A great Empire, slowly falling apart due to the mysterious and deadly plague... but you don't care about that. You have your own problems.
The world just keeps kicking you in the tender bits. Your entire life has been shit, and you're not going to take it anymore. Well, you aren't going to take anything anymore, as you are going to kill yourself.

However, fate has another plan in store for you. Will you take the opportunity presented before you by a mysterious eldritch creature? And will you lose yourself along the way? Dealing with the devil never pays off... but perhaps?
Entry for Endmaster's prompt contest.
Note: The story includes a lot of dark humor, harsh language, violence, racism, rape depictions and suicide attempts. If such is not your cup of tea, stay away.
Your actions will influence the protagonist's thoughts and view of the world, as well as the actions he will automatically take, outside of your choices. Before you complain about him being a monster or a racist, consider whether you made him become so.
If you get a titled epilogue, consider that a win, even if it sucks for the protagonist. There are 5 to find. Some are rather easy to obtain, while the others can be a bit more difficult. Try to find the "good" and the "best" endings.
More than half the fucked up shit that the protagonist talks about in the beginning actually happened to the author, so you can have a fun guessing game of which is true, and which is made up.
If you believe you spotted a reference to something, be it a light novel or a totally random flash game, you did.
And remember: The higher your score, the worse person you are.