Seven hundred years in the future, many things will come to us, including tissue engineering, flying cars, and the extinctions of many species. But, more than that, a deadly new kind of bomb.
This bomb was designed to start forest fires, and then react with the plant material to create atomic split. Before they let it loose, they had planned to warn every city in the world to dig up a shelter and stock it well. Most of the transmissions were distorted inunderstandably, and some cities were forgotten.
The bomb detonated and the fallout spread everywhere, except Antarctica.
In the few cities that were warned adequately, the people in the shelters realized not enough food was there. Fights broke out and many were killed or starved to death in these tiny city shelters. Disease was rampant.
You are now one of the last men standing. Play this game to see who is responsible, why this bomb went off, and how you will survive, if you survive.