A fifth installment to the Homo Perfectus series. Two years have passed since the forming of the Imperfects and Thorne's defeat at the hands of Eve. But as soon as everything appears to be returning to normal, the Imperfects discover an entirely new threat. Could it be that Meckard's legacy still survives after all this time?
This time, you play as all the Imperfects. Eve, Baryon, Freakshow, Haste and Brute, but not at the same time. Namely, when an ending is reached, you will unlock a new character to play, unless the ending involves your death, in which case, that character becomes locked again until unlocked by someone else's ending. Also, if you die at some point, you might want to consider not using the go back button (unless that character was your only unlocked character, and try playing someone else from the perspective that one of the Imperfects dies. That brings me to another thing: your actions as one character will incorporate into your other playthroughs.
By the way, there is a secret character that can join the Imperfects. That character will not be playable, but it is a character you may have seen on previous Homo Perfectus stories.