penutbutt3r's Experience Points

penutbutt3r has a total of 173 Experience Points. Following is recent point activity.
8/7/202215Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
8/7/202115Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
8/7/202015Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
8/7/201915Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
8/7/201815Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
8/7/201715Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
8/7/201615Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
8/7/201515Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
7/24/20151Rate Game Magus: Betrayal
7/23/20151Rate Game Ground Zero
7/22/20151Rate Game Survive the Zombies
7/21/20152Win Duel Toggle
7/21/2015-1Duel Escrow Toggle
7/21/2015-1Duel Escrow Rock Paper Scissors
7/21/20151Rate Game The Order of the Midnight Sun
7/21/20151Rate Game Evolve (1.2)
7/21/20151Rate Game Orion
7/21/20151Rate Game Achilles
7/21/2015-1Duel Escrow Rock Paper Scissors
8/7/201415Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
7/31/20142Duel Refund Toggle
7/28/2014-3Duel Escrow Toggle
7/28/20142Win Duel Toggle
7/28/2014-1Duel Escrow Toggle
7/27/20143Win Duel Toggle
7/27/20146Win Duel Toggle
7/27/2014-3Duel Escrow Toggle
7/27/201410Win Duel Toggle
7/27/2014-5Duel Escrow Toggle
7/27/20145Win Duel Toggle
7/27/20141Duel Refund Toggle
7/27/2014-1Duel Escrow Toggle
7/27/2014-2Duel Escrow Toggle
7/27/2014-2Duel Escrow Toggle
7/27/20144Win Duel Rock Paper Scissors
7/27/2014-2Duel Escrow Rock Paper Scissors
7/27/20144Win Duel Toggle
7/27/2014-2Duel Escrow Toggle
7/27/20144Win Duel Toggle
7/27/2014-2Duel Escrow Toggle
7/27/2014-5Duel Escrow RPS
7/27/20143Create Game A Lost World
7/27/20142Win Duel RPS
7/27/2014-1Duel Escrow RPS
7/27/20141Daily Point
7/27/2014-1Duel Escrow Toggle
7/26/201415Create Account