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Best book you've ready about dragons?

11 years ago

One of my favorites, even though it's a kid's book, is Dragon's Blood by Jane Yolen. It was a trilogy but I only really liked the first one. Of course the Song of Ice and Fire books (George RR Martin) have great dragons, hopefully they play a bigger part in Winds of Winter. Eragon wasn't bad, though the talking parts got to be a bit much. I haven't found many adult fantasy novels where dragons play a significant role in the plot though, suggestions?

Best book you've ready about dragons?

11 years ago

The Hobbit of course  :)

Best book you've ready about dragons?

11 years ago

Hobbit was awesome, but I always consider Joel Rosenberg's "The Sleeping Dragon" as one of my favorite books. 

Best book you've ready about dragons?

11 years ago

hmmmmmmmmmmm, Ender's Game, they have a army called Dragon, thats all folks

Best book you've ready about dragons?

11 years ago

The inheritence series was pretty good until the last book, the Warcraft books that have dragons as their main characters are pretty good too..

Best book you've ready about dragons?

11 years ago

Yeah, The Hobbit.

The worst book I ever read about dragons was Twilight.

Best book you've ready about dragons?

11 years ago

I remember reading Steven King's 'Eye of The Dragon' and thinking it was OK, but I don't recall if it actually had a dragon in it...

Best book you've ready about dragons?

11 years ago

The dragons in the Discworld series are very very cool, mainly because a lot of them explode all the time.

Best book you've ready about dragons?

11 years ago

I thought of Dragon's Blood as soon as I saw the title of your post. Definitely one of my favorites.

Best book you've ready about dragons?

11 years ago

Uh.. read about dragons... not ready.. :S

Best book you've ready about dragons?

11 years ago

Eragon is pretty good, and so is Dragon's Blood, but I would definitely say my favorite book about dragons is the Hobbit.

Best book you've ready about dragons?

11 years ago

One of the wheel of time books (I'm a huge Robert Jordan fan) I just can't remember which one it was.

Best book you've ready about dragons?

11 years ago

granted I haven't read a ton of books strictly about dragons I like dragons but never got that into them. I mainly like dragons in art