Agent of Order
storygame by
Commended by BerkaZerka on 11/11/2018 10:49:29 AM
Player Rating
, #7 for
Based on
147 ratings
since 10/28/2018
Played 5,554 times (finished 193)
Story Difficulty
"Trek through the forest"
Play Length
"It'll be a while, better grab a Snickers®"
Maturity Level
"Aren't you a little too old to be trick or treating"
Some material may be inappropriate for persons under age 13. If this were a movie, it would probably be PG-13.
Contest Entry
Female Protagonist
Previously Featured
Science Fiction
Socially Important
Orbiting a barren planetoid in a system full of nothing just past the edge of the frontier, The Last Outpost is just another refueling station. Strategically important, true, but on a routine stop you never expected to spend longer than a couple hours there, let alone a couple of days fighting for your life...
There are five epilogues, but some may be difficult to discover. Note that actions have consequences, but not always immediate ones. (And if you just need an End Game link, go play around with the probe.)
Player Comments
As per usual, spoilers will be present so read the story before you read my comments.
I haven’t found all of the endings yet, but this is really good! The whole story had a mysterious tone that started right from the first page. There was just enough information to take you into the setting, without overloading you with details. I will say I personally like more details, like what does the main character look like? Or what is the main characters job? It was talked about a lot, and never defined. I also didn’t realize Zee was an Android until really far into the story (I think it was implied and I missed it though). None of this is necessary, or takes away from the story though. The way it is written may have added to the mystery and been better, but I felt I wanted answers to those questions sooner personally.
I loved the characters and subtle humor. It was funny, without breaking the tone. The characters were memorable, relatable, and all very different! Their dialogue was well done, and the whole story was very engaging from start to finish!
Some things I noticed that could be improved (although this story was a 7/8 in my book and really well done):
- there was some repetitive language. I think on one of the ‘Aftermath’ pages there was a paragraph that the first 2-3 sentences all ended with “, anyway.” Not a huge deal, but mixing up the words or sentence structure can make it easier/more fun to read. My eyes jumped from the end of one sentence to the other, and I read those 2-3 sentences a few times before realizing what was happening (lol).
- I have not tried every ending, but I found a few! They were good but one big issue was the option to investigate the freezer. If you did it, that made it so you could not lose to the pirates no matter what, locking you into an ending regardless of choices, and you kill matti to stop the virus from spreading. If you don’t there is one one path that the pirates win, but the bigger issue for me is it never addresses that matti is infected! You don’t notice unless you do multiple paths, but does she infect people? Does not noticing matter? I felt that should pop up somewhere is all.
- Again I have not tried all the endings, but part of me wished I could do something more about the feelings and memories Zee has. Like defect to the pirates and help them spread the plague. I did like that Zee kept a vial, so it is implied she forcibly enacts change! It is a very clever ending that works. I just think one ending that is more dramatic would be fun (although the game was already so branching with different endings and possibilities I realize it can’t have literally every option).
Summary: very good, very clever, very engaging. I will read again and try to find more endings! Thank you for the story Mizal!
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on 9/4/2019 12:45:39 PM with a score of 0
The starting and setup for this story are more than enough to bring the reader into the story and want to read it. It sounds like a simple routine stop that’s clearly going to be more than routine. The reader is immediately grabbed by the story and they will want to read it simply to find out how. After all, it’s just a simple refueling stop, so what could go wrong? It’s an excellent hook and an invitation to the story.
The setting and writing on the first page set the scene nicely. There are good descriptions and details and enough information to feel like the reader is really in the story here. The only part that was slightly confusing (did you really think that wasn’t going to happen?) was the hero’s job. Maybe I missed it, but at one point Hinsman is keeping me away from the public. Then I’m supposed to protect people, but it’s not clear if it is protecting the public or Hinsman’s people. But also the hero destroyed a cruiser in the course of his job recently, too. But Hinsman has a badge and the hero has worked with a pilot before. But he’s headed to the outer rim for work, whatever that might be.
The arrival at The Last Outpost is fun. Well, maybe not for the hero, but reading the words and descriptions around it work very well. It is almost difficult to step out of the story to write this review because at that point the story is engaging and the reader really wants to stay in the story to find out what’s going on and what happened – and we’re not even in the meat of the story yet! The writing here is similar to that book you start to read just before bed and end up reading way past midnight because you just wanted to find out a little more about what was going to happen next.
There was some nicely woven-in backstory throughout the pages as it led through the story. I was hoping for a few more choices, like when the hero was asked whether they should move on or secure the station, but there wasn’t an option to just run away like a little girl and hide, so I didn’t get to choose to do that.
The story does continue with an excellent plot and tension. There were great options and logical choices throughout the story and often not a clear foreknowledge of which choice should be taken – which was a good thing because it really did create the idea that the reader was in control of the story and could really decide where the story would go. The discussions and dialogue were crisp and detailed – once again the reader is really taken into the story and feels like they are there in the room listening to the stories first-hand.
The story also had a number of twists and turns that were not expected. I could see connections from some of the decisions that I had made early in the story affect things much later in the story. And it really did keep me reading and want to read more in anticipation of what was going to happen next. I also really liked the sub-text and story that was happening in the background with the memories. Could that lead to another story? We can only hope and wait…with the hidden vial…
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on 4/2/2019 4:43:15 PM with a score of 0
Well well, another great story by Mizal.
The plot, characters, and mystery was great, my only complaint however is that the protagonists gender is...GENDER LOCKED. Like come on, man.
Just joking, of course, no one here gives a shit about any of that. Seriously though, I think one of my favorite parts of the story was the mystery aspect....a murder mystery in space!
I had it all figured out, except that I didn't at all lol.
I kind of wonder what exactly the effects of the Hunger Virus were though, I don't remember seeing too much detail on that. So for now my assumption is they go crazy like Matti and just eat all the food in the refrigerator...those animals!
The space battle was pretty cool, not quite how I expected. For some reason I assumed it was going the route of "space pirates are going to board and eventually kill everyone". But luckily this is probably the most realistic depiction of a space battle out there, and they got shot at and hauled ass like anyone probably would.
I liked how each character had their own distinct personalities, Karoff was just weird and goofy, Hinsman was a good guy just trying to do his job, really.
The whole aspect of Zina going crazy every once in a while and having hallucinations was great. At first it seems like she is just regular crazy, but I had great enjoyment in finding out she was an android and was suffering some side effects. Side effects that they were slowly trying to weed out with each....reboot?
Any ways, great story, it followed the themes of the contest in an unexpected and fun way.
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on 10/29/2018 12:11:56 PM with a score of 0
First things first, overall a very exciting, thrilling story that kept me on the edge of my seat and excited for what came next. I felt very involved throughout the whole story, and especially as it went on was really able to get into character.
Now, for the first couple scenes I found myself a little sad at how long it took to get to an actual choice. I got so excited in the second page where it mentioned having to make decisions on your own and I thought I’d get two links but no. Which, once I got deeper into the story I forgot all about for the most part so it turned out alright.
But speaking of the first chunk I really appreciated the detailed description of the environment and the characters. Karoff was by far my favorite, he’s cocky and funny, generally the life of the group and he really brought a lot to the trio. Now Zee was also fun, very realistic and relatable, made it easy for me to just slip into character and really feel like I was her as I went through the story. I especially appreciated the descriptions of Zee’s thoughts and hallucinations, along with bites of backstory and overall motives. Another thing I enjoyed was the little things the characters did that really brought them to life and made them more than just the words on the screen, such as Karoff biting his nail.
As I got deeper into the investigation it became more and more fun, trying to unravel the mystery and getting to make decisions on what to do about problems with the system, the probe, etc.
(Also on the “Inference” page even though I had chosen to inspect the bodies prior to that moment it seemed as though I hadn’t made that choice so I don’t know if that’s an error or if I just missed something.)
As a whole this was a very exciting story, with incredible attention to detail and a thrilling plot, certainly a fun one to play especially if you’re into sci-fi type stories and like figuring out a bit of a mystery.
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on 3/4/2025 12:23:46 AM with a score of 0
The writing was really good in this story. Pacing was great, the dialogue was smooth, transitioned really well. The cast clearly had different personalities, so it didn't feel monologued as if everyone is the same. The descriptions were really vivid, its rare to say that I can read a story, and imagine it in my head as though I were watching a movie, that's how well things were described in this story. Felt like there was very little gaps in that sense.
The story isnt GRAND, in that its a story with a broad impact on the universe, its a very personal or self contained story, just about a random android person, doing their job, albeit with a bit of drama and suspsense!
complaints: i have no complaints with the writing, the writing is amazing, The only thing i could really pull mizal on is her lack of choices on the narrative, having went through, all of the end screens, I could only find 3 different endings, one where matti turns due to the virus and you presumeably kill yourself with your co-worker, another where at the end youre forced to get your memories wiped due to your "hallucinations", and the ending you get to keep your memories but once again defeat the virus. I think there was potential for more multiple choices, maybe a version where the virus spreads across the stars, due to what happens here, or maybe more options with the probe route which doesn't automatically end in a death scene no matter which one you pick. That's my only critique, a lack of plot diversity. From a written standpoint its top tier, one of the best ive read actually. Overall, i score it an 6/8, to get a 7 it would have needed more plot diversity, and to get an 8 it would have to have MUCH more world building and potential plot developments which just isn't possible for me of a story of this size. Overall though, a great story. Good job, please keep writing Mizal.
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on 7/18/2024 6:46:40 PM with a score of 0
It turns out I played this one before, years ago. It was fresh and original this time too!
This is a well-constructed detective-thriller type of story with enough choices along the way to make some divergent paths. Uncloaking the mysteries along the way is done well.
A sketch map of the station could have been handy!
I didn't quite understand where Matti got injured. The door our team unjammed was some distance from where she was found. But that's a minor detail.
Thanks for spinning this tale!
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on 2/12/2024 9:32:37 AM with a score of 0
Good short story, a bit bewildered at first about the main character, however the nature of him became apparent
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on 6/21/2023 6:36:13 PM with a score of 0
@Micah Ryan Davis
This one is pretty linear honestly, but you might enjoy Bill's games Marooned on Giri Minor and Secret of Grass Planet for the more classic CYOA experience.
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on 12/3/2022 11:58:30 AM with a score of 0
First run thru, eager to start again. This style of book was my fav growing up. The writing was well done, interesting. Thanks for your efforts.
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— Micah Ryan Davis on 12/3/2022 11:16:33 AM with a score of 0
This was a very interesting story, worthy of a full novel in my opinion.
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— Mike on 2/6/2022 8:06:14 PM with a score of 0
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