Hello friends! I am not very active on the site right now, so I was debating entering the Cyberpunk contest to motivate myself. I don't want to be the guy who only writes for contests, but I don't write unless I'm in one (apparently). The problem is that I don't know much about Cyberpunk.
Never the less, I have a story idea. There isn't much too it yet, but I want to know if it sounds interesting enough to enter the contest. Any thoughts or tips are appreciated and will be considered. Also, I have a feeling that this stupid post will get me forcibly dragged into the contest either way...
My idea has the working title "U-Cloud Human Could Computing: Unplugged." The setting is near future (2075?) San Francisco. The thought here is that in the future the U.S. reallocated nearly all of its resources and people to its main technological hub to form one giant city that takes up most of costal California. The government restructures to a more simplified form (more like a city government with a president, a council, and senators that each run a part of the city).
My new San Francisco would be a cast system with the government at the top, then business owners and the ultra wealthy, followed by the police, working class, androids, and people too poor or removed from society to be in the system (all in that order of status). Everyone from the police down are implanted with a microchip that allows them to be a part of a cloud computing network. This means that their thoughts, memories, and actions are in the cloud like a computer. The government can access this information on everyone and even control them through the chip. I'm even thinking about having companies charge people to have/maintain their own chips so that they are indentured servants, but they do make some spending money and have some freedoms.
Our main character will be in the working class as a technician that modifies/fixes chips. He is able to modify his own to not be on the cloud. This makes it so he can not be controlled, and the government can't read this thoughts. Those powers enable him to start to fight the system or cheat the system to work up the cast.
A lot of what happens will be influenced by player choice. I want to have branches for killing off corrupt government officials in different ways to be a sort of vigilante hero that tries to bring the cloud down. Another branch will be trying to use your abilities to give unfair and impossible advantages to a company (like killing off their competitor in a world where the government can scan anyones memory to find the killer instantly) in exchange for a better position in society.
There are a lot of places to go, but I want to give some freedom to be an anti hero or a corrupt villain type character. I want to give stylistic choices in each branch as well. For example, you could kill someone with an old school weapon like a gun that would also be off the cloud and thus untraceable to the usual methods that the police in the story use to track killers, or you could hack into the cloud to make someone else kill your target for you (by forcibly taking over their microchip). My other thought is to add a branch where you join the police and enforce the laws in unusual ways that break the laws or use your unique situation to allow others to break the law where it is normally impossible to do so.
It's a work in progress that began today, but please share any tips or thoughts! Also, if this doesn't fit in the Cyberpunk genre warn me before I look stupid...