-26th April 2007-
Hi everyone! For those who have played the previous version of this web story-game, there have been a few minor changes. The story is the same, I've simply updated the text to remove errors, correct some grammar, fix spelling mistakes, etc. I've made the demo a little bit shorter as well - no point in giving everything away in the demo!
For those who don't know, this is a demo, consisting of aproximately the first half of my paperback gamebook novel, "Ulysses: The Pegasi Incident", published via www.lulu.com. (That's a big demo for a book!) This first book in my new sci-fi series should be available for purchase late June or early July 2007. For more information, please visit www.pjtgamebooks.com.
The Federation of Worlds contains six different species' home worlds, with hundreds of colonies, space stations and outposts. The FSS Ulysses is a multi-role human starship designed to carry out mission such as scientific exploration, diplomatic duties, emergency evacuations, and the like.
A distress call has been recieved at Starbase 14 from Pegasi Station. All the humans there have fallen mysteriously ill, and the starship F.S.S. Ulysses has been dispatched to examine the situation, and hopefully develop a cure before the humans die. So far, the non-humans (aliens) at the space station all seem to be fine, and the Admiralty is worried that someone might have created a virus that targets humans only - and could therefore be a threat to the entire race! The Ulysses is around 24 hours away from the space station, but is the closest ship, and responds to the distress call with all due haste. They hope that when they arrive, the humans will still be alive...
In this story-game, you are not a particular character. Instead, as events happen, you determine how different characters respond to what is taking place, or solve problems they encounter. By your choices, YOU will be determining how the crew handles the situations they are faced with, and ultimately, whether they succeed or fail.