Ready Player One

A fan fiction storygame by sarra7700

Player Rating?/8

"Too few ratings to be ranked"
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Story Difficulty4/8

"March in the swamp"

Play Length5/8

"Not going to lose any sleep"

Maturity Level3/8

"Must be at least this tall to play"
Contains content that may not be suitable for persons under age 10. If this were a movie, it would probably be between G and PG.

You are trapped in the Ready Player One World. The "6ers" have taken control of the castle Anorak.  Parzival has send out a message to all gunters for an attack, and you want to help.  Help as many other gunters as possible while killing enemy avatars in order to help Parzival get inside the castle and stop the sixers from changing the one thing you love-- the OASIS.   

In order to gain the most points, use your knowledge of the book, Ready Player One, to help Parzival take down the Sixers and stay alive.  Whenever you take an action to help another gunter or harm the sixers, you gain points as well.  If your health falls to 0, you die.

The pictures used to create this artifact were found at and .  The entire story is heavily based on the book Ready Player One by Ernest Cline.  

Player Comments

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ShoujoAddict on 12/14/2018 11:47:08 AM with a score of 84
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Unkindcrab on 3/10/2019 5:24:09 PM with a score of 120
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— Stevie on 12/14/2018 10:24:27 PM with a score of 11
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Austinc on 12/14/2018 9:49:02 AM with a score of 100
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