Xt1000305, The Novelist

Member Since


Last Activity

1/25/2022 8:15 AM

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Storygame Count


Duel Stats

20 wins / 18 losses





Player of games. I am writing a few games now.

I intend to make games based on MMOs, books and  RPGs.

I form the Polar Bear Faction. Not Penguins(silly flippers needed to swim. Who needs flippers when you have paws?), not Mustaches(I find it revolting that they care about hair on their faces. I care about ALL my fur, not just my face-fur), not Pyros(I live in the Artic. Fire not good for the Artic),and not Ice(Misguided fools who don't even live in the Artic with me!).

Currently not recruiting. Normal activities include seal fishing and hibernating. No time to get into silly wars that would probably give me a bad fur day, disturb my sleep cycles and give me lousy army rations instead of nice lovely seals.

Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points Earning 500 Points Earning 1,000 Points


AQW: Prologue

This game covers the start to just before Chiral Valley and Escherion. It will be long, so remember to save frequently!

This is kind of like fan fiction for AQW if anyone plays, if not, maybe you can try it after reading/playing this story/game!

The game's website is www.aq.com

This is my first story-game so please tell me how good/bad it was as well as how to improve on future story-games. I'm trying to make this a good one.

Disclaimer: I do not own AQ Worlds and this is just an adaptation of the storyline, not the actual thing.

Republished on 3/12/12 with more pictures, edits and MORE EBIL!

Special thanks to all who helped proofread this, including my cousin, Sootblue.

Cyrus the Great Beast Hunter

All of Cyrus' stories in one place.

This story game is really not meant for CYS members. This is still a work in progress, and will probably never be completed. New stories added as I see fit.

Positive or Negative?

A short game on being positive or negative.

There is NO point to the game at all, just a short piece about 2 ways to look at a situation. So, please don't complain about it being short or pointless in comments.

Republished 19/12/2012, changed the game to advanced, now 3 seperate endings to get!

The Delaying Action

If you have ever read Conn Iggulden's Conqueror series, this story was taken from 'Bones of the hills'. Whatever your choices are, you will die in the game, you can consider being successful as a win, if you are. There is an 'epilogue' if you are successful.

AQW:Escherion The First Lord of Chaos!

Belzord: New beginnings

You are a member of the Wolf clan. You have a unique power. One day, news reach you that your parents have been ambushed and are now dead. You are determined to avenge them, and set off with your wolf to find the murderers

Little Fighter 2: Julian

A short story on indie game Little Fighter 2. This is more story than game, with only about 2 choices. It was written because I felt a urge to write something that does not have multiple paths. This is basically just you reading a story. No game play involved. Hope this will be an  enjoyable read!

You play as the bad guy, and you can't lose. 

The Centaur
You are a Centaur. Caught in a war between the Horde and the Alliance, you have to navigate through power changes, choose how to best serve your faction, consider betrayal and make it out of this minefield alive.

Recent Posts

App on 7/18/2014 9:28:08 PM

But we can just use the internet to play story games on the go, there's no need for an app to do that.

App on 7/18/2014 12:49:25 PM

I thought it doesn't work?

[Point Rewards] Draw My Attention 2 on 6/22/2014 11:30:26 AM

Recommend Unpublishing: http://chooseyourstory.com/story/too-excited
It is short and not well written.

Storygame Purge Thread 2 on 6/15/2014 12:20:02 AM

Hobo life is fine
To be slaved should be purged
Insult eminem is fine
Life in thunderclan is fine
Warrior's adventure is fine

The rest got purged already I think

Suzy's Strange Saga on 6/13/2014 4:18:24 AM

You turn around and attempt to put a little swing into your walk. You then you’re your head to look back at them and flutter your eyes a bit. You actually feel really silly doing so, but the grinning expressions you see on the two soldiers suggest that you seem to be doing better than you’d believe.

'You then you're your head'

This part doesn't make sense. Great page though!

Memes and Images on 6/8/2014 12:10:59 AM

I agree with this

im very new (=>.<=) on 4/15/2014 11:00:16 AM


Cysid on 4/15/2014 7:28:26 AM

Wait a while, if he hasn't responded in 24 hours, tell us again. Sometimes cysid is slow to respond

Joe Dever on 4/14/2014 10:42:34 AM

Lone Wolf is free on the android Google play too...

I am New on 3/14/2014 4:18:01 AM

Welcome to the site!