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Dust off a seat and discuss a good book do read, right?

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
Mine, The Velveteen Rabbit

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
The Giving Tree

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
Anything Dr. Seuss.  (Moved to Reading Corner)

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
Oh Wait! Here are better ones
When I was REALLY young- Fuzzytail Bunny
A little bit older- Berestein bears [I don't know if I spelt it right]

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
Forgot the n

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
Not a problem :)

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
me too! i liked the bearenstien bears (and i spelled it wrong too)

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

encyclopedia brown


Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
OMG i liked those tooo!!!! lol

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
ME too.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

ooops. i may have led us astray. lol it says for ages 3-6. i dont think i was reading encyclopedia brown at 6 years old. lol maybe 6-10 years old. my bad.


Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
lol true, but still it was great!

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
It was this book about a train called Tootle. Can't remember much about it though..

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
Thats gotta be an australian thing.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
It might have been in America as well, I don't know, but it wasn't a very well known book. I asked around, nobody else has heard of it.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

No- I loved Tootle!!  He got off the tracks and chased butterflies, and they all told him trains have to stay on the tracks, but he was having fun. . .

You know, looking back- first of all I think a story about a train that chases things off the tracks is really rather frightening.  Secondly, it's conformist propaganda, isn't it?  Well, I didn't think so at the time.


Oh yeah, my favorite book at about 5 or 6 was the Doctor Doolittle series, I think.  Also Chronicles of Narnia- except my parents wouldn't let me read the last two books until I was eight or nine, cause Silver Chair scared me.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
Oh sweet, you know it too? That's awesome! I'll have to find it and give it another read.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
It's the third best-selling English-language children's book of all time, according to Wikipedia.  Shouldn't be too hard to locate.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
Oh, okay. I never thought it'd actually be in Wikipedia. Boy, it sure was a good book though.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

Everything is in Wikipedia, now.  Well, almost.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
So true, So true.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
I'm not :( lol!

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
Frog and Toad Are Friends and Socks for Supper.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
Wow, never heard of em'.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

frog and toad were awesome. lol loved those books. i was trying to remember the name of that book but i couldnt. thats why i panicked and said encyclopedia brown. i was never a dr seuss fan. many on here are and we have had that discussion before.


Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
Oo, I liked Where the Wild things Are as well.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
Chronicles of Narnia.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

me and my girlfriend just went to see a play of the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. it was pretty cool. never read the books as a child though. anyone ever read stories called "Nate The Great"? im not making that up lol he was a kid detective. similar to encyclopedia brown, but for even younger readers. they were good, i remember reading them and wanting to be a detective because of them.


Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
That sounds very vaguely familiar. Did he have a cape? And yeah, where the wild things are rocked. Oh, and Eyes of the Dragon, by Stephen King. I remember first having it read to me then demanding that I read it myself.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
I may have mentioned this before, but- I love Stephen King.  Seen 1408 yet?

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

not seen it yet. kinda want to though. never been big on king.


Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

it's not got the lovecraftian influence of the story, but cusack's performance is quite good.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

hold on i thought stephen king did horror?

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

Oh, he's so much better than most horror writers.  Perhaps I'll write more about that elsewhere.

Eyes of the Dragon is a fantasy/fairytale that came from a bedtime story he told his kids.  A lot of people who became SK fans at a young age started with that book. 

Also, the Dark Tower series is more of a fantasy than straight horror.  Although that one is aimed for adults.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
Yeah, strong man. Dark Tower series was awesome for first couple books then he kind of fucked up. Eyes of the Dragon rules.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

I think you could just tell that the first set were written apart from one another, but then the later ones were written together.  We won't even discuss the ending. . .  Anyway, the brilliant thing to me is how the Dark Tower permeates King's work as a whole.  I think a lot of writers have an interconnected internal story-telling system, but King actually mythologizes it and draws attention to it in his works.

(Side note-  I was pissed when I found out Martin was Flagg, cause I had two totally different mental pics of them. . . I guess I should have realized it from Eyes of the Dragon, though.)

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

eyes of the dragon WAS good.


Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
Well, remember, Martin is Flagg, sort of, kind of how Jesus is God, in my understanding. There is a being who has always existed, but I believe they take different persons in the same being, if you see what I mean. King's crazy like that. One of his books, can't remember which, suddenly had a clown peeking out of the sewer (and it wasn't IT).

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
Well the thing about King, mainly old King, but some newer stuff too, is that he just has a gift for characters. His writing style is not really that good - he overuses italics and flashbacks and phrasing - but without question they are page turners and his characters are fully fleshed out. I think he's gotten lazy and fallen back on what made him famous in the first place. An artist (any artist's) biggest problem seems to be that at some point, they begin to copy themselves, when their work turns to shit. Look at Dali.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

What about Bag of Bones?  That's pretty recent and quite good. 

I liked Lisey's Story much better than Cell.  Hated the ending of Cell and found the resolution of Alice to be without purpose.

In my opinion, good horror has to be character driven.  It isn't scary if you don't care about the characters.  The best horror should have a compelling plot in place even before the creepy stuff happens.

 (t's a definitive stylistic tactic of King's, the italicized internal monologuing of his characters.  Also, I would say that he uses foreshadowing much more than flashbacks.)

(This should go get it's own thread, practically.  I didn't read any King when I was 6.  See above comment regarding Chronicles of Narnia being too scary for me. . .)

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
Ooh, Encyclopedia Brown! Yeah, I loved them, too, remember wishing I had a photographic memory.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
HEHEEH! I may actually buy this. It's sort of hard to find. I can't find my original copy at my parent's house and it makes me sad.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
lol thats awesome!

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

I have trouble remembering back then :) Why do I feel so old?

I think I had a collection of picture story books, with tapes that you listened to, that read the story to you while you read the pages, and told you when to turn the page. They had music, special sound effects, and actor's voices for the dialogue. I remember ones for The Dark Crystal, Tron, Droid World (star wars spin-off) and Raiders of the Lost Arc.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
Raiders of the Lost Ark is awesome!

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

little critter was pretty fun for that age range, 3-6. anyone remember them?


Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
No, but anyone know about MAgic School Bus? LOL It may be a tv show but it rocked.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

also, corduroy bear was a good one. me and my girlfriend were just talking about that one a few weeks ago.


Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
I remember him!
That's amazing considering I've only saw him once or twice

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
Little Critter that is.

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago
I had a seventh grade teacher that used Magic School Bus books to teach science. . . (7th graders are like, 14 years old)

Whats your favorite Book as a child [Ages 3-6]

17 years ago