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Is Trolling a Sport?

12 years ago
I am currently the pwner of 24 different forums and ranked in the top 50 best trolls on over 200 established flame forums so yes I do believe trolling is a sport.

I have managed to misdirect, piss off, derail and generally annoy thousands of people by posing as such characters like (but not limited to) a white supremacist, a tree hugging hippy, a misogynistic wife beater, a religious gay basher, a whiny liberal, a ghetto black guy, a militant feminist, a furry pedophile, a terrorist sympathizer, a Mormon, a basement dwelling comic book fanboy, a twelve year old whore, a lesbian tranny, and a Jewish Nazi. Sometimes all in the same forum.

As you can see I'm not a casual troller, I spend like 32 hours daily on this stuff. I can provide proof if any of you like as I have kept transcripts and screen shots of my best work.

Anyway I'm just saying if some big fat dude can consider something hilariously unhealthy like competitive eating as a sport, I believe trolling should be a sport as well and if any of you disagree, you're obviously a bunch of simple minded fucktards that can't even spell the word athletic let alone the word sport.



Is Trolling a Sport?

12 years ago

Lol, this post made my day. #Marmotlogic ?at it's best.

Is Trolling a Sport?

12 years ago

it's a sport. in a way

Is Trolling a Sport?

12 years ago
Lol, that video game thread is hilarious.

But seriously I believe things like gaming, trolling and mom riding to be hobbies rather than sports.

I mean MAYBE someone could try to make an exception for South Korea and their fanatical Starcraft love, but its still in the hobby pile as far as I'm concerned. Just happens to be a major one in South Korea. Nobody says you can't make money off of a hobby, writers do it all the time.

The only one I really get annoyed with when they call it a sport is "competitive" eating. That's just a celebration of gluttony and like the exact opposite of a sport or even a hobby.

Is Trolling a Sport?

12 years ago

Agreed, that is in no way a sport. It's competitive, but it's a long way from being a sport.

Is Trolling a Sport?

12 years ago

With the Wii and dancing games, we're not far off from having (certain) games being recognized as sports.

Is Trolling a Sport?

12 years ago

One could call DDR a sport.

Is Trolling a Sport?

12 years ago

I would have to agree that some WII games are sports


Is Trolling a Sport?

12 years ago

Yup, I actually said something about DDR in the definitions I posted.

Is Trolling a Sport?

12 years ago

I mean, if they left the definition for it vague, we could really debate what constitutes a sport, y'know? Maybe someone could make a case for video games, but for fuck's sakes, I don't think they could be more clear with their definition. It takes some really special people to fuck up reading comprehension that thoroughly and for that long. I mean, not just reading comprehension but just general "sense". You'd think that if three people with well developed arguments are getting more and more frustrated with you, you would at least take a moment to reflect: "Am I complete moron?"

But alas, noooooope. #Marmotlogic

Is Trolling a Sport?

12 years ago

ugh, I don't see why they call that a sport either. Stuffing your mouth with enough food to rupture an average person's stomach is disgusting. It sounds more like an excuse to eat like a ravenous wolf all the time and hide your lack of self control behind a "sport". 

I mean, just call it a hobby. Call it a competition. Hell, call yourself a professional garbage disposal for all I care. But, don't call it a sport, otherwise everyone in the world who has ever eaten a bite of solid food is an athlete. 

On a side note, since I live in the deep south of the USA, I have seen many... "sports" as people around here call them. Not gonna lie, they are hilarious to watch, but not sports. But, hey can't argue with a guy downing moonshine like water. For example, lawnmower racing(not just any lawnmower, customized lawnmowers), Noodling, and all that good old redneck fun. Fun as heck, embarrassing to admit you do, but not sports no matter what everyone in my town says XD

Is Trolling a Sport?

12 years ago

Haha, i love lawnmower racing. Watching it, I mean, I've never done it. WHere are you from? I'm from Alabama.

Is Trolling a Sport?

12 years ago

I've never participated either(I don't have a riding lawnmower), but it is hilarious to watch! Especially, when everyone has been drinking most of the day. 

I'm in South Carolina, right on the border near North Carolina and Georgia(Takes like ten minutes to cross over either one from my house haha). I passed through Alabama over the weekend, loved it! But, I didn't get to stop other than for lunch :( 

Is Trolling a Sport?

12 years ago

never seen lawnmore racing

Is Trolling a Sport?

12 years ago

It's been too long since the last Endmaster troll thread.

Is Trolling a Sport?

12 years ago

Is Trolling a sport? Good question. I would say it depends on the motives. If you do it to pursue a (more or less-) hidden agenda, for political or economical goals, then no, that's agitation. If you troll just for kicks, because you enjoy the fun of it, then no, that qualifies as a hobby.

But if you take an athlete's approach to it and do it all the time, train very hard to excell as much as you can, sacrifice everything for the cause, maybe even your social life! and really do it professionally in the strictest sense of the word (e.g., for a living, as your job or replacement for a job).... I mean if you're holding multiple world records it must be a sport, and trolling athletes deserve at least as much respect and pussy as say basket ball or boxing stars.

Is Trolling a Sport?

12 years ago

*sigh* it's a shame that some people don't know how to read but somehow know how to write. But, seeing as I don't remember you on the other thread, here's the definition for athletic.



   [ath-let-ik]  Show IPA


physically active and strong; good at athletics  or sports: an athletic child.
of, like, or befitting an athlete.
of or pertaining to athletes involving the use of physical skills or capabilities, as strength, agility, or stamina

Trolling doeesn't fit at all.

Is Trolling a Sport?

12 years ago

Isn't that gonna cause copyright problems?

Oh wait, we don't know who made it first so who cares.

Is Trolling a Sport?

6 years ago

Just realized that all the troll personalities that I listed in the original post have actually been CYS members at some point.

Is Trolling a Sport?

6 years ago
Holy shit, you're right.

Is Trolling a Sport?

6 years ago
Wait is this a confession to you secretly being half the forum?

Is Trolling a Sport?

6 years ago

No, but combined with that dream thread about writing a sequel to Innkeeper and recently having ongoing real world interaction with someone who's life resembles a slightly less fantastic version of Suzy's life, I'm starting to think I'm able to will things into existence by writing them.

(Unfortunately it doesn't seem to have a great effect, for example I only became an Admin, not a Death God)

Is Trolling a Sport?

6 years ago
white supremacist: Drako
tree hugging hippy:
misogynistic wife beater: Not me
religious gay basher:
whiny liberal: Morgan_R
ghetto black guy: honor
militant feminist: also Morgan_R
furry pedophile: Kiel
terrorist sympathizer: Orange
basement dwelling comic book fanboy: chris
twelve year old whore: bigbootyJudy
lesbian tranny: also Kiel
Jewish Nazi:

Is Trolling a Sport?

6 years ago

Fazz is a terrorist supervisor (During both his Muslim AND Commie days)

Ebon's a mormon

We got a shitload of religious gay bashers, we'll just pick Zag as an example.

We got a few whiny liberals, we'll just pick betaband as an example, though I'm sure there's a better example escaping me at the moment.

Melissa is the furry pedo

Mardox is a Jewish Nazi

Is Trolling a Sport?

6 years ago
Couldn't remember if zag was against the gays. Glad we have such a diverse community.

Is Trolling a Sport?

6 years ago
If we made Mynoris the Mormon than Ebon could fill the religious gay basher role just as easily. He has a fun story about burning a rose a gay guy gave him at school once.

I assumed insanebutvain for the 12 yr old whore, and Will has sympathized with terrorists.

Loads of whiny liberals, that's our wildcard token. And we've had such a number of furries and pedophiles that I'm sure there's crossover somewhere. The only one I'm unsure of is the tree hugging hippy.

Is Trolling a Sport?

6 years ago

IBV was definitely the 12 year old whore. (Now just an older whore) Probably Orange as well.

Mynoris and Ebon could certainly fill the Mormon and gay basher roles respectively.

The closest one I can think of to a tree hugging hippy oddly enough is Steve, since he's expressed more than any other member here wishing there were better environmental laws and people made more of an effort to not pollute the planet since global warming is literally the only thing that's potentially stopping the world from becoming a "better place" since he does adhere to the view point that things are getting better in the world.

I'm sure there's been a real tree hugging hippy on here briefly. Probably some noob that posted once and then disappeared when someone said they ate meat.

Is Trolling a Sport?

6 years ago
Oh wait. Vain is a vegan into astrology. She'll have to fill a double role but I'm sure she's used to spreading herself.

Is Trolling a Sport?

6 years ago
