
Forums » Writing Workshop » Read Thread

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Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago
So this forum thread is about current excerpt that you can leak from your current stories.

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago

I just started working on one! Here's a preview:


StoryDuck leans into his brother's embrace, hand clutching a fistful of hair. He sniffs his companion, enjoying their musky smell. His brother, StoryEgg, lets out a soft sigh as a wave of euphoria comes over him. Tangled together, caught in the thralls of love, there is but one question both on their minds: Who came first, the Duck or the Egg?

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago
why did you reply to this thread

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago

She wanted to write about gay incest involving Storyduck I'm guessing.

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago

I woke in the morning and figured I'd start the day right.

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago
Absolute degenerate

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago

This used to be a fowl thread but you just made it a foul thread

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago
Nice wordplay, Mr. Penguin.

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago

who the fuck is this

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago
Nice wordplay, Mr. Penguin.

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago
Nice comment, Mr.Penguin.

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago

I'm going to attack you both

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago

Nice thread title, RetardDuck.

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago
Nice sarcasm, Apples

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago
hmmm...that doesn't hit quite as hard

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago
Hmmmm, yes I see your point...

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago
Neither does your mum, ford.

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago

Why are you still here?

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago
Who? The flying fish guy?

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago

No, you. You ban evading, retard.

I'm going to charge you a resurrection fee now actually.

I think it's what my dad would do, apparently.

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago
Your dad sounds like a true business man and I have zero idea what you're talking about..

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago

Sure, little boy.

The deed is already done, so meh.

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago
Oh yeah, nice pfp. Did you make it?

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago

The source of the image most likely predates your own existence.

Nobody cares about the OG thread

one year ago
Not possible, I am a recarnation of the first raccoon God placed on earth.

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago

Wow. That's an elaborate way of calling yourself retarded.

Since, well, you couldn’t even spell reincarnation correctly.

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago
Thank you, I try my best. Now I must go stare at my homework while thinking about Mario Kart

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago

You go do that.

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago
Nice roasts you stole from Google and Reddit.

Current Stories that 🫵you🫵 are mak

one year ago

It seems like both the google headquarters and reddit would be a better fit for you than here.