fergie14233, The Novelist
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Writers Block:
When your imaginary friends won't talk to you.
I Believe in Sherlock Holmes.
We are Watson's Warriors.
Moriarty was Real.
Fight the Newspaper Lies.
1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a time war.
5, 6, 7, 8, the Daleks scream "EXTERMINATE!"
9, 10, 11, 12, the Doctor died and Silence fell.
12, 11, 10, 9, here he goes, back in time.
8, 7, 6, 5, back to save everybody's lives.
4, 3, 2, 1, he grabs her hand and whispers "Run."
Trophies Earned

The girl shrouded in mystery . . .
Additional info:
You play the role of a male character named Brandon.
There are three possible endings: the bad, the average, and the perfect ending. To get the perfect ending, you need a perfect score, so it's hard to get.
Notes: I have fixed the problem with the end link with help from Killa_Robot.
Recent Posts
Salutations :D on 12/4/2013 9:47:49 AMGood gosh, another Soul Eater Excalibur...Well welcome anyhow and I hope you enjoy your stay! (But no one will be your meister)
Who am I and why should you care? on 11/24/2013 11:34:09 AM
Welcome! We're always glad to have new members and it seems your grammar is already stellar, which will get you far in this community!
Some Writing Questions on 11/20/2013 6:51:02 PM
Okay I have a few questions.
First is: how complicated should I make the Prom story? For those of you that don't know what it is or haven't been here long enough to see my *awful* original, I'm writing a story that starts off with you trying to ask out a girl to prom but it spirals out of control as you learn some secrets about the girl. The original was poorly written and not very complicated to beat, and I want to make this one a little harder but not so awful that you can't win unless you go a certain path. Opinions?
Second: Should I try to remake Wolf Spirit? I don't like the way it is now because it is, essentially, a linear game. I want to rewrite it and make it have more branches but at the same time it isn't all that great of an idea because I don't see what other branches I could explore.
Thirdly: I have started a new storygame and I'd like some opinions on the idea. Basically you are a person who has been having strange dreams about murdering people (primarily prostitutes or other various women) and you've been seeing a psychiatrist. One day your psychiatrist uses a special form of hypnosis and you wake up in another life where you suddenly have new information planted in your mind. You're a murderer. A serial killer, actually. And you have to keep up the facade of a loving man until you wake up from the hypnosis, where the other life had felt so real that you can't tell your psychiatrist. You're trying to find your other life because it feels more real than the one you currently live in. (It's based off of Dreaming Wide Awake by Poets of the Fall, if that gives you a better idea on the tone of the story).
Anime suggestions on 11/18/2013 7:41:02 PM
Angel Beats! is a good anime, though the end made me bawl like a child (though that could just be me).
Okami-san and her Seven Companions is a good short anime (rather confusing at first) but the end is...unsatisfying.
Baka and Test is a completely stupid anime with some good morals to learn and a couple good scenes (mostly a crack!show really...)
Ouran High School Host Club was enjoyable (though the manga was far better)
Fruits Basket was the first anime I ever watched and I enjoyed it thoroughly, then the manga continued on into a fantastic storyline.
Millennium Snow/Thousand Years of Snow is a great manga series by the writer of Ouran.
Nabari no ou is still one of my favorite animes as it taught great morals, had a rather entertaining plot, great art, lovable characters (I probably got too attached...) and NINJAS.
Kaze no Stigma is a sort of confusing anime (for me anyway) but it was still enjoyable and tugged at the heartstrings sometimes. Strangely likable main characters.
Anime suggestions on 11/18/2013 7:37:37 PM
Clannad made me cry far more than it should have...
Anime suggestions on 11/18/2013 7:36:47 PM
Not me, that was my movie when I was a kid! As I got older I just watched more by the director (curse his Japanese easily forgettable name!) and the newer movies aren't too bad but I enjoyed his older work better.
Anime suggestions on 11/18/2013 7:35:40 PM
LOVED the movie, got me to read the book, loved the book even more. It's true they left a whole lot out from the book (including more scenes with the Witch of the Waste!) but it was still a good adaption for what it was worth because the book was full of a whole lot of scenes. The movie would've been a couple hours longer if they included everything.
I am....New here on 11/18/2013 7:15:41 PM
Glad to have you aboard!
Assistance Needed on 11/16/2013 9:14:24 PM
I'm writing a story in my free time centering around a group of men going to war. So far I have written the beginning in which they get through boot camp but since I have never participated in a war I do not know what happens when they get their orders. I have tried researching but I haven't found anywhere that describes the process between finishing the initial training (and the couple weeks of leave and rest) and actually getting to the camp in the middle of whatever country the war is raging in.
So basically I need anyone to help and explain what happens during that gap and perhaps what even happens when you're sent out into battle? Any information would be fantastic; thank you!
New Moderator: BerkaZerka on 11/11/2013 12:25:07 PM
Extremely late on my part, but congratulations!