’ll do that one after the Amber one.
Exploring the Amber leads to an object of note in there. Namely a harp behind glass. Breaking the glass to get it as you might expect alerts the kappa and the glass doesn’t even break since its enchanted. You just made a bunch of noise for nothing.
There’s actually only one spell that will allow you to get the harp, Dagger of the Mind cuts through the glass and the thread holding the harp.
Once again regardless of your success or failure, the next encounter is going to be more kappas which you can fight or jump down a nearby chute in a ruined building. Honestly running right now saves you from more chances of getting hurt since you end up having to escape down the cute anyway due to even more kappa patrols showing up.
After dealing with the impact and attempting to climb out of the place, the fucking mynah bird comes back to steal your orb. Now you get the option to chase it up the stairs to get the orb back or carry on without it. Well as we already know, you need your light ball to at least find Giru in the Consul Palace, so losing it isn’t an option.
After dealing with the bird and getting your ball back, you’ll get a view of the kappa patrolling the streets still looking for you and you’ll also notice a big block of ice on the far edge of the roof you can inspect.
Now exploring the ice block is an encounter that you need to have even if it seems like it’s more trouble than it’s worth, but it pays off later and it’s a pretty memorable one at least.
First bit is potentially getting yourself killed trying to walk across a decrepit crumbling roof in the first place. A least one agility test and maybe another if you failed the first time.
So you see a figure in the crystal (Looks like ice, but isn’t normal ice) and you can decide to free whatever’s in there or not. Hacking at it with your sword predictably breaks it and now you’ve got a fucked up sword like a dumbass and accomplished nothing. Playing the harp will work if you got it. So will the burning tiger spell if you want to waste a perfectly good combat spell.
So you if you manage to get it open, the figure inside is finally revealed…

Congrats you released an insectoid abomination (Cricket would be pleased)
This is Lord Mantiss (Yes with two s’. A subtle nod to Dave’s buddy Barker’s love of the SS no doubt) and he thanks you for releasing him and offers to take you to his treasure room to give you a reward. This was hidden by a massive marble block that he easily lifts with one claw.
Well now you might be asking what exactly is the problem since he seems grateful and ready to reward you. Well let’s go over this…
1. If you refuse to enter his treasure room, he gets offended by this breach of “manners” and attacks you. He’s a tough fight and rolling snake eyes in battle gets you killed instantly. Even trying to run from him isn’t possible, though you get enough distance to cast a spell before combat resumes again. (Casting Deadly Swarm hilariously backfires as he takes control of the wasps and they sting you to death.)
2. You get 3 choices of treasure and ALL of them suck big bug dick.
One is an electrum locket, and he gets pissed since he says that’s a cherished heirloom and you could have taken anything else BUT that. As punishment, he slams the marble block down, trapping you inside the treasure room to slowly starve to death.
The other choice is taking two handfuls of gold coins and once again he gets triggered saying “This is sheer greed!” and goes on about how you’re trying to take advantage of a poor trusting insect. He then says instead of killing you, he’ll let you ponder your bad decisions for a century or two and once again traps you in his treasure room to die of starvation. (Whether he actually believed you’d still be alive in a century doesn’t really matter I guess since the result is the same)
Finally the last choice is a silver figurine which is the only one that doesn’t result in Mantiss getting pissy enough to indirectly murder you immediately. However, the text says he’s visibly disappointed that you picked what you picked and is already motioning you to get the fuck out of his dwelling, which pretty much means he was fucking trolling you all along.
Honestly, the best reason to free Lord Mantiss, is to kill him and take his shit. You get a tuning fork he was wearing around his neck and his magic gauntlet that allows you add 1 to your combat rolls and in the case of a double 6, you kill an enemy instantly.
Okay so at this point you’re back on the streets and immediately get attack by the kappa’s pet giant crabs (Which do unavoidable damage to you immediately so hopefully you’ve got some vigor to spare.)
You get the option to run towards the Avenue of Sphinxes, however this time this path is not just inaccessible, but also a death sentence as you run right in the middle of the crustacean horde and they kill you. So this means you have to run back towards the Temple of Swords and then from there over the Bridge of Blue Skulls which we know what comes next…BUT!
You killed Lord Mantiss and took his shit didn’t you? If you did, then you’ve got a shot at winning. So remember that door in the Citadel I mentioned that you couldn’t get through before? (Of course you don’t because you’ve got the attention span of a goldfish and I’m surprised you’re reading this at all)
Well that tuning fork opens the door. Amusingly you can also get the option of using the silver figurine to open the door if you took the treasure instead. The figurine grows and attacks you, proving once again that Mantiss is a trolling asshole. (Plus this means you didn’t get the tuning fork, so you can’t open the door even after you win the combat)
Okay so you’ve opened up the door and in the room is some old dude with a gross spider parasite on his neck. He mentions he doesn’t get many visitor and then says you could have only gotten in with Mantiss’ tuning fork and suggests that you killed him. Now you can lie and say it was a gift, but if you decided to wear the gauntlet, the old man isn’t buying it and figures you killed him and attacks.
Once again, immediate combat is the best way to deal with this situation because the other way just leads to playing a shell game with the freak that he cheats at anyway and you either lose an item and leave (And eventually fail the mission) or have to attack him anyway.
Attacking the spider parasite rather than the old man himself is the way to go, though when it happens the old man just says “They’ll be another one soon, there always is.” but he ends up giving you all his shit including a wind walking potion, a wristband of fire AND a ship in a bottle which he mentions is the most powerful magic item he has.
And THIS is one of the items you need to give to Giru to fly to the Vault of Heroes later.
And from this point, you will go through the rest of the path as previously mentioned earlier except probably way easier due to all the extra items to help you across the water (Like the wind walking potion, knowledge of the pirate’s corpse to find the oars, etc) however there is one other encounter I should mention since it involves the harp.
Well remember how the harp was one of the ways you could free All Trolling Lord Mantiss? Well if he wasn’t bad enough, you can play the harp as you’re looking for a way across the water and summon this guy…

This is Nuckelavee, Demon Lord of the Waves and you’re probably fighting him. It doesn’t need to be said that he’s a tough fight. You can’t even use any spells against him if you have some left since he mind fucks you to prevent casting. The only upside to the fight is he doesn’t have the ability to kill you instantly, but he does a little more damage than usual when he does hit. And to top it all off, this fight gets you absolutely NOTHING. You still have to get across the water in some other way.
However, there is ONE item that will help you and it’s so mundane its hilarious. It’s the water flask you started off with. Literally the only reason why you wouldn’t have it, is if you used it to clean your boots of blood back in the Citadel to avoid the Bloodfiend encounter. And that would have been retarded, since Nuckyboy’s one weakness is fresh water and you can force him to carry you across directly over the bay (Yep, it’s the only way to avoid the tough Death Knights encounter before you get to the Palace this way)
Why Nucky doesn’t just sink back into the ocean to avoid all this shit I have no idea. Might be due to summoning him in the first place, you know how demons are. In any case, it’s an awkward situation of him being forced to carry you on his back while you hang on tight around his fleshless waist…
And to top it all off? YOU get to be the trolling asshole this time. He tells you he fulfilled his part of the deal so to release him. You outright tell him you see no need to honor deals with demons and you promptly pour ALL your water over his fucking head and he sinks back under the waves screaming in pain.
Well the joke’s on you, you STILL don’t have what you need to fly to the Vault of Heroes. The ship in the bottle is one of items, but it also needs a special piece of cloth which you don’t have. (More on that later)
Try again?
The TRUE path (4th attempt)
So going ALL the way back to the choice where you get to run to the Avenue of Sphinxes the first time rather than exploring the place with the harp, leads to the option of exploring a fancy mansion or continue down the avenue. You REALLY need to explore the mansion though, otherwise at best you’ll get to the Consul Palace and fail again.
Upon entering the mansion you meet a hopeless adventurer mourning the death of his buddy Wulfric. He doesn’t really elaborate on what happened too much at first, so you’re free to explore the mansion. Okay, so you’ve got a wide variety of options here. Let’s go upstairs first since there’s a lot going on up there, plus you even get the option of exploring other parts of the mansion later.
First thing you’ll encounter is a room with three beings called Gloomvilles.

Average game night
These beings are described as being utterly evil however they do invite you to play a variety of games with them (Three different types) and while it’s entirely possible to win the jackpot prize by playing these games, what’s more than likely to happen is you’re going to get fucked up and potentially lose items and/or stats (Hell, there’s even a result that flings you back in time to the first encounter, though you restart with everything you had at the beginning of the game.) So the best thing to do is to just outright snuff out the candles which dispels the creatures and you can get the jackpot prize without playing shit (It’s an arena ticket)
From there you can explore the upstairs section which ultimately leads to the piece of cloth you need with that ship in a bottle so you can fly to the Vault of Heroes later, YAY!
Or it would be, IF you could actually do it. Y’see, what I’m about to go over is a severe fuck up of how Dave designed this fucking book.
It is IMPOSSIBLE to get both items. Once you go into this mansion, you are LOCKED into a certain path and you will not be backtracking anywhere else. So no Lord Mantiss, no Citadel, no crossing the bay. None of that shit. You can still get to the Consul Palace, but you’ll be going the overland route which all means you won’t be able to get that ship in the bottle, which y’know you NEED with the piece of magic cloth!
For more head scratching, there’s even a bit here where you can use the potion of wind walking to bypass a hazard and you can’t even get that item unless you visit the Citadel when you get it from the old guy with the spider parasite. (Along with the bottle)
So what’s the solution? Well, you could just ignore the cloth or bottle item needed and just “pretend” you have it when Giru gives that option.
Of course if you don’t want to be a dirty lousy cheater, you could head downstairs into the basement of the mansion because this is the only way to actually beat the game.
Down in the basement, there’s a treasure chest and this chest holds the other item that you can use to get to the Vault of Heroes later. But first, you’ll have to face this guy…

As tough as Lord Mantiss and Nuckers are, the Kraken is the toughest necessary battle in the game and you have to fight it because using a spell just results in you getting to escape rather than getting the chest. The Kraken can kill you instantly on a 2 or 3 and even his normal hit range can do massive damage to you.
If you beat him you get the contents of the chest! Inside are a snuff box, a pomegranate and the all important GOLDEN APPLE. This is the other item you can use to get to the end game.
However, you can also fuck up severely right here. Eating the golden apple right now, expends all its power making it useless (and you throw it away) creating a “walking dead” state as it were.
Eating the pomegranate straight up kills you. Interestingly it has a bit of a unique death ending as you get a passage saying a wave of darkness comes over you and then the disorientation fades and you find yourself standing before a wizard. You demand to know what’s going on, to which he replies that he summoned you to have his questions answered not the other way around since he used a Seance spell as you died hundreds of years ago from eating poisoned fruit.
As for the snuff box, it contains an unending loud shriek until you closes it. As useless as this sounds, you’ll need it later. You can also collect some of the dead Kraken’s ink before you leave.
Anyway back to the ground floor where the adventurer is moaning doom and gloom about his dead friend and how you’re both doomed too. (You can actually find his headless friend in the next room if you explored the ground floor) You tell this whining faggot to shut the hell up because you got shit to do and leave the mansion.
And now you get to experience the thing that the adventurer was crying about. A living statue outside nearly kills you as soon as you step out the door. In fact, if it wasn’t for the adventurer suddenly finding his courage to try to help you, the statue would have stomped your head like a ripe melon.
Instead it crushes the adventurer’s head like a ripe melon and states how it now turns its attention to you as its fists are wet with blood and brains. This thing is like the terminator, you can’t outrun it or at least not without a distraction and the ONLY thing that will save you is the burning tiger spell so hopefully you didn’t cast it already.
From here, it’s a little easier running assuming you looted everything from the mansion. You’ll end up running through the Arena ruins (or “F”), so hopefully you’ve got that ticket from the Glooms otherwise you’ll be needing to pass agility tests to avoid getting fucked up by flying reptile.
After this, you get one more encounter. This time with Ligea, the demigoddess of fucking despair. Demon lords, insect lords, terminator statues and now just outright fucking gods. The book is trying to kill you.
Well since you aren’t Kratos, you can’t fight her and she just starts singing a hope crushing song which will result in an instant game over unless you can block her out and unfortunately you don’t have any moldy cheese to shove into your ears this time. You can cast a mind shield spell, but you might have cast that earlier. You should have the snuff box that screams which will drown her out. In either case she gets pissy and disappears.
(Amusingly you can eat the pomegranate here too and just die. I can only imagine the confused look on her face when you do this.)
Get past her and its on to Palatine Bridge (or “H”) and have one more fight with some kappas and at last you’re at the Consul Palace with the Golden Apple which you haven’t eaten and can give to Giru. Or rather you both take a bite of it since the apple has transformation powers which will allow you to fly to the Vault of Heroes for the final showdown. So let’s get to that shit finally.
Vault of Heroes (It’s about fucking time)
So this part is really meh actually. Seriously, you get a lot of color commentary about the surroundings, you fight some more kappas and that’s about it. The kappa leader is the big threat with his mind fuck abilities, so you’ll need to cast that mind shield spell (Assuming you didn’t waste it on Ligea) but cool thing to do to deal with the kappa leader though, is smash that vinegar/wine bottle into his head and the vinegar eats his eyes like acid.
Anyway, you now have possession of the Eye of the Dragon and you have to attune your mind to it. You get three choices of frequency and only picking the lowest allows you gain control over it and send the kappas running back to the sea. (The other two choices get you killed naturally)
The final bit is you teleporting back home with Master Giru with the Eye where upon he asks if you would relinquish the Eye so that it may be placed in the halls of learning or some shit where it can be studied and safely guarded. And because you’re a fucktard, you go along with this and Master Giru congratulates you on your “wisdom” since such an item of power could corrupt even one as noble as yourself.
And then like a faggot you say something like you also gave it away since it would take the fun out of adventuring!
*Cue 80s laugh track and applause*
Anyway that’s the book.
Despite the ending and the whole item problem of getting to the Vault of Heroes I mentioned, this is probably my second favorite book of the series. If it hadn’t had the fuck up with the ship in a bottle thing, it might have been number one since it technically has two completely separate paths to go down to beat it which is a bit of a rarity in these old gamebooks.
Lot of varied and memorable encounters as well. It’s interesting that the main villain in this one are more of a collective rather than a single overlord, but you sure do face a lot of “Overlord” types along the way.
Well this was a long one, I don’t think the next one should be quite this long, but it’s been awhile since I looked at it. We’ll see.