I am brand new as well, and also an inexperienced writer. My suggestion, for what it is worth, it to read all of the help documentation on the editor features. Reading through that gave me ideas for stories. I would say I am more into the game mechanics than story telling, so that's why reading the "How to's" first worked for giving me inspiration. But also, before starting your own, you could read a few highly rated stories on here. There are some good ones. This will also give you ideas about your own story. You get "points" when u review others stories and leave a comment afterwards. You will also get 3 points for creating your own story. Now you dont even have to "publish" this story to get the points, you just create it so only you can see, play around with the mechanics and some ideas, and have fun. There is a checkbox when you create a new game for "Allow Sneak Preview". Keep this unchecked so that no one can see your Frankenstein Monster. It really is a lot of fun.