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storygame suggestions

9 days ago

Any suggestions the community is willing to give in regards to which storygames i should rate/review next?

storygame suggestions

9 days ago
Try that one of Bill's I linked in the hurricane thread.

storygame suggestions

8 days ago

okayy, will do! 

storygame suggestions

8 days ago

Its actually really good so far, definitely liking it. For some reason i assumed it was going to be a game where you had to survive a hurricane, and well, you do. I just thought it would be more simple than it is lol 

Pleasently surprised!

storygame suggestions

7 days ago

i finished and reviewed it. Bill really needs to change the difficulty rating, 3/8 my ass, that game is a 5/8 at least. Even decisions which were pefectly logical were largely unknown in how they would unfold, truly a storygame that felt impossible to predict the outcome of, good story!

storygame suggestions

2 days ago
I'm currently working on my game so make sure to check it out once its out

storygame suggestions

2 days ago

Nice profile. I'm unsure how you will bring back the golden age of gaming, but good luck on your life mission. 

storygame suggestions

2 days ago
I dunno if the author of The Book of Vanishing Tales is ever coming back, but it's a very different kind of fantasy story that I always thought was exceptionally good if maybe not for everyone. It's not about killing goblins but a storyteller's quest in a world where stories are vanishing, kind of a slow burn with this almost dreamlike quality that's hard to explain.

storygame suggestions

2 days ago

I'll save it so I can get back to it in the near future. Personally, I think we need more goblin slaying fantasy stories on this site, matter a fact, I'll write one myself. 


Here's the plot: you're a loser guy, you procrastinate, live at home with your hypocrite asshole mom who gaslights you and shit. All your friends drifted away, the only person who gives a shit about you is a girl you speak to online with the discord handle #lily_brokenxxx. Anyways, she is using you, you meet up with her, you get jumped, you lose your money. Mom is asking where rent money is, blows up into a huge argument. You start fighting your mom in rage, accidentally killed her, then you kill yourself. Then you wake up In another world with goblins and shit and knights and dragons, who will you become with a second chance? That's my story, definitely not cliche. 

storygame suggestions

2 days ago

If you haven't already played through the entire EndMaster collection, Death Song is an underrated masterpiece. I think I prefered it to Necromancer. ^_^


storygame suggestions


I've actually read death song! I don't really remember much about it except that the protagonist is a bard and there's really not as much fighting compared to the others. I plan on going back to all end master stories to give them proper reviews. I also remember death song having a more depressing of melancholy ending. 

I don't know how I'd rank the end master stories I've read. I know I rated rogues an 8 and eternal a 7 , and in retrospect I really don't know why I did that lol, since I remember much more about eternal and the plot than I do rogues. Based on how I rate story games now, id give necromancer, eternal and rogues all 8s. But I'll have to to back and read them all. 

storygame suggestions


Yeah, I think Death Song was one of the first story games I read on the site and I rated it a 7... But then I rated it a 7 not having anything else to really compare it to. Now knowing what to expect from the storygames on CYS, it is 100% an 8. ^_^

storygame suggestions


Which is your favourite CYS story?


storygame suggestions


Eternal probably. I haven't finished Rogues yet though, so that'll probably be a contender for the top space once I've played through all the paths.

storygame suggestions


Disgusting. Can't believe you haven't read rogues. A potential spoiler (depending on the route you take) its one of the only brother x sis stories I can route for. 

storygame suggestions

19 hours ago

Are you kidding? Love SICK was the most romantic story I ever read! ^_^

storygame suggestions


Probably eternal or ground zero for me. Necromancer was the first story game I read on the site. Really loved it, I found him the most relate able out of end masters protagonists, since most of the time they seem kinda "cold" In personality and speech, etc. Very calculating and unemotional almost.  Not necessarily a bad thing, it fits who they are and what endmaster goes for with them, especially in eternal. 

storygame suggestions


storygame suggestions


I'll give both this and anthraxs story a read tomorrow! 

storygame suggestions


Following Milton's lead in shameless self-promotion, I've just recently republished my first storygame after a little bit of rewrite: A Night in Dark Chicago


storygame suggestions

9 hours ago

Gave your story a read and a review. Good effort! Hope you at least find my review either entertaining or constructive : )

storygame suggestions

5 hours ago

Thanks for the review.


storygame suggestions

5 hours ago
Have you read Boobs!!!? I think you'll like them.

storygame suggestions

3 hours ago

Thks fr the rec, I may nvr bee the sme.


storygame suggestions

2 hours ago

If you feel like taking a break from all these long, well-written storygames and doing something easy (but still productive), give my storygame a try. It might make you laugh at least