Everyone is born with a special tattoo. It could be a dragon, a flower, a car, anything. When you fall in love, your tattoo goes on the other person as well. Not just with your soulmate, but just anyone you fall in love with. Things you do, like serving our country, getting married, seeing a murder, reaching the age of 50, you get tattoos for those, too. Those days are over now, of course. Nobody remembers anything about it except for what's in the history books. After visiting the senior citizen center, however, you find that this is not true. There is one woman who remembers. Beverly Groneford. She remembers it all, and her life, her body...it's so vivid. You ask her to tell you as much as she can. However, Beverly is running out of time. She can't live forever, and there's one tattoo that she never told you about, a small one right on the back of her neck. Will she tell you the secrets of her tattoos? Will Beverly explain why the government has been paying her frequent visits? Will you ever understand why the tattoos came to be in the first place?