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Humanz, Prom, and Fight on Sight Friday. -4/28th-

6 years ago

Man ain't a lot of shit happening today.

First of all, its finally here, thank god for their Gorillaz new album finally arriving. I would highly reccomend anyone to just check out Andromeda as that's probably one of their best tracks this album.

We also got prom later on tonight, were the school with the dude that asked out Emma Stone a couple of weeks back. Even though she ended up declining I'm hoping that shes doing some "Surprise, look at the camera." Type of shit and actually show up. It's a Beatle/Jhon Legend shit themed prom labeled 'imagine'  which makes me a bit salty since I missed out on the James Bond themed one last year, and were probably never going to have one like that again.

Then I guess theres a trend popping around our local highschools called 'fight on site Friday' which basically means that every friday till the end of the school year everyone  wants to have at least one fight happen on that given friday. Though there was already one yesterday and on Wensday so one today would be overkill by now. 

All of the footage of the brawls was saved on snapchat making it not shareable on youtube, making me extra salt.


Humanz, Prom, and Fight on Sight Friday. -4/28th-

6 years ago

My friends and I were considering having a choreographed fight scene at school as a senior prank, and then when everybody got in a circle around us one would be punched in the gut, bent over, and they'd pull a gelatin heart out from the person's hidden chest. Problem is, unless we were both yelling, there'd be no sound, so people would know that nothing happened instead of being jumpscared by flying guts. We also couldn't make a convincing heart mold for jello (Nor find a way to hide a jello thing for easy accessibility where it wouldn't stain and/or or fall apart) so we kinda gave up on it, since there was just as much of a chance that we'd get stopped by teachers before we could do anything as there was that people would actually pay attention.

Fight-on-Sight Friday sounds like a pretty retarded, no-effort gyp tbh. If you want a spectacle, make it good at least.

Humanz, Prom, and Fight on Sight Friday. -4/28th-

6 years ago
My high had two versions of year ending that I remember. One good, one not. In the good one, the seniors somehow snuck out furniture from the classrooms and put it on the school roof overnight, so everyone could see it the next morning. The less happy story is from a different batch who tried to blaze Batch of [Redacted] onto the school football field (with fire). They were caught, and weren't allowed to graduate that year (not sure what happened to them after). The choreographed fight sounded like a cool atleast, fight on sight... needs work

Humanz, Prom, and Fight on Sight Friday. -4/28th-

6 years ago

Your school has planned violence for no other reason than to have planned violence. Gg. This fight on site thing sounds pretty lame, but not as lame as the senior pranks at my school. Once upon a time, my high school was known for having, perhaps not the most creative, but definitely some mediocre to above average senior pranks. In past years, the senior classes have brought the principal's car into the commons, taped classroom furniture to the ceiling, and had a party on the roof for some reason. You know, basic senior prank stuff. But that all ended a few years ago.

One year, the senior class was extra evil, and they had a plan. They greased up three full sized pigs, then drew numbers on them: 1,2, and 4. I'm sure you know exactly where this is going, but just in case, I'll explain further. They released the greased pig labeled 1 into the third floor of the school right before passing period. Students came out of classrooms and madness ensued. Eventually, faculty was somehow able to grab the greased pig, put her in the elevator, and take her to wherever you take a greased up pig labeled 1. Everyone had a good laugh, thought the senior prank was over, and went back to class. The senior class responded by releasing the greased pig labeled 2 into the second floor of the school right before the next passing period. Madness ensued, followed by her eventually being caught and taken away to a farm or wherever you take a greased pig used for a senior prank. Then the senior class didn't release anything during the next period, causing a sigh of relief from faculty and sadness from students. But then, the next class, right before passing period, they released the greased pig labeled 4 into the upstairs level of the library building. The upstairs is classrooms and a hallway, so don't worry, no books were harmed. Classes got out and madness ensued, but this time they learned something about pigs. This pig would go up stairs, but she certainly wouldn't go down stairs and the library building has no elevator. So the faculty had to carry the greased pig down the stairs, that would've been a sight to see. But here's the thing, they caught pig 1, pig, 2, and pig 4, but where was pig 3? There was a school-wide search for the lost pig but by the end of the day, everyone just kind of gave up and figured it either never existed or it ran off before anyone saw it. 

Well, the seniors involved in that prank weren't allowed to walk. Ever since, my high school has had the policy that if anyone is caught participating in a senior prank, the punishment is way too harsh for the crime. In order to not stir up trouble, senior pranks have been lame ever since. When I was a sophomore, the senior class' "senior prank" was to egg the school, but not even the school, just the ground near the front entrance. Maybe if the eggs weren't easy to walk around to get to the door or maybe if there aren't eight other entrances into the main building, it would've been almost semi-okay. Just kidding, it was the dumbest senior prank ever. Then last year, the senior prank was cancelled after they posted their plans for it all over social media so that the school could see it. But that's okay, it was lame anyway. Their plan was to climb the trees on campus. That's it. Just have as many seniors as possible climb trees and sit up there during the school day. Best senior prank ever, amirite??? Dead serious, the kids planning that got suspended for a week. They got suspended for threatening to climb trees! 

This year, my class wants to have an epic senior prank, but everyone's too scared to actually have a good senior prank. However, there are rumors, whispers only (because we're not quite as stupid as the class ahead of us and wouldn't post it all over social media,) that some maniac is going to do the impossible: steal the cow. Yeah, I know, that's the dumbest thing you've ever heard, but let me explain. In the atrium at my school, there is this platform about ten feet up, right above the doorway leading to the courtyard. On this platform is a life size ceramic Cow painted vivid colors and picturing everything (insert my town name here). Still think that's the third lamest senior prank ever? Well you'd be right, but eh, the kids planning it probably won't be able to walk so that'll be interesting, to say the least. My guess is they're going to break the cow, the school's going to be pissed, and they're either going to be not allowed to graduate or they're going to have to buy and paint a new cow. Ahaha I'm looking forward to it.

Wow, I ramble a lot.

Humanz, Prom, and Fight on Sight Friday. -4/28th-

6 years ago

Pff, that's ridiculous. Back in my day, you could release /6/ numbered pigs (labelled 1-9 with 1, 7, 5, and 3 missing) into the school, and nobody would give a shit because the Ag teacher would know exactly who did it and make them put all the pigs back where they came from themselves. Ever since that day, future pranksters never greased any prank pigs again.

I don't even get why they expected there to be chaos. Even when the school gets the biannual drug search, some morons always wanna go out and pet the doggos. A confused pig is just gonna get pets and belly rubs until somebody steps in and tells them that it's time for the thing to leave.

Humanz, Prom, and Fight on Sight Friday. -4/28th-

6 years ago
My senior year had a couple pranks. The one I was involved in was us putting all the schools course material, homework, presentations, essays, etc in one dropbox and a few flash drives and handing it over to some juniors. The other notable pranks were someone stuck a big black dildo on the front office window and a couple of chickens were let loose in various places around the school.

Humanz is great. My favorite track is Let Me Out.

Didn't go to prom. Attempted to get laid by girl who also wasn't going. She chickened out and I didn't get anything. Oh well *shrug*

Humanz, Prom, and Fight on Sight Friday. -4/28th-

6 years ago

Turns out someone tipped off the staff about 'Fight on Sight Friday' so during lunch we had around four police officers at our school during lunch. They were smart about it and spread them out all around campus. When a congregation seemed to form with maybe around seven or more people they would all come out of their positions and stop everything before it could escalate.

Out of it all two freshman got suspend and everyone else was intimidated to shit.

A bit sad since i didn't get to see anything, this faze is most likely going to wear out by next friday when everyone get's all the "I can so kick everyone's ass." out of their system.

Humanz, Prom, and Fight on Sight Friday. -4/28th-

6 years ago

Humanz is great! We got the Power!

We had a "school dance" where nobody was allowed to dance. That sucked. But at least our school fights are great. We make flails out of our ID lanyards and made slingshots and swords out of sticks, and got lead pipes. Then we started fights in front of the teachers. Some of us thought it was fake, and then somebody got thrown into a cactus and another person was beaten because of their lobster fetish.

Humanz, Prom, and Fight on Sight Friday. -4/28th-

6 years ago

I remember when there used to be dances in school, in order to deal with all the kids shifting around back, the teachers decided to "compromise" by allowing you to kiss a girl if there was no tongue, your eyes were open and your hands were at the sides, for five seconds max. Fucking hilarious.