
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was rejected 9/5/2019: This has been brought up before and while I generally agree that CYS forums should match the internet at large... I think there's a general feeling that this makes it feel like home. I'd be open to changing this if there was overwhelming support for the idea.

[FORUMS] Allow Editing On Posts After Replies

4 years ago

Title might be a bit vague because what I wanted to call this thread was too long for the title box.

I think it would be neat if we could edit our forum posts even if they've been replied to, in case we just can't live with that typo being there forever. Would also be useful in something like a story thread where there's a glossary or something (see: Turnip's thread), as people can still reply to that glossary post and ask questions about it while still allowing the author to edit it to add more later. Sites like Reddit (which has the closest layout to our forums, that is every reply starting its own mini thread) and many other forums of different layouts already have this capability. In addition, the mods and admins can edit posts no matter how many times it's been replied to, so we know that it's possible.

Just something I think would be neat, but definitely don't need.

[FORUMS] Allow Editing On Posts After Replies

4 years ago

I also think this could be helpful, mainly for the reasons Chris said. Perhaps you could even just make it for the Creative Corner/Writing Workshop, if that's a possibility. It would be nice to edit our stories to incorporate feedback even if someone has responded to them.

[FORUMS] Allow Editing On Posts After Replies

4 years ago

The problem with this is people going to severely abuse such powers and edit their posts to delete damning content of their ill thought out posts when it should remain as an example of their fucktardery.

Such powers should only remain in the responsible hands of the admins.

[FORUMS] Allow Editing On Posts After Replies

4 years ago

Well, we have screenshots and archives for a reason.

[FORUMS] Allow Editing On Posts After Replies

4 years ago
I will fix things in writing threads on request any time. Edit locking some fucktard who just stuck their foot in their mouth and watching them squirm is not a passtime I am willing to give up, however.

[FORUMS] Allow Editing On Posts After Replies

4 years ago
I'd agree: but if people could just delete whatever they posted I wouldn't be able to scroll through old forums and laugh at banned members rants.

[FORUMS] Allow Editing On Posts After Replies

4 years ago

This would make it possible for people to back out of contests. "I never said I was joining. That post from a month ago was just an innocent question! (after I edited it.)"

[FORUMS] Allow Editing On Posts After Replies

4 years ago

Judging by the response, I'd say it'd be best to limit it to Writing Workshop/Creative Corner, as Turnip suggested. So the reasons listed could still be used (correcting typos, keeping glossaries updated while still allowing people to reply, incorporating feedback) in those forums, while in the regular forums you can still get editlocked to hell and back.

[FORUMS] Allow Editing On Posts After Replies

4 years ago

How much would an “edited” indicator curb potential abuse, you think?

[FORUMS] Allow Editing On Posts After Replies

4 years ago

An "edited" indicator would definitely let people know that the post is, well, edited, if not completely rewritten, probably stopping some idiots from abusing it too much. I think that if there was a way for mods and admins to check what the message said before it was edited too, it would be even better, but that might be a bit too much work.