A nice attempt at poetry, but ultimately a bit disappointing. The general outline is a bit cliché, even if he twists the whole 'roses are red' thing into an insult-ridden attack on several site members. The metre is all over the place, as every line flows differently. Paired with the changing syllable-count, this makes the poem flow quite poorly. A bit more structure throughout would already have been quite an improvement for the legibility. Also, while the poem starts with some examples of nice, masculine rhyme, the rhyme-scheme starts to get watered down in the middle, with several examples of slant rhyme like 'faggot-it' and 'troll-asshole'. Lastly, there's also some wonky grammar and spelling going on in several places.
Therefore, while the general outset of the poem is adequate, several weaker points combined mean that it ultimately feels a bit disappointing. A bit more consistency in terms of poetry-structures, and the application of grammar and spelling rules, would have been better. However, as it stands now, I give it a 2/8 on the CYS grading-scale, and would strongly advise to revise and resubmit.