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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Valentine for Fresh

one month ago

To Fresh


You are the only one

To lose to Darius in the Dome

I will avenge both of us

When I send him crying home


Your skill with words

Is like Freya with the sword

You have the magic of Merlin

With your mastery of the written word


I've followed your path on CYS

You're a credit to the site!

I beg you for your presence

To face against me in a literary fight


After this weekend, I will wait in the ThunderDome

Once I've finished smashing two guys

Would you join me on the Fourteenth of February 

To see which one of us takes home the prize?


Sincerely, Ben.


Afterword: Yes, this is a public challenge that I thought I'd put my own spin on. And yes, I did run this past Fresh first. I assume "bet" is an affirmative answer.


Valentine for Fresh

one month ago

Valentine for Fresh

one month ago

Posted in the ThunderDome thread.

And I managed to avoid writing degenerate gay porn, so it should be alright. I hope.

Valentine for Fresh

one month ago
Commended by Avery_Moore on 1/30/2025 7:17:50 PM

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Fresh is going to beat,
The shit out of you. ^_^

Valentine for Fresh

one month ago
If I could comm, Avery, if I could comm...

Valentine for Fresh

one month ago

There we go! ^_^

Valentine for Fresh

one month ago
Very snazzy.

Valentine for Fresh

one month ago

My heart is red

My face is white

I have a sneaking suspicion 

You just might be right.



Valentine for Fresh

one month ago

The face at the end makes it funnier

Valentine for Fresh

one month ago

So this is what red line is???

Valentine for Fresh

one month ago
Ok but you had to bring up the Darius thing

Valentine for Fresh

one month ago

What, being the only person to actually lose to him? Well, it was a long time ago. I'm sure you'd beat him now. Especially if I can tie with him, for goodness sake.

Valentine for Fresh

one month ago
It was just a lil joke :)

Valentine for Fresh

one month ago

On behalf of the Fresh Fan Club, I will avenge you.

The blood of your mortal enemy will shine brightly upon the ground, matching the shade of your hair.

The rats, likely distant cousins of his, will feast on his body.

His broken, bleached white bones will serve as a ruined temple to your talent glorified.


For like two weeks. Then you and I are gonna throw hands.


Valentine for Fresh

one month ago

Valentine for Fresh

one month ago
Hmm. Going by the specific wording of the challenge, it sure looks like this is taking place only if Ben wins against Darius and RK.

Valentine for Fresh

one month ago

Well, I was hoping to face off against her either way. The wording of beating Darius is meant to be a boast rather than a condition.

Valentine for Fresh

one month ago
I think the timing will work, but after that you guys will all need to take a break for a bit because there are some other plans for the 'Dome soon. And voters traditionally lose interest after three or four matches when they're back to back.

Valentine for Fresh

one month ago


Valentine for Fresh

one month ago


Valentine for Fresh

one month ago

Funny, I say the same thing whenever I look through the peephole on my front door and see your people getting ready to preach to me about the teachings of who I consider a false prophet.

Valentine for Fresh

one month ago
I'll bet you 150 points that I win

Valentine for Fresh

one month ago

Seems a bit much for a ThunderDome match lol.

Counteroffer: 25 points.

Valentine for Fresh

one month ago

Valentine for Fresh

one month ago


Valentine for Fresh

one month ago