
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was accepted 12/11/2016: Going to go ahead and accept this in Alexp's stead
This feature was completed 1/10/2017: Done

Link To Minimum Site Standards in Editor

7 years ago

This one is aimed mostly at new people who create an account, don't go into the forums, and publish games that are deleted because they don't fit the minimum story requirements. I know that usually, when new people make an introduction thread in the forums, they are advised to have a look at the articles under the 'help and info' section. However, I have the feeling that the articles can on the one hand be quite easily overlooked by new members that do not join the forums, and are therefore not pointed towards them; and on the other, that important articles like the minimum site standards are less visible because there are quite a lot of articles published. 

Therefore, I propose that in the 'create storygame' menu, a link is added to the minimum site standards, so that at least the bare minimum requirements that stories have to fulfill are known. Now, I don't know how difficult this will be to implement, but I can imagine that adding the link "be sure to also check this link" at the finish screen of the story creation menu can be quite easily done. 

Link To Minimum Site Standards in Editor

7 years ago

......That's what I suggested, but with the editor.

Link To Minimum Site Standards in Editor

7 years ago

To be fair, this is kinda following on a similar suggestion I did a few weeks ago involving the forums...

Link To Minimum Site Standards in Editor

7 years ago
Minimum site standards are just a formality. If they have to be told thier story will be removed if it's shitty, then I doubt they were capable of making anything decent to begin with.

Link To Minimum Site Standards in Editor

7 years ago

I agree that it probably will not remove all the shitty stories, as people who don't listen to criticism, trolls, and the like probably won't read them anyway. However, I thought this would be a (hopefully) relatively easy way to encourage new writers who do want to write a good story, to think about their writing process, and at least make sure they follow certain standards. 

Also, as Mizal also points out below, it does take away the excuse of new writers that they 'didn't know we have minumum standards'. Which, to be fair, I think is quite plausible with their relatively low visibility at this point.

Link To Minimum Site Standards in Editor

7 years ago

This is something we've been needing for awhile. Not that I think it will stop or even slow down the kind of people who post stories that shitty, but just so they can't pretend to have an excuse. And any major rules for a site should always be available somewhere prominent, that's just common sense.

A message containing the link when they go to create a story, or even included in the automated PM you get on joining would be ideal. The problem though is that I'm not sure this is anything our active mods are able to do or if it requires Alex's input.

Link To Minimum Site Standards in Editor

7 years ago

Hit the nail on the head, sadly. I cannot implement this. I think it's a good idea though, if only to quiet protests that "well, nobody told me / I had no idea" on us having standards in the first place. So, I'll leave it in the unaddressed pile in hopes that Alex will have a chance to see it in the future.