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One or two End Game link

8 years ago

Assuming I had the patience to write a long one, how would you feel if I only put one or two end links at literally the very end?

One or two End Game link

8 years ago
I feel like you need to explain further. Are you saying you only want to put end links at the very end of your storygame, and not during the other times a reader might lose?

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

Yes, the character you played has to die at least over 10 times to progress...I think, so far I've only finished about half of that number and three of them are basically suicidal choices.

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

I smell undertale

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

Undertale pokes fun at RPG and there is only one monster you can befriend with so I guess you're not wrong about that. Considering I'm not too fond of Pacifist route, maybe I should add a Genocide end.

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

What about the TRUE pacifist route?

I guess you like getting your ass kicked by Sans 100+ times...

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

Sorry to disappoint you, I follow Joel on Vinesauce and he covered both routes in his streams, therefore I spared it. I'm in love with the music though.

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

You've convinced me to make a troll boss.

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

One or two End Game link

8 years ago
Commended by JJJ-thebanisher on 2/7/2017 5:15:16 PM

Definitely need more context to better answer this.

That said, with only one or two endings and even if there's a lot of choices, that normally means your choices didn't have much impact because you had the same result anyway. You add more weight to decisions by leading people down different pathways. You'd likely want to branch it out a little more and write some what-if situations if people did this or that, which can lead to a different end result. 

If a decision naturally leads to someone losing, then that's a good place to let the game end and potentially toss in an epilogue. Some people will put a lot of time into losing pathways, just to make those endings more satisfying. Regardless of how strong the writing is, if it's too linear then it half defeats the point of writing a CYS in the first place. The endings and the journey to get there go hand-in-hand.

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

Fair point, a downer end and a display of defeat often give the players the right push to search for the true ending. However, I want to exploit that concept and if possible make it become less of a chore and more enjoyable. In the story, I've branched out multiple parts and each only gets to one end at best. You might lose mid-way of course, traps, monsters, sexy ladies, name them they kill you.

I'll make it work. Lately I've been losing my focus in class and I feel like tackling something hard to refresh myself.

One or two End Game link

8 years ago
If that's the case I'd say this is just an underhanded way of making sure you get better ratings. If people actually want to continue then they'll continue playing. The only thing you're preventing here is the ratings of people who didn't enjoy what they played, or simply didn't want to play any longer.

Any natural ending point to a story should have an end link. This includes both bad and good ends.

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

I was too selfish to realise that on my own, thanks for pointing it out!

One or two End Game link

8 years ago
Above all, do not do the forced looping back to the beginning thing. People hate that.

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

Unless you're writing a beautiful, symbolically cyclical story about a near-death experience in a hallway.

In that case, publish it, it'll be hilarious.

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

Don't touch that dial

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

Nah, I'll pass...I've learnt my mistake.

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

I'll make sure to put several checkpoints throughout so no one will have to unless they wanna do it otherwise.

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

God, no. Ending at every ending, please. Madglee did it to A Day in Hell   because his ego was getting bruised, and now the game is super frustrating to play. 

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

No surprise, the description alone is enough.

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

I think you've pretty much come to a conclusion here but I'd just like to add that since the rating revamp, saving end game links for the end won't help your ratings much.

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

I've noticed the rating change, but what does it mean exactly?

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

Points 6-11:

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

You don't know either?

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

No. I just hyperlinked it.

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

Alright, time to read.

One or two End Game link

8 years ago

Basically, I'd want as many ratings as possible. It's probably beneficial for a lot of folks here, I'll think of a way to earn their favorite.